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It's a video of her reading a book, you should give it a try.
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Can anyone else confirm this as one of the answers because I tried it for all the ones I didn't already have a correct answer for and it was wrong for all of them.
Edit: Just realized it is probably one of the girls with multiple names/answers.
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I would if I could. But that would be breaking the rules.
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Oh, man! I was spelling it wrong. No wonder. Thanks! :)
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Noooo! Stop posting! It's going to be trivial with all the names.
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Please tell me you are blacklisting the people that are making shit up and purposefully trolling the thread.
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What are you doing with pictures of my girlfriends?
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No thanks. She's mine. She lives in my mom's basement with me.
We play this game where she pretends that she doesn't want to be there, and that i convince her she does want to be there. Its cute.
We were meant for each other. My mom didn't understand, and we had an argument. she slapped me, i slapped her. She doesn't talk, move or shower anymore. Which is too bad, because i Think Piper was a little grossed out by the smell when she first met her. Piper asked me to help her bathe my mother, which was weird. She was all "Oh god, help me!". Piper is so considerate and caring. Someone that special needs to be protected. That perfect skin can't be damaged by sunlight, which is why she can't leave the basement. I know it bums her out. She cries, because she wants to go outside, but she knows that its unhealthy. She'll get over it.
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Do we have all the answers? I seem to be missing 3 :)
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No comments on that one :P
But I can't seem to find any names on those last 3 either. Guess I'll just have to wait and get lucky if someone shares a name I need :)
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Dam I found number 3 but 8 and 14 are literally impossible to find for me or maybe I just cant seem to match the faces anymore. Anyone who hasn't posted mind posting a name? I could post a name you all need without saying which one it is if you know what I mean.
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Same ones I'm missing. Can't seem to find them nowhere. But then again, I've only done a gogole imagesearch.
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Same here, feels like I've wasted most of my sunday for nothing. lol!
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Thanks!, Now just need number 14 which seems highly unlikely to be found
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You serious? On my quest now then. Hopefully you aren't lying tho
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Mind posting it ? if you haven't posted anything yet
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Someone had this for an answer (and someone else had a name very similar to this), but they deleted it so I don't know if this counts as my one answer. A reply from Hanneman would be nice.
Only missing 2 and 3 now. :(
Now only 3.
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Yup, I saw that too. The password is only for the archiving site I think; the actual place where the threads are coming from is 4chan.
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I think this is a first for Steamgifts puzzles... o_O
I can honestly say that I can only recognize one out of the twenty pictures though...
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I'm totally stealing this format later. Except it will just be pictures of asses.
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I wish she would do more than what she has. She's awesome.
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The guys have shared 6 of the answers so far, you can give those a try.
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I just realized, just about every porn star that's not exclusively in movies usually has more than one name, I notice you didn't account for that for at least one of the girls so far. Do the rest of them only have one name as an answer?
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Honestly, with the right girls I could probably identify 200.
Knowing 20 porn stars (and considering how long ::the one linked by Salionski:: has been in the business) is not that many to even a casual enthusiast.
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Hmm, who knew that doing a Google image search would lead to porn? certainly not me ;)
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I've recognized only two of them, mama, be proud of me! xD
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Very, very clever method you used for this. I'm still missing some of the answers, but I might employ your idea in the future ^^
Edit: Only #16 left
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16 is the only one I know :) Except the #4 of course.
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Am I REALLY the only one here who doesn't recognise any of these people?? I feel kinda disturbed that so many people are able to recognize them... 0_o
Edit: I mean I don't recognize these people NOR their "work". I think that sort of stuff is disgusting... (-_-)
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Wait what? You own a computer and don't use it for porn? I am amazed. Also you don't have to do the puzzle and the puzzle only shows faces so it's not like you were forced to see anything.
Only person I recognized was because of Entourage and her her movie with Soderbergh but to call people disgusting because they recognized others just seems silly this day and age.
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I really have better use for my computer than looking at porn. In fact, I think using computers for porn is a waste of techology.
I didn't say I despise people who were able to solve this puzzle. I said I think porn is digusting, not necessarily the people who watch it. People are free to do what they want with their free time, but I find it despicable that some people are willing to disgrace themselves in making porn to bring some sick amusement to other people.
That said, I have no issue with this puzzle nor people who have solved it. It's just that I find porn itself absolutely disgusting...
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Some could say that, it's true. But I think looking at porn is frowned upon much more commonly than playing video games. I don't know any people who would say looking at porn is a much better way to spend your time than playing video games.
