Yeah, I can see that as a problem if you don't like blue, lol...
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Agreed. Too much blue everywhere... prefer black.
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I like the colour blue normally but I'll be honest, I thought I'd accidentally screen selected (is that what you call it?) steam and tried clicking a few times to deselect..when I realised it was the "new and improved" UI. haha /facepalm
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If I see any more blue, I'll throw up. What's up with all that wasted space to the left and right? Can we get faster servers instead, so Community doesn't go offline every 2 hours? What about faster page load times, so I don't have to wait 5 minutes for the Community page to load?
TL:DR I hate it
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Buuuu Buuuu What next ??? They add Nyan Cat and all people will be Happy xD
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i think its Fantastic ....... makes shopping easier :D
try shopping on Amazon home page ?
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It just popped right into my face, so I kinda dislike it "for now" ^^
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Now they put "recomended for you" in the front page instead of "featured", never liked recommended stuff.
edit: "Tags recommended for you", "Recommended For You", "Recommended by friends", "Recommended Curators to Follow", WTF seriously? now the daily deal game in located somewhere down, ppl won't even see it.
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Yep, and we need to scroll down to see the Today's Deal - I hope we'll be able to change the layout.
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But now you can easily see all the discounted games by pressing a box.
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That's because you need to experience this masterpiece! Then your life will be fulfilled.
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I agree, its like "gee thanks for recommending me a bunch of games I don't care about because I farmed steam cards from some junk bundle game."
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Edit: if anyone wants some co-op/multiplayer game curation, check us out! The After Party curation, i'll be adding my own contributions next week :hee:
My MLY emoticon sums it all up the best :blech:
it's not just that it's different, I actually like change, but this is bad change, at least visually. It's ugly. Although it's sort of nice I can say Not Interested for games I consider to be the scum of Steam
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This is a way to avoid massive shoppings in price bugs. If a game with a bug isn't a suggestion for you, it will not show up.
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"You're all idiots so we need to tell you what you should buy next." That's what I feel they're saying by filling the entire thing with "recommendations".
The little tag on game pages depending on their overall review score is nice though. People should be able to see the glaring red letters telling them that everyone hated the game and be less likely to buy total crap.
EDIT: Bad Rats "Mostly Positive"... ok, ignore my last paragraph. (The game isn't as bad as people claim but if it gets Mostly Positive with just it's joke reviews, this system is quite flawed.)
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The system is not flawed, people are just abusing it by posting troll reviews.
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That sentence makes no sense. The fact that it's being abused by trolls doesn't make it any less flawed. In fact the reason it is flawed is because it can be abused by trolls.
Also, what's stopping shady developers from deleting the negative reviews and giving their friends and their alt accounts the game in question to nudge the review meter to Positive in order to sucker more people in? Nothing, that's what.
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The curator thing is pretty stupid. "Hey, how about we have some people recommend you games based on their opinion?"
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They just made it even harder for indie games to get noticed. New on Steam only shows the popular new games.
There are some good additions like showing which games you already own, but overall it's still not that great.
Why does the discovery queue have to be so black and white? It's just add it to your wishlist, receive spam regarding in the game or completely remove it from recommended games. There should be an option for not following the game that doesn't require you to add it to your wishlist or completely hide it. Just skipping the game will probably cause it to pop up again in the queue.
In the changelist there's a line "Updated with new visual styles.", which indicates several styles and not just blue.
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At the bottom of "Popular New Releases" you can view "All New Releases".
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too much blue. but all ready putting the new system to use. first thing i did was clicked "not interested" on COD store page. now i won't have to lay eyes on that anymore
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The "not interested" games still show up at least on the top sellers list.
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I'm a gamer, I hate change.
I also use a connection with 2GB datacap, I'm pretty much screwed.
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tsokay. At least now I don't see white lines when i close my eyes after reading something on Steam.
The next lines seem to causing problems on Steam Client for some Steam users after reading it.
Does anyone else get double options like those? Its the same at the community tab. (Yes i restarted steam)
Okay now they are tripled.
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It's interesting... I presume it's in preparation for when Greenlight closes and the floodgates open. Will it actually solve the 'discovery' problem? Remains to be seen.
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Do you like it? Discuss!
I personally think it will take a while to get used to but it certainly feels more modern and it doesn't look too bad... Fortunately the next sale is in one month (right?) so we have plenty of time to get the hang of it! :D
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