My condolences.

That is all.

11 years ago*

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if u like a game reviews shouldnt matter, just get it if u like it if not dont rage on ppl that might have like it

11 years ago

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Bet you didn't expect a knife to your throat.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I did, but I'm stupid.

11 years ago

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when I saw it in my friends activitys it was too late :~

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I remember you doing almost the same thing with Hitman!

11 years ago

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I can't trust Gearbox to make anything other than Borderlands right now.

11 years ago

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Brothers in Arms

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Hopefully this will bring us another step closer to the complete abandonment of pre-orders.

11 years ago

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More like one step closer to more derped down sequels

11 years ago

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Phew, almost bought the game the other day :P

11 years ago

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same here. good thing my wallet is empty.

11 years ago

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This is a prime example of pretty much why I have completely stopped pre-ordering any games over the past few years, which all too often end up being the latest disappointment. I want to see reviews and gameplay footage, and perhaps even a demo as well before I drop some good cash on a new game. There's so much other stuff to play anyway I don't really miss it. The last game I pre-ordered was Left 4 Dead 2 and I definitely do not regret that. I only did that after having played L4D1 though.

Also, even though the two games might not necessarily focus on the same types of gameplay I have to say it..... it sounds like the score is:

Natural Selection 2: 1
Aliens: 0

Indie game trumps AAA game. How about that?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Never preorder. Never spend more than a few dollars. Only buy games that you actually know something concrete about.

11 years ago

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I learned this from Dungeon Siege 3. Lasted until TL2 and BL2, but both of those were worth it

11 years ago

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I'm okay with preordering honestly, despite being a pretty frugal gamer. I've only preordered two games, one I definitely had a good time with (Red Orchestra 2) and the other is one of my favorite games of all time (Red Dead Redemption). I say if you're 100% sure, go for it.

11 years ago

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You can't be a frugal gamer if you buy a game for full price. That's the opposite of frugal.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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It's ironic that after people(even some of the reviewers now bashing it) have been more or less begging Sega to not abandon it are now nitpicking at every little fault of the game and even going so far as to compare it with WarZ. It's also ironic how badly nostalgia is clouding your memories if none of you remember how the singleplayer part of previous AvP games was. You cry about this one being shallow and having bad A.I. yet all previous AvP 1 and 2 were exactly the same. It was exactly the same "Go there and break/kill/steal that." that you see in this game, yet, unlike here, you mostly did it by yourself, not with a team, that's the only difference. It's funny but the bad AI is almost like a hallmark of the series, the only thing that happened on higher difficulties was enemy damage getting upped. But hey, at least AvP had predators as well right? What made AvP great were the multiplayer and the feel of the game. I cant talk about the multiplayer part, since i have not tried it yet, but the feel is still there.

I would tell you to give the game a chance, not now at full price, but when it goes on sale (even with a pirate copy if need be, there's nothing wrong with trying before buying, i do it with all expensive games), but i doubt anyone would listen, the reviews and trolling already killed it in the eyes of most people, no one will care if they release a HD graphics patch, if they fix the AI or anything else. as proof of why this mentality of "If a lot of reviews say it's good/bad it must be true." is a very bad one and why it's better to actualy try something yourself instead of randomly flaming based on other people's opinions.

11 years ago

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omg what happened? I heard some reviewers that its going to suck but never believed it since its gearbox

Can't wait for angryjoe on how disappointed he is then :D

11 years ago

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haha same here, he said on his twitter that he shot the video already and is editing it now ;)

11 years ago

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yes thanks, I wasted my money on this shit

11 years ago

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pre-purchased Torchlight 2 last year, didn't disappoint. This year, pre-purchased Don't Starve and Slender: The Arrival.

11 years ago

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I remember playing Alien vs Predator 2 and it was awsome, played the 2010 version of AvP and it was meh. Honestly, how is Aliens: CM compared to the other two? in terms of gameplay, story, features. Graphics arent a major factor for me.

11 years ago

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You and me have similar views when it comes to the AvP games.

Well the lighting is the best feature of Colonial Marines. The environments are beautiful and very detailed (even better than AvP 2010). The gunplay, animations, AI, story, and characters in general, are sub par. Shooting the aliens (and humans) is not satisfying and the AI is really quite stupid. The aliens just charge at you and the humans take cover and eventually charge at you. The jerky character animations make it difficult to hit moving targets and this is a big no no for me.

I honestly do enjoy the game though, as shoddy as it is. The Aliens atmosphere is there, it's just clouded by choppy gun play, a boring story, and typical enemy encounters.

11 years ago

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80-90% of the most important features sucked, but they're sure to win Lighting of the Year 2013.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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That was very detailed. Thank you. I do want to love this and play this, maybe when it drops to 15$. I have many doubts tho.

