Tic Tac Toe, stuff like that? There are tons of these things. :)
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Something like that. And could you give examples? ^_^
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Little inferno is a great game that only requires the mouse to play. it is a puzzle game so it could be hard to progress, but it is just about burning stuff so you don't really need to progress all that fast :D
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Instead of video games, what about some crossword puzzles? They would (probably) also help with training his knowledge.
That reminds me ... what about You Don’t Know Jack?
Edit: Also most point&click adventures should work fine with just one hand, though some of them have tough puzzles.
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Do you have any suggestions when it comes to point and click games?
About the puzzles, that's a nice suggestion, never thought of that. Puzzles with words might be a bit too much at the moment, but I'll look into it. Thanks!
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Point-and-click games might be too hard for him as some of them require a bit of reading.
The Book of Unwritten Tales would probably be a good choice. I thought the puzzles in it were pretty easy and it was fully voice acted.
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Seems like a nice little game. Thanks for the suggestion!
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I'm very sorry to hear about your uncle.
I think, maybe just some casual games? Solitaire and the like.
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Solitaire might be a bit too much but who knows. Thanks for the suggestion.
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try turn based strategy games as they would wait for him to make his input without rushing him.
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If the game is simple/easy enough, sure... games like Civ 5 or XCOM are out of the question, obviously.
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im sorry to hear that :/.
maybe its not that simple, but.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5_ZkHj5RtE
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I'd try some "contemplative" games like Dear Esther, when mostly all you do is walk. But if he can only uses one hand I dunno if he will be able to play well. Maybe you could play it for him to watch.
I remember playing Pokemon back then with only one hand when I broke my left arm, but if you say he cannot read very well at this point..
My condolences about whatever happened to him :( It's great for you to trying to cheer him up! ^^
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Those seem to be a bit out of the question considering his condition, but I appreciate the kind words. ^_^
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Way too hard for a guy recovering from brain damage.
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Osmos seems interesting and I never heard of it. Will look into it.
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Probably can, just need to sit there with hand on the space bar ready to pause before you do anything then back to the mouse for everything else.
However, I wouldn't suggest FTL since it requires a fair amount of reading and the font isn't the easiest font to read.
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Heard Plants VS Zombies is a very simple game, but guess it would be best for him at a later stage. Thanks for the suggestions!
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I would suggest Hearthstone. I mean, depending on how difficult reading is for him it might be too reading intensive. But as card games go it's pretty simple and is completely played with the mouse.
Hope you get some great suggestions!
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Not sure if would be a good idea, might be a bit difficult for him since his reading skill isn't at its best at the moment. Card games aren't really his type of thing either. Appreciate the suggestion a lot though, thanks!
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Ah, I hated that game so much. xD
I own it and might give it a try with him, kinda forgot about it.
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Agreed! Thanks for the awesome suggestion, it's a great game. ^_^
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Yes they are.
this are the first two games in the saga (the real saga) and there is plenty more
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visual novels i think.. Point and click?...Don't starve maybe?... Tetris is great too you have to use a brian little by little. "Kick it up" for pc? it helps with timing etc... And dunno others.. But search for point and click games, or easy games visual novels etc..
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Kick It Up? I'm afraid I never head of it.
Added Tetris to the list, thanks.
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In my time was called kick it up.. you use the pad number =P. Im sure you will know it like Pump it up..
but 10 years ago aprox was called KIck it up (KIU)
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Oh, nice! I get what you mean now. xD
I didn't really know that those even existed.
Not sure if they're available for PC now... are they?
