I liked New Vegas a whole lot better. It has better stories, better characters, and better DLC. The gameplay is pretty much the same except the shooting mechanics in NV are improved.
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Overall NV is more funny, but story is basic and predicatable. I'd still say NV though, since DLC (especially the last 2) are really good and overall gameplay is more polished with more equipement choice and fun weaponry.
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Yeah it add a huge load of content and laughs with the events. I also really love The Lonesome Road, I felt deep immersion and an interesting story and map construction.
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How so? There isn't much that F3 did that NV didn't do better. F3 had a boring as shit linear campaign with a retarded ending (that they expect you to buy DLC for in order to make is suck slightly less), a plothole-infested abortion of a story that completely disregarded Fallout canon, a grand total of zero interesting party members, some of the shittiest DLC ever (Operation Anchorage and Mothership Zeta), and as I already mentioned the gameplay was noticably improved in NV, especially the shooting mechanics.
About the only thing F3 did better than NV was the pacing of the main story, but that comes with the territory considering how linear it is.
Not saying NV is the perfect game because there were plenty of things wrong with it, but it's still miles better than F3 ever was.
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Story was boring in NV imho.
I felt much more into it, in 3. Sidequests in NV were great, as usual just the main story was, as said, pretty boring. No real end neither. Sidequest thing with the brotherhood, hm, okay but nothing more. When i think of 3, there was this gorgeous robot you were walking along with, just as an example. Where was the epicness in NV? Oo Didn´t see any.
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I don't see how playing a vital role in a war between three factions and potentially even taking control of the whole situation yourself is less epic
than a story about a boy running after his father all game long and then the whole plothole-infested nonsense with Autumn and the water purifier, where you're essentially fighting over nothing at all. No real ending? You mean kicking the ass of two armies, conquering New Vegas and becoming a big hero is a worse ending than it is your destiny to die here, game over
I understand that big robots and explosions make your pants tighten, but that's no excuse to ignore all the shitty writing.
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Hmm, let´s get to the factions and take Legion as an example.
It was pretty sure for me to go after them right from the start. Just didnt´like their attitude at all, so i did that all over the place and they pretty much hated me too. The big fight to bring tem down, was pretty boring however. Get in there, kill everything, done. No cool rewards, epic loot like you could imagine from such lunatics or anything "special" at all.
The ending: I don´t even remember the proper ending. I just remember killing Mr. House, don´t remember too much after that. What i DO remember is, that there was a lot missing after i went tru the game that didn´t come to me yet. Something with father Elijah should´ve happend to me, but never did. Saw this first time in the achievements after "finishing" the game.
Maybe my NV was just bugged (as Fallout usually is -.-) and i missed a big part due to some NPC not giving me followinf quests or whatever.
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So you only played half the game, didn't even pay attention to anything on the way, and that's why you call it boring?
Was it not linear enough for you? Not enough explosions to keep your attention? Not enough "epic loot" to bait you into playing?
Christ, this is what RPG gamers have come to these days...
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You´re a funny guy.
I already said that i have the feeling of being stuck somewhere. After the mainstory was done, i´ve been wandering around hours in search for some new things but there just weren´t any let. And seeing you playtime at 62 hours including DLC and mine without DLC at about 52 hours, it seems we are pretty much equal in playtime. So there must be some crap that happened to my game (not that this is unusual in Fallout...) that made me not get any more quests.
Like eg the Father Elijah thing: Never went on after a certain moment, it was just "done". The weapon-stuff quests (no clue what they are called in english), never got anything from them. Visited several times at several phases of the game, nothing.
Be sure i´m rather be oldskool myself, especially concerning RPGs. It wasn´t a bad game, never said that. I just preferred 3.
Oh, and considering explosions: there were for sure more in NV!
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If you want the complete story for Fallout New Vegas you have to get ALL the DLC (except GRA) which is really shitty.
The setting of FO3 is much much better but with hardcore mode, NV is a lot more fun. Also, the DLCs for FO3 are actually new stuff not just the bits of the story they left out.
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The NV story is entirely self-contained. You can play it without any DLC and you get a complete story. The only one that actually adds into the main story is Lonesome Road, the other ones just contain hints and references that tie into the other stories, they're nowhere near necessary for the main story.
Unlike F3, where Broken Steel was necessary to fix the bullshit ending and come to a proper conclusion regarding the Enclave, and the other DLCs were completely irrelevant.
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This. Older Fallout fans tend to lean towards NV as the superior of the two, while those who hadn't played any Fallout games prior tend to pretty heavily choose Fallout 3 as their favorite.
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All these Skyrims, Fallouts (3 and NW), Fables (2-3, and even 1) are for casual players, first of all, because all these Fallouts 3 are Oblivions but with weapons, and Oblivion isn't perfect game, if author of this thread wanna play some really good game, he should start with the old ones, like Fallout 1-2, Might & Magic series, The Elder Scrolls Daggerfall, Pathologic, Planet Alcatraz, Planescape: Torment, Space Rangers, Jagged Alliance, Deus Ex, Space Rangers BUT NOT Fallout 3, it's not even the game from the fallout series, it's Obllout with guns. Why should i always explain such obvious things for everyone there...