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First you act all disgusted and surprised about porn, which, in moderation, is a fun thing that helps a lot of people attain pleasure, explore their sexuality and, as an industry (not saying it's all good, but hey), provides jobs for tens of thousands of people and then you go on to guess it has something to do with your gender. Fun times. "Girls don't watch porn, eeewww!" is the only thing that comes close to how much I hate people saying "Girls don't play videogames!"....
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Well I believe porn is mostly aimed to males. That's why I'm claiming porn makes more sense if you look at it as a male. Some females might also enjoy porn, but I personally have never understood what's so fascinating about it. It might have something to do with my gender, then again, it might not. I'm just guessing since I don't know for sure.
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Okay, maybe I'll just stop commenting in this tread. I still don't understand porn, but I'll let those of you who like it enjoy it in peace. I understand my ranting will not do anything to the fact that there will always be porn and there will be always people who enjoy it.
Maybe this wasn't my kind of conversation to begin with :)
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People of the SteamGifts, we seriously need some kind of convention, or gathering, Maru needs sex :<
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Yeah, I hate that i have a "demand", and someone is trying to give/sell me a "supply"!
I hate the grocery store too, for that same reason. I'm hungry, so they try to SELL me food!? Disgusting bastards!
Seriously though, I don't think its exploiting. People are willing to pay for this content, thus they sell this content. I think we'd be living in society with much more problems, if porn didn't exist.
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Well, either way, creators of porn profit. Either through ads, direct payment, etc.
Pay for porn? I got to have hard copies. What happens when the Zombie Apocalypse hits, and we lose power? No internets. Porn will become the new currency, and I'll be rich!
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I made it to the end, and I had no idea who any of these people were before I started.
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42 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by grimfandango8888
218 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by Sakakino
264 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by ThePaladin
3 Comments - Last post 59 minutes ago by Akylen
35 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by devotee
170 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by TeDGamer
40 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by makki
9,903 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by letsmaybeLP92
14 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by Ad4m
508 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by HustlaOG
851 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by Tristar
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17,439 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by Riszu
1,618 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by yugimax
Yay, when I registered in SG I never thougt I would giveaway something, and here I am, so here is a puzzle for you guys and once the giveaway ends my contributor value will be over $100.
Since the puzzle has many questions, ONE USER can share JUST ONE answer by replying to the first reply to this thread, but you can share only names, you can't share to which question it belongs. If you brake this rule, I can add your name to the black list.
By entering to the giaway you agree with that I can post your nick in this thread and if your nick is in the black list below I will ask for a re-roll.
Q: How many points do I need to enter to the giveaway? A: You need 50 points.
Q: Do I need to have contributor value to enter? A: Nope.avi
Q: How much time do we have to solve the puzzle? A: The giveaway ends on Oct, 26th..
Q: Your inventory is public and there isn't any 50 points game, you liar. A: I can buy it right before give it to the winner, can't I?
The Wall Of Shame
AKA entries so far (Thanks to Marmots for wall of shame thing): jatan11t Nekto89 RyoKawakita Max422 Soturak PingWIN7 moemustaine Fet pwnflakes Ufoleet Gh0st233 Freitas ZeCC93 ViTALiTY Ashlom Wachileirinpei X3NOS Araita sardanapal ariadourden deathbunny32 Mystix426 m4ttz SimplyAaron Kryzoid ElMatadorYTyrannos iamblack FeO Ronik paulomorbeck Rorrim Kelvan VivisectorITA Manoli cn47 demyztikx Marmots ffrreeaakk1 kid38 nightwolf Marranitow kiltromon bobofatt VulcanoChile Celdiruen Malvoisin Malvoisin TheDarkSoldierCL foulcoon DetectiveThompson Crazze47 xzoltan84 LobkoviyVolos Moode piw1 halnco eric1894 InfiniteEvil Funsize cams02 dannielCZ sergicz lPwnD Teiwaz demien DeadLink Puddingteilchen Nick1337 PE99 coolfox Rikitiki PoherFace kukumberz AviDx try2k wirefly7 bugsbony suawek Vacry Yasiek HolyDiver ViciousCrow L0KI darksquallleon Nickyiv Aleh29 slimcheg MindbendeR MtiC sirger Psymon cham0d PKeeper Cry4Heal Snow groland chaos176 RelaxTea Fragy wienna
Users in the black list: Whoever made a thread on a chinese forum
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