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Never heard of kick/pump it up,but the concept is something I've seen. I know there's a popular version of this called DDR(dance dance revolution) which is probably more recognised so OP might have heard of it. I know there's something similar for pc,It's called stepmania. Development isn't going too well but the latest version is stable and bug-free. You only need four keys for it so it's playable with one hand,the speed is customizable so if it's too hard for him to keep up you can turn it down,and many songs come with difficulty settings so you can start with "easy mode" of sorts. There are also noteskins/themes if the arrows being all flashy disturbs him. For beginner friendly packs I recommend the FFR novice compilation and the ace of hearts main pack as they both have a lot of songs with optional easy difficulty. If he liked the ace main pack,the Vocaloid Collaboration Project has beginner-friendly files in every single pack so far; If not,try the video game mix&megapack,it might suit him better,though it might be too hard. If you know a favorite song of his,try searching for it in this website,or just google it. FFR and Stepmania online have a nice compilation of packs so look there if you still haven't found anything.
Also,I'd recommend staying away from visual novels for the moment if reading is hard for him,unless he can handle it well if the text is big and in small paragraphs. If that's the case feel free to bug me and I'll dig some fitting games for him.
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That's AMAZING. The kind of game you're hinting at would probably be the best for him, and sounds like great fun as well. I saved each one of the links you gave me and will get it to work on his PC as soon as I can. I'm sure he'll like it! Thank you so much!
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I'll be talking about steam games
BIT.TRIP series might be good... maybe...
I would say mcpixel but... that will probably end up hurting him more...
Snuggle truck
Thomas was alone
World of goo might be a fun game too, maybe in "Free mode"
From that list I'll make a top 3
1) Chime
2) Snuggle Truck
3) World of goo
In any case hope any of those helps you :) good luck and best wishes
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Awesome, those sound like nice games.
Thanks a lot! :D
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I came here to say Thomas Was Alone. I did most of it using just one hand on the keyboard, and all the story is fully voiced.
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Awesome! I know how the game is like even though I never played it, I might even start off with that one.
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I think it's only 10-15 minutes long and i believe you can play it with mouse only if you rebind controls
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LIMBO actually crossed my mind as well, but never thought of Pid.
Thanks for the suggestions!
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You could try point and click games, I know most people hate them, but I'm obsessed with them, they just have such a good story, I saw a few alright ones on steam but don't remember there name. I would probably try suggesting something similar to mobile games, like something such as angry birds where you can simply fling birds at pigs is one handed and simple enough of a premise. They have it on PC and there could be lots of others that was also ported over.
I hope everything goes well for you, similar thing happened to my dad so I hope things get better for your uncle, especially if he starts playing games.
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Yeah, something like that, or Candy Crush even.
He has a working phone, so who knows.
Thanks a lot for the suggestions and wishes.
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Gos please don't play Candy Crush. Play an alternative game, just not anything made by King.
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Buy him an iPad or something. Lots of simpler, shorter one-touch games.
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With everything that happened we kinda spent a lot of money because of him to make his house more friendly for him and soon we'll buy him a wheelchair. But thank you, it's a nice suggestion regardless.
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My uncle had a stroke two years ago, a really bad one. Long story short, it affected half of his brain and therefore his body. He used to be a very intelligent man and possessed a lot of knowledge about many things, most of it seems to have been lost, though.
Another thing is that he loved video games.
He used to play a bit of what I play. Dragon Age, Mass Effect, strategy games like Age of Empires, FPS with good campaigns, Tomb Raider. But those are a bit too advanced for him to play at the moment.
Half of his body is paralyzed, along with his left arm/hand.
What I really need help with is...
I need suggestions for a SIMPLE game he could play. Even though he got A LOT better over the months, he is mentally debilitated at the moment. To give an example, only a few months ago he started using the buttons of the tv controller correctly. And still it's not easy...
What I am wondering IS...
What games do you think would be best for someone with only one hand available (his right hand), where half of his brain is still recovering?
Take note that reading might also be very hard for him, so I need simple, very simple games to start with.
All help would be appreciated.
Important edit:
I will be sending invites to a few people to enter my group.
I will giveaway Dishonored - Game of the Year Edition to you guys who helped, and might even create a few other group GAs along the way. Thanks!
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