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well even though it is basically Oblivion with guns it is so damn much improved (gameplay and stuff) and also some people like me really enjoy the postapocalyptic-themed games so both F3 and F:NV are worth buying...
if you dont like it, dont play it :) but it is one of the best FPS RPGs ever made :)
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"but it is one of the best FPS RPGs ever made"
Ehm, okay, if you say so, there is nothing to talk about...
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Even Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines beats Obllout 3, Arx Fatalis, Deus Ex (1), System Shock 2, Might & Magic series (VI, VII, VIII). Is it enough?
PS welcome to the world of good old games.
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So according to you Fallout New Vegas will be a good game in 5 years?
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cool, so are you still playing on your Pentium II or are you actually interested in newer games?
also I played most of the old games but that doesnt mean there isnt room for new things. I also enjoy Mozart but I mostly listen to newer stuff.
welcome to the present time, where you dont need to adore just old things and can be open minded for a bit of change....
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What? WTF are you talking about? Why am i playing on Pentium II? Just deal with the fact that most of the new games (99%) are shit as hell, just simply admit it. I enjoy new games, but most of them are trash for casual-players, i enjoy Mozart too, and btw i listen to everything in music, but good music. I am open-minded for everything but good, its not my problem if you like crap. I only gave you an example that old games had a freaking atmosphere, good story and original artwork.
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Yeah, why do you ALWAYS have to explain that a game that won many game of the year awards and is known as the 7th best of the decade (Fallout 3)?
Seriously, quit being a gaming hipster. Both are great-- play Fallout 3 first, then get NV later. They're both very worthy of playing.
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Yes they are, they are both among the best RPG games ever.
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More like too cool for people who are stupid enough to call a shooter with RPG elements "one of the best RPG games ever".
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It's not an RPG because it doesn't have a true RPG system.
The only RPG mechanic it uses is stat point attribution, therefore it's not an RPG, it's a shooter with RPG elements.
Your ROLE-PLAYING argument doesn't work here, because by your logic that would make absolutely any game an RPG.
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I take it Fallout 3 was your first ever RPG?
Because that's about the only reasonable explanation why you'd believe a thing like that.
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a real fun loves every fallout...so go on buy both -
1-2 was the best of course :D
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sadly i am not a console player so i never played it..but fallout is fallout..must try it xD
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Buy both during the summer sale if possible. Or all of them. They're all rather solid games.
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many palyers of fallout 1 and 2 say FNV is the real 3.
However I think the 3 stay a good game, despite its shortcomings, and you'are on PC. So PC = mods.
Play with FWE, MMM, WMK, and many others mods and it'll become a totally new experience.
So take the 3 in GOTY and you'll take the FNV's GOTY later
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new vegas is better to me, it has nice items to use in mods and his story is good too :D
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I loved Fallout 3 and hated Fallout New Vegas, on Fallout 3 you can follow the quests you want be a good char, bad or neutral, in Vegas all quests are connected you don't know who to follow to be good, bad or neutral, also New Vegas has a lot of boring parts, and not all side quests give you achievement, on Fallout 3 all side quests give you achievements.
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I thought 3 had a lot more atmosphere and is one of my favourite games of all time. I was a bit disappointed with NV. A bit scrappy and it didn't feel as large or free-ranging.
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Fallout 3 is the better game. It has a better setting, better exploration, a funner main quest (it's retarded, but at least it's not boring as shit like most of NV's is) and the gunplay is pretty bad in both of them, so whatever. Also, Fallout 3 handled side-quests a lot better. It had less, sure, but they were a lot more polished and had their own stories instead of "bring me 20 NCR badges" and Three Dog's radio helped immerse you into the setting, whereas Mr. New Vegas just kept repeating the same 5 phrases and songs everytime. Not to mention leveling up was a lot more rewarding in 3, because you got perks every level instead of every second level. So yeah, Fallout 3 is better than Bland Vegas.
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FO3's easily the better game, funnier, more exploration, more interesting things to find, better side stories and more entertaining characters.. but NV has all the technical improvements (aside from the borked armour system) and is more to play when you run out of 3!
Although in NV (with DLC) you can have a bear trap attached to your fist and punch a giant flaming bear to death with it. While wearing a dress. This does beat all other points.
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Yeah, except for Old World Blues, all the DLCs are horrible. I can't bear the frustration stepping on traps over and over again, lol.
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I like both games. But Fallout 3 story is linear. NV has broad story.
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Both are great games. But I would recommend New Vegas. First, the songs are better (Ain't That A Kick In The Head, Big Iron and well, Johnny Guitar). Secondly, gameplay had been twisted to be less buggy; characters are great, especially your companion; each comes with a different background & quest line, even a robot. Thirdly, leveling mechanic has been changed: 2 level-up for each perk actually makes you think before picking up a new one. Fourthly, the faction system is decent which affects the outcome of your choice while doing faction quests. Finally, I kinda like wandering the vast Mojave desert while listening to NV awesome songs.
*These are just my personal ideas after spending hundreds hours playing both games so don't take it too seriously. Cheers!
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