This would be the best way...but it's still not a very good idea if he didn't make anything important.
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Lolwut? This is 100% a line of joke comments. How in fuck would this constitute a bannable offence?
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Seeing a stranger make a joke that insults your mother isn't exactly............bad. Anyone who takes that personally hasn't been on the internet long enough. I agree, there are some things you can joke about and others that you shouldn't, but in this case, it's absolutely fine.
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Inside every mod is a beast. And it stirs when you but a banhammer in its hand.
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Want a real answer? Look at the bottom of the page... and contact the site...
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Well whatever, no hard feelings. I just thought you might go a bit easier on the banhammer.. The guy acted an asshole and I told him so, but apparently edited his post since he realized this.
And you suspended me after he made his edit. I don't live on steamgifts, I don't check it every day, so how was I to so he rectified his mistake and in turn edit my own post(or delete it) before I even have a chance to log in?
It's good you keep a tight rein on the forum, but this was just a stupid overzealous ban.
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I can kinda feel where you are coming from, there are some real assholes around, but even if they don't edit their posts a direct insult like that just isn't tolerated.
It's the same as somebody thinking that doing a giveaway that breaks the rules is okay because it is justified in their mind.
Rules are rules, unfortunately even jerks can hide behind them. Had a similar thing myself recently, but he is the one banned, haha.
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Calling someone an asshole is a good way to get banned, no matter what they said.
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Ill refer you to the rules, ill narrow it down to the relevant one.
Chat Room, Forum, and Site Etiquette:
Be considerate of all users at all times related to the site/chat, etc.
So essentially you broke the rule, then a mod called you on it so you want to report said mod for doing his (or her, I dont know) job.
I dont think you thought this through very well.
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So were is the rule against ridiculing tragic deaths at the expense of the recently deceased and dismembered?
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Falls under "Be considerate of all users at all times related to the site/chat, etc."...
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It would be the same rule.
you think the fact that the other guy broke a rule excuses the fact that you broke a rule?
thats not how it works.
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The fact that he broke a rule does not allow you to insult him.
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Hmm. I saw a (Support) call someone a prick today, another one told someone else to shut the [expletive] up, and a third called someone a head. Of course, the guy was acting like a prick, it would be quite nice if that guy would shut up, and the third person was doing an excellent imitation of a head, but that's how TheFamousDrScanlon defended his post. I don't believe any of them got suspended (though I could well be wrong about that). I don't mean to sound like I'm railing against the fine support staff around here; it just struck me as a bit odd when I read the "Be considerate of all users at all times related to the site/chat, etc." rule.
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Most of the time about people insulting each other they won't act unless someone actually reports them. I think that sets the line to see if they've been offended or nor and action should be taken
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So take it up with them if you so like.
I was merely pointing out that by his own admission he had broken a rule and was called out on it.
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They've ignored someone being disrespectful to a large number of people in a thread and then suspended someone who called that guy retarded. Try not to get your hopes up here.
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Technically didn't call out but guessed what it might have been at the risk of sounding weird if I was wrong about what this was about.
Were I wrong I would have guessed it would have had something to do with a suspension from 2 years ago in which case no one from back would be left on staff since they're gone.
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I should hope that there wouldn't be anyone holding a grudge from a suspension 2 years ago... but then it is the interwebz, always can find a new low to sink to.
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Funny how support works. When I report somebody, because he calls people retards, wankers, etc. sometimes nothing happens and here sb gets suspended for "asshole".
Crossbourne even blamed it on provocation, like women are also the attackers, because they provoke rapists.
This is what I wrote:
This is part of response I got: "PD: I hope you are glad to know you are brain retarded and I don't want to gift anything to people like you."
Verdict - "I attacked him".
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Were you suspended for that? (Asking out of curiosity, not as a starting point for an argument or anything)
Anyways, I can see how that feels unfair but I've run (still do actually) a forum myself. One that's a lot lot smaller than this one and it's still hard to control what mods do and how they act and how each situation should be dealt with. When it comes down to it, the mods are just regular people who volunteered to help out in monitoring. They're not trained professionals like lawyers or anything. Different mods will react differently and the same mod will react differently to similar things on different days, etc., etc.
I'm not saying I agree with the mod in your situation but inconsistencies are inevitable.
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Crossbourne even blamed it on provocation, like women are also the attackers, because they provoke rapists.
Did Crossbourne use these exact words, or is that your analogy? Because if he said that, it's supremely gross but if you're just using it as an analogy it make a bit more sense.
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One case would mean that one of the staff here thinks it's appropriate to blame rape victims for what happens to them. The other would mean a user who feels slighted has chosen to compare their 'victimization' to a woman being raped. Which one seems more likely to you?
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Crossbourne even blamed it on provocation, like women are also the attackers, because they provoke rapists.
Since users cannot see the tickets you link (only you and support can) I don't think anyone can tell that you are the one who made that analogy on that ticket and not Crossbourne. Please don't spread false information.
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you're making the assumption that the mods are actually keeping the site the way cg wants it to be. cg, from my understanding, is much more forgiving and open about things, I got the impression before that loko felt like cg was too forgiving and easy on people. I also know of one mod who has been rather unfair in quite a few cases that I've heard about, including entering into a private giveaway of mine they shouldn't have had access too (they left the group, weeks-month(s) before, I made a private giveaway and posted it on a comment in an old group giveaway that they wouldn't have been able to see unless they weren't a mod, and they entered it)
that being said, I love all the other mods with all of my heart <3<3<3
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I have had personal differences with one person of the support team too, but I consider them to be quite understanding and that.
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I was a mod on some forums a few years ago. On one of them, the admin/owner was gone most of the time, so we were left to manage the place. Some of us were more strict than the owner would have been only because we wanted to error on the side of keeping things in order so the boss man wasn't annoyed if we slipped up on something. That could be why some mods here aren't as forgiving as CG, and I find that completely understandable. Not trying to kiss any butt here, but I think they do a pretty grand job.
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My experience is that, as a general rule, "frontline" moderators on any site tend to be more hard than the upper management, because the frontline moderators tend to see the worst of the people on the site and frequently have to deal with the same irritating people over and over again. When someone persistently skirts the edges of the rules without violating them, it's those frontline moderators who have to soak up the complaints, and that both makes them embittered and gives them an incentive to crack down harder.
Whereas the upper management cares more about the reputation of the site as a whole and about having a "good" staff, which can mean many things but usually means -- a staff that's understanding, gets along well with the userbase, etc -- so they tend to be more forgiving.
It's not a universal rule. But it's easy to see how a day-to-day moderator can end up with a much more bitter view of the site's population than the site owner, and can end up with rougher opinions as a result.
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I think they are quite discreet, ban motives are not public and they don't deride people publicy as far as I'm concerned.
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It's amazing how my non-sequitur segued into giving me a dinner recommendation :)
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you have to get in touch with HR and file a complaint... It might take a while for any resolution on it though, all of the reports HR fill out keep spontaneously igniting for some reason...
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Wait, since when is "asshole" an insult? On forums, I always looked at it an a term of camraderie and endearment. Or just people telling it now it is. Language aside, I've seen a lot worse in terms of content and intent. I'm not complaining, just saying that calling someone an asshole seems pretty innocuous in the grand scheme of forum dialogue.
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My point was that calling someone an asshole is hardly a big deal. We've had posts where people are piling on the OPs and the content of their comments is far worse that just a one-worded insult.
In this case, it appears the OP was calling a person making light of the Boston bombings an asshole. Fair comment IMO.
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Shhh! I agree, but we're all too afraid to speak up! Stop calling attention to yourself.
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