Hi there!

Donkey Crew, creators of the most popular mod for Mount&Blade: Warband cRPG, have started a kickstarter campaign for backing their own game Melee: Battlegrounds (cRPG is a multiplayer mod with rpg elements like exp, skills, clans and so on). It looks really promising (to be honest I think it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen). There aren't a lot of details yet but it seems it will have one of the best fighting system in video games because weapons are physical object so they collide and you can hit literally anywhere in 360 degrees.

Five game modes and they've done their own mode named Stronghold. Imagine building a castle with your team, buying siege equipment and creating strategy (multiplayer RTS actually). Then you attack your enemy castle and they can attack yours! And you're the fighter! It's damn awesome! I can't believe something like this can exist! Up to 200 players on server! And they said even "wooden pc" can handle it due to their own engine!

Here's the link, btw - Melee: Battlegrounds

Their website - melee..org

Their subreddit - Here

First trailer - Here

NEW trailer about Stronghold mode - Here

Ultimate awesomeness - 360 degrees attacks

Armory - just some stuff

Music sample - Here

9 years ago*

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