Bought russian key or some payment didnt go through probably
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I'd replace the phrase "confused you with one of those scammers" with "identified you as one of those scammers". I'm certain he's not as innocent as he's pretending to be.
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I know how you feel, my steam account was suspended for no reason at all, when I contacted steam support they told me it was a stolen account, I showed them proof of ownership (cd key + ticket numbers, purchase method) and they completely ignored me and said the usual copy/paste s****.
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Can you at least play the games that you bought in the past or have all your games been disabled?
It's shit like this that really makes me hope Desura or the new GOG or some other company will dethrone Steam as the most popular digital distributor.
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You know what would be crazy? If everyone on Steamgifts (the whole 95k members) switched to Desura. Like, right now. We all go on Desura and each buy a 1$ game.
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I already use Desura and Indievania way more than Steam. =)
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While that is true, if a coordinated campaign did something like that, it would definitely get their attention because they'd realize they just lost $100,000 that, otherwise, would have gone to them. In other words, it'd send a pronounced message.
Anyway, I like the idea. If Steam continues its downhill trend and someone could organize a movement for Steam users to voice their various concerns in this way it would a good idea to see in action.
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this is disturbing, why dont you post this on the steam forums ? probably a valve employee can help you out
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Unfortunately if you post this on the forums they will tell you (in a nice way of course) to F*** off. And say the usual bs like, "we cant solve your issue go to steam support" pretty much a dead end, I wish they had a phone number or something I'd Prank them every day.
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Pranking them will not solve anyone's problems. And if anything, it gives them more reason to not have a phone number to call.
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Don't ask for help then. Show the steam community of their employers are.
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If he posted this on the GOG forums they'd probably explode (in his defence). Of course that would somewhat be preaching to the choir.
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Things to expect when contacting steam support
When I contacted EA support with regards to my origin account, it took me literally 10 minutes to resolve everything, Steam needs to get their act together!
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hmm, when i chated with EA they let me join some strange site and kicked me then, I get spam now... After that I got a mail saying that they're not supporting the activation of EA-Games via Origin ^^
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The only time I had to contact the Steam Support, it took me 2 days, tops. I couldn't buy a game... the error given out was some bullshit generic code. I contacted them and they told me my account only allowed me to access a single store, the one corresponding to the country I specified on my account. They removed the lock and everything turned out fine. Guess I'm lucky.
My worst experience was with the Xbox LIVE support. Oh gawd the humanity! Took me a week to contact some Indian dudes in India trying their best at English. That, or retarded adults. Yes I'm still mad about this after two years, because now my Xbox is an expensive brick... they wouldn't change my Locale, which means I'd have to make an account for every country I move to (and I move a lot) to access their crappy store.
No offense meant to Indian or retarded dudes and gals who don't work for the Xbox Live Support.
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I guess if there's money involved, suddenly the support is all nice and available. Considering OP's case, Steam is probably counting on the fact that he'll make another account and start buying games again. By locking his account, they're guaranteeing themselves they're not responsible for the "fraudulent" purchases anymore, they are void of any legal obligation - if someone sues Valve because their credit card was used to buy some games, they can counteract right away since the account is locked.
Keep in mind with EULAs though, (since there was a bit about the Agreement in the exchange) some stuff is not applicable, like waiving your right to sue. Steam apparently automatically locks accounts when several purchases are detected at once and then links their Agreement as if it's an automated excuse-making machine. My advice is to read it through and pick out the parts that apply to one's problem. Then contact the support, quote the parts that could help your cause, and if they don't do anything get a lawyer right away. If this plays out nicely you can get every game on Steam with your settlement.
-Note that everything I wrote above is only my two cents and not proof of what Steam is really doing. Even worse, it's not even sound legal advice.
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For me, it was pretty much the other way around: When I had an issue with EA (not about Origin, though), they took two weeks to answer, then just gave me a oneliner that didn't solve my problem. To be fair, that was more than 10 years ago, though.
Steam support, on the other hand, replied to my thread within 10 minutes, and fixed the issue after another 20 minutes.
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When I had a problem with an EA game on Steam they activated all my EA games on Origins and gave me a free game of choice. All in a matter of minutes. Some of my SSteam tickets get resolved in weeks or never looked/boiler plate ignored. So it depends who on Steam eventually reads your ticket...