11 years ago

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Bad Game + RU Lock Region = ???

11 years ago

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Yes, it equals what is this i don't even.

11 years ago

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Scumbag SEGA, their latest games are always unavailable in Hong Kong...

But seeing that this game has loads of negative reviews, I won't be thinking about getting it through other ways.

11 years ago

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The fact you listen to other peoples reviews and don't create a opinion of your own just makes you a sheeple

11 years ago

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Why waste money on something that most people say is not worth it? Just to make sure they are right?

11 years ago

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It's not a waste, buying a video game is always a investment. Whether its a good investment or bad is up to you but even if it was a bad investment doesn't mean it was a waste. Also are you just going to live your entire life just assuming what either people say is correct? If so you are going to live a sad sad existance

11 years ago

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uhhh, what is this. Are you contradicting yourself?

It's not a waste
Buying video games is an investment
People told you that this game is a disappointment/waste of time
It's still not a waste

11 years ago

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Investing is different from wasting, me burning money/gambling/drinking it away is wasting. Investing is putting money down on something to gain from it. In this cause you gain experiences and knowledge. Even if they are bad experiences they are still there.

I don't know where you got those last 2 lines from, but I was super excited to play the game and didn't even realize till 3~ hours in that people were saying how bad the game was cause I never pay attention to reviewers other than entertainers like "Yahtzee" and one of the games he hates the most is one of my favorite games.

11 years ago

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I've got some ocean front time-shares in Alaska that you might be interested in investing in then.

Please don't ask any professional analysts' opinions, or that of your friends, since you wouldn't want to be a sheeple ;)

11 years ago

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OMG, Your Meaning of investment if WRONG. Can't expect more from a high school graduate only.
"BUYING" is putting money down on something to gain from it

"INVESTING is putting money down on something hoping that you will gain something from it in the future

Also your counter argument is very stupid.

Real-world logic:

Buying real estate is investing
That Real estate loses value
Real estate becomes wasted

Straightforward logic there

In your logic:

Buying real estate is investing
That real estate loses value
You gain experience and knowledge (i.e: You learned that "DO NOT INVEST IN REAL ESTATE BECAUSE ITS A RISK")
Thus that Real estate is not wasted because you gain something from it.

Yep, pretty solid logic right there. sarcasm

Please try going out next time rather than wasting your life in games streaming 24 hours a day, you'll learn more. Or better, go to college and get a Philosophy subject named "Logic"

11 years ago

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At the very least if the general consensus is the game is bad, you should just wait until it goes on sale or something. Definitely don't pay full price if everyone is harping that it's a bad game and you're going to regret your purchase. Likewise, don't to spend a bunch of money on something like a game and try to act like you enjoy it solely because it was a bad buy. It won't kill you to not have a triple A game at full price as soon as it's released. Nowadays, nearly every triple A title is a cash grab. They fuel up the hype train, collect as many people as they can pay off or trick into saying IT'S GONNA BE A GREAT GAME and then when the train comes in it's nothing but manure and you're left holding a ticket for some. The consumer at large needs people to tell them 'hey, it's a bad game' because some of us don't have money to blow on a title that is a waste of money, y'know?

11 years ago

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Bullshit bro. There's too many games to play in your entire lifetime out there, so if it's not a waste of money it's a waste of time. If you value your life that much then play good games and don't argue that Aliens or Superman64 are good games >.<

11 years ago

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Yeah, basically everyone agreeing that the game is a POS, even reviewers I trust. Yes, you are supposed to avoid this like the plague. Even more when most of the game problems are not even in the realm of opinion.

11 years ago

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Have no sympathy for those who bought in early. Serves you right.

11 years ago

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I love this quote:

Siding with the aliens is far more fun; believe me when I tell you there are fewer things in gaming more satisfying than creeping above a frantic marine and biting a hole through their face just in the instant they turn in your direction. It never gets old.

lol Sold!

11 years ago

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BREAKING NEWS!!!!!! An Aliens game is sub-par. This happens with pretty much every Alien or Alien Vs Predator game.

11 years ago

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Can you explain yourself please?

11 years ago

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I got Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 for $ 10.50 with the credit ($12) from it and discount so it's not all that bad. The game is OK though can't find people in multiplayer.

11 years ago

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You are probably much better off playing NS2 for the multiplayer experience.

11 years ago

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That's quite a snobby attitude to have. Some people enjoy the game more than others.

There are several things about the game that need to be improved upon. But I'm a huge fan of the film, so getting to experience more of that universe is worth the price I paid.

11 years ago

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Except you're not experiencing more of that universe. You're experiencing some bastardized cash-in that disrespects the source material.

