Summer sale is summer sale, not holiday sale as far as I know.
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Maybe because it was the latest group fro ma seasonal sale, so more people would be in it ?
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I just checked my profile, and it looks like the summer camp group is down or something. When I click it, it just redirects me to the community home page while the holiday sale still has its group page up. Maybe that's why? If they made a new group, that'd be WAY too obvious, but they still want to give a hint?
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Summer is a holiday, lol. Steam isn't just for kids.
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Maybe it's a cultural holiday in your culture, but beside that in the world the only different thing about summer is that schools don't work. It's not like winder is a holiday because there's no harvesting of certain foods.
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summer is a holiday, you have the Summer Solstice, just as in winter you have the Winter Solstice true they will be 2-3 weeks off on the summer , but winter is right there on time.
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Haha Summer is a holiday? I guess maybe for you highschoolers!
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in some countries they say summer is a holiday as the students have 2 and a half months of holidays (as in vacation). So they usually tell that as an holiday and not and season.
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Yeah, but it's only for children, the rest of people continue as nothing happened.
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Maybe parents and teachers, but it doesn't make it a real holiday. :|
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+20 for all your earlier posts - I thought that I write this here and not "true that", "exactly" beneath each and every of your posts ;)
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No need to swear like a child. Thanksgiving is a holiday. Summer is a season. Just because you are off school for 2 months does not make summer a holiday.
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I can see some people calling the Summer Break from school a "Holiday". However, the discussion came up due to the fact that Steam itself wouldn't call Summer a holiday since it's not really correct.
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Because in their country it probably is.
Take a chill pill, Will....
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+1 I constantly check my phone during summer sales for those flash sales.
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The Summer Sale's group is the Summer Camp. BUT it won't open. Just redirects to the Steamcommunity's main page!
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Oh please...stop teasing us. We've been frothing at the mouth anticipating great deals on many games it seems like so long now... ok, I'm done whining. The summer sale is sneaking up and about to breathe its hot breath down your neck - do you have NHOs just thinking about it? (evil laugh goes here xD)
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I care much less about it than i did the last times. The previous Summer and Holiday sales were just repetitions of older sales. Same games, same discounts, no community games (achievement hunt, etc)
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I hope with the trading cards we'll have some good fun games around the summer sale that'll keep us interested :D
Otherwise amazon and gmg and even nuuvem will have the better sales =(
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yeah i liked that made me play some of those indie games i had from bundles
some where much better then i thought they would be
except i still care for this sale because i have credit thanks to selling Cards
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I don't know why this suddenly hit me, but the fourth of July makes so much sense. A week from Thursday, and it's a holiday in America at least. They could very well start their summer sale on the fourth, and it would explain the two week countdown and the use of the Holiday group.
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I really hope you're right about that... I'd have more muneyz to spend in that case.
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every steam user from america has to give me 50$ ,har har har
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3 things with that.
1.) America, or the USA for our picky international gents, was born long before the 4th of July 1776.
2.) USA declared its independence on 4th of July, well really the 2nd of July.
3.) The USA is one of the largest countries, 3rd, both in land mass and GDP.
But yes.
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Thats what its best known for, also Pizza is a vegetable!
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That very much depends on how you define a "continent". One such definition is that of a "continuous land mass", meaning that North and South America would count as a single continent. Also Europe and "mainland" Asia.
Your understanding of the word's meaning, and how many continents there are in the world, is likely to vary depending on your country of origin, or where you were educated.
Ultimately "continent" is a convention rather than a strict, universally upheld definition, and its usage varies.
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Of course, that requires arbitrary distinctions on what delineates a continent. If you consider North and South America a continent, then logically, Asia and North America are also one continent. One could even argue that there's only one continent, considering the relatively tiny separations between the dry land masses.
But, to the average person, North and South America are two continents, and when someone speaks of "America", everyone knows that they're referring to the US. Much as how people don't normally refer to Indians as "Asians".
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Much of Latin America consider "America" to be a single continent, and this is the model taught in their education systems, so it's not as clear cut as that.
As I said, it very much depends on where you come from, and/or where you underwent your education.
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That varies more than I thought, according to wikipedia, there are many ways to count the continents.
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how can we see that?When we will see that sales will be already started i think :(
EDIT:maybe here?
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I love the Game Arts on that group! :D
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The Amazon Summer sale already passed a few weeks ago I believe.
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I dunno.. been saving lots of wallet from profits from selling cards .. Im excited
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Yes and no. Amazon has amazing deals, but Steam sometimes has things on sale that Amazon doesn't. I think we should be excited because more sales = better prices.
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10th anniversary news: Amazon Joins Valve to rule the internet.
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So the sale would either start on the 4th or 11th of July?
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Yup, seen them there.
But lack of news can mean something - it's easy to make week-long deal longer, isn't it :P
But I still think Valve wouldn't miss 4th July as start...
Edit: ho, and News Appeared, along few more titles. Guess they won't miss 4th July :P
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Look at the bottom of the page...1 event in the next 2 weeks...hope it's true and not a troll :/ Clicky
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