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Out of curiosity, do you still have the date of your ticket? Origin was launched approximately in June-July 2011, so if you were near that time, I suppose they had lots of employees with too much free time set for this sole purpose.
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If it makes you feel better, I saw what you were doing there, bro.
+1 from me for not being 12 years old like certain other people.
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ikr? im friends with a guy named gabe newell or sumthing lolz i have so many friends i dont remember them all!!!!!!!
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If they restricted your account, they had a good reason to do it. They might have had reason to believe you were using stolen CC to get your steam wallet money?
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I don't think Radi3nt meant "Then why didn't they just tell me so instead of blocking my account?", I think he meant "Then why didn't they just tell me so in addition to blocking my account?". To use your analogy: if someone robs a bank, they get told why they're being arrested.
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True, I've read an article about something like that (he was banned from trading, i think). And as far as I remember RPS contacted Valve and helped a guy out.
But really, "how Valve treats their customers"? That's a simple mistake, yes, it happens, but it's not like they said: "F**k you, we don't care, we just need your money"
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Not explaining to him the exact reason for closing his account, labeling it as a generic "fraudulent activity" issue and then closing his ticket is kind of equivalent to "Fuck off", IMO.
I've only contacted Steam support once, but to me it was like talking to a brick wall. They are not terribly great at the whole 'customer satisfaction' thing in that specific category.
Not saying Valve might not have a valid reason for closing the account, we're only hearing this guy's side of the story after all.
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Over my time on steam i have contacted support around 10 times. each and every one were a positive experience to me. most recent being the ss3 coupons not working on the 4 pack So they must have SOME people who work there that arent complete tools.
I personally think that this guy atleast deserves to know why. As far as i can see there isnt a reason not to tell him.
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We're only hearing this guy's story and in my eyes it's a terribly suspicious one. People here seem to be buying this, but they don't have the full picture. I bet a thousand bucks he knows perfectly well what he did wrong, just pretends innocent. It's not like I haven't met people like that before in my life. I'm no longer as naive as I used to be and it's harder to fool me now with such stories.
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That is often the case. Naive or not, people listen and take his side because it's a common cause for worriment. We may not own the games we purchase, but we 'do' own the account. Anything affecting the account should be explained to us.
You can't dispute what you don't know. I don't know if he really is guilty of what valve suggest. That frankly isn't a concern of mine. What is a concern of mine, is the disability to dispute such claims.
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Yep, that's Valve for you. Not surprising
edit: btw i see you've done some trading. is it possible a game you got from trading was revoked or something? is anything missing from your library? although that'd make it pretty stupid of Valve to say that YOU abused the store
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You never did. With boxed copies, you own the boxing and the physical medium, but not the game software itself. You just buy a license to use it on a DVD in a box. It hardly is news :)
Also, OP still can play his games, just can't buy/trade new ones.
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Well, actually my first ban is because of paypal. Second ban is because i received a gift fro mmy friend which was banned because of hsi paypal. However, there's nothing wrong with my paypal. Their reason is "exploiting Steam Store" which has nothing to do with Paypal.
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This is for all of you who are using Steam. Just want you guys to know what Valve did to my account and maybe some of you guys too. Please read this before making a commnet.
Last Wednesday, I received this alert from Steam Support.
Alert from Steam
Yes, my account got restricted although I haven't done anything wrong. I submitted a ticket to Steam Supportand ask them.
My ticket and how they response
Exploiting Steam Store ? What is that ? I asked them for more information.
My question
They refused to tell me why and refused to assist me. They restricted me for a very funny reason and now they don't want to give me proof. That's how Valve treats their customer. I understand now. Maybe my account is restricted forever but I hope you guys can see how Valve works.
P/S: Here's my Steam Store History for you guys. The only thing suspicious here is the Steam Wallet thing but there're no such rule that I cannot add Steam Wallet 5$,10$ many times.
Store History
Only 2 banned, i was wrong
First case
First case
Second case
Second case
About my second case, I'm living in the US, my paypal is an US account, all of my purchased were from Paypal Balance not my creditcard.
P/S #2: My retail games are from amazon. All my paypal money has gone to Valve Corp. also.
P/3 #3: They just closed my ticket. I had to reopened it. P/S #4: My first ban is because of paypal. Second ban is because i received a gift from mmy friend which was banned because of hsi paypal
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