11 years ago

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lol, no disrespect to you, but I laughed after reading bastardized :P

In what way is it bastardized though? I recognised several locations from the film and familiar ahhhhhh moments. Even the tense atmosphere was done well when I was walking through an area filled with facehuggers.

11 years ago

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Hicks being alive (and the ridiculous explanation for how he is alive) is one big thing. Also the aliens that lack the stealth, speed, and damage capability of any aliens in the movies.

Another thing that bothers me is Gearbox's refusal to make a female playable character. I am not sure if they rectified this (I know they backed off on some of their statements, but not sure if they actually worked a female into the game or dlc as playable) but seems like a very odd move given the focus on strong female characters in the franchise.

11 years ago

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Well I've only played 1.5 hours, but so far, Hicks has only featured in the opening cutscene to explain what happened on LV-426. I'm assuming that's his only appearance because he's very much dead in Alien 3, which takes place before the events of Colonial Marines lol. I'm playing on Ultimate Bad Ass difficulty and these aliens are kicking my ass. They can sometimes kill me in one hit, despite having full stats...

There's actually a female marine that joins you near the start of the game and so far, she's still alive! As for a playable character, I haven't checked the co-op yet so I wouldn't know.

11 years ago

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According to this Colonial Marines takes place after Alien 3. If you look at Hicks' entry in that same wiki you will see that there is actually a fairly convoluted explanation for how he survives Alien 3.

11 years ago

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Yes, that's what I said. You must have misunderstood the way I wrote it :P

Oh cmon, so the body they found in Alien 3 actually wasn't actually Hicks? They took him out of the cryo chamber and put someone else in? Talk about messing with the story from the films, they botched that up good.

11 years ago

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Yeah, I apologize. Your tone and my tiredness resulted in me misreading your initial comment.

However, I still think bringing him back was a mistake, especially with the weak explanation they provide.

11 years ago

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I actually really enjoy the game, so much so I would say it is 8/10 worthy. It is kind of akward at times with the alien climbing controls but I honestly don't see why people are trashing on it so much.

11 years ago

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I don't even develop games, but I can think of 20 changes/additions right now, that would have improved the game and made you say "Wow, this is amazing."

11 years ago

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You'd be surprised, I am the kind of guy who refuses/almost never changes controls in a game, cause I want to play the game the devs made and how they think it should be played. I also never mod games, even in games that almost everyone mods such as skyrim.

11 years ago

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I understand where you're coming from, but in some cases games are built to make money rather than provide an enjoyable experience for the players. Companies want their game to sell because they need to cover their costs and earn money from their job. Mods on the other hand, are developed by dedicated gamers who don't have to worry about profits or loss. A lot of the time you'll find user made mods improve games so much more, because the gamers are passionate about improving the experience and not concerned with making money or meeting a deadline.

11 years ago

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I can understand that, the mod decision is a personal decision more than anything because it feel's like someone dedicated time and effort into this and then someone else comes along and makes the 2.0 and gets more credit.

For example say I painted the original mona lisa but Leonardo here takes it then remakes it better infront of me and gets famous for it. In the end I feel like a failure and Leonardo all he did was improve on my idea and didn't do the hard work.

So it really is more just of a appreciation level that I have for the dev's is why I refuse to mod. Cause sure even if the company as a whole is just some money grubbers trying to make a quick buck. More often than not the dev's put hard work and effort into making the game as enjoyable as possible within their limits.

11 years ago

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Also check op's profile, see if he has game, he doesn't, thinks he knows how good the game is without playing just cause some reviewers said it was bad. Sheeple gonna sheep

11 years ago

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Yeah, that's no surprise. He's just being a complete douche.

11 years ago

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Everytime someone posts something without having tried it themselves...

11 years ago

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Because its impossible to own the console version? ;)

11 years ago

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Did you preorder the game?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Also this

Can't make clicky links in my tablet

11 years ago

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This is seriously not a case of that. Also, I still refuse to believe that anyone can have a say on a matter who hasn't experienced the game first hand meaning most of your opinions are invalid to me.

11 years ago

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Can you please point out where I said my "opinion"on the game. I haven't said anything about the game yet all throughout this thread.

11 years ago

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I have some heroin to sell you then.

11 years ago

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Where is the joke "still better than call of duty"? I am amazed that no-one said that, usually this joke is at every bad game

11 years ago

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But the game is not bad.

11 years ago

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Its very bad.

11 years ago

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Did anyone really expect anything other?

I mean, It looked good, from what I saw, but I always had that voice in the back of my head saying it's gonna fail lol.

11 years ago

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The game isn't bad

11 years ago

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you're's TERRIBAD

11 years ago

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I'm glad that you like it. Most people appear to disagree with you though. There are people who enjoy Twilight. Most reasonable people realize that it's a bad book and a bad movie and the same goes with this game.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by BernardoOne.