I think this is good, BUT I do not agree with last week's bundle being added to the list. I'm sure many people would not have bought it if it was on the bundle list and since it was stated at the time that they weren't going to count as bundle games, it's kind of a slap in the face to now make it a bundle retroactively. I'm not saying this is a bad move going forward, just that the first bundle shouldn't be added to the list, only moving forward.
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Agreed. I lost myself $48 of CV, but it is just a number. I can give away other stuff and get it back. So can that lot.
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Seriously. Contributor value farming makes me a sad clown.
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Sometimes I just buy bundles because I do actually want some of the games in it, and give away the rest here. Obviously being nice for the sake of being nice has its limits and some incentive would be appreciated, but I guess it doesn't matter to some people.
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I also lost some CV, but I honestly, I couldn't care less. I also gave away mostly bundle games, but just think of it as finding a new home for your keys. If you do it for the incentive of added CV value, well, you can already get up to 35 or 35$ wordth of CV by giving away some leftover keys from bundles you bought for yoyrself.
You are tight that being nice for the sake of being nice has its limits. For me peronally that is pending lots of money on games for others. Just give away small games if you really want the incentive of CV. Like Sniper Ghost Warrior was. It was 90 off. So you get 10$ CV for paying 1$. Pretty much the same as you would get for a bundle.
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Great, you changed already given away gifts CPs, from previous Weekly sale to bundle. Have you heard about the Roman rule "Lex retro non agit"? Even though people paid for these bundles and even you admit you weren't sure if these are going to be custom bundles! Yet you awarded full Contributors to the thiefs who have stolen keys from CD-Action. Great choice! Come on!
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Ex post facto law
There you go. Also exploits for CD action are encouraged to be reported and they count as bundles too.
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Such a shame you gave it away at the same time as all three of the other Humble Weekly Sale games then. Deal with it. Give away other stuff if you want the numbers back.
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Since there are tons of great offers in different places, you can't punish only a few of them and then claim that you have a point to do so. If you want to be fair, either punish them all or remove the contrib system at all.
PS: I don't care about contrib value, but this system encourages more bad games like crazy machines on public, and less good games - and I think you can classify RO as a good game.
PPS: Sorry for my english - it's not my first language
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but the good kind(involving only virtual feces flinging not the real thing even) because people who'll be upset make silly arguments like
"but everybody else could have done it, and it doesn't really devalue points because its just inflation. if some chose to continue gifting lower value games like skyrim its their own choice. now lets put my value back where I deserve and tackle some real problems with the site, like make more cv givaways over 2k, I spent $43(43 $1 bundles worth 47cv) last week and want some better odds now; and scrapping those parasite private groups that exclude so many deserving participants without generating a single point for my use like public giveaways do" and those arguments are fun :)
(edit-to clarify I don't blame support or the bundle listers, its the abusers and exploiter's faults (and you had some good reasons to wait and see how it worked out rather than kneejerk asterisk)
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I don't blame support either I was only kind of foreseeing the reaction from part of the community :)
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sorry didn't mean to imply that. I meant my past(and maybe probably future when participating in said shit storm) posts in other threads mostly based on the phrase "this is stupid". they weren't meant to be directed at the people, or even the decision more the result
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That could actually pass off as Mega Man, if you squint hard enough. Quite fitting.
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Yup! Sending individual keys and going through the site's system is a pain anyway. Now that they are marked as bundled I'll give these to people who actually appreciate them whenever I feel like it instead without being compelled to deal with the potential CV loss.
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I imagine it's somewhat difficult to determine the start date for the bundle. The first time the bundle was released was before December 19th, which is when the first (small) spike comes
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and there is.
but with this announcement maybe people'll think twice and hold back in case it gets nerfed too(even if it doesn't)
(but I hope this one too since its reoccurring problem lol)
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I noticed Bastion isn't on the list. (Though it's already on the list anyways.)
So my question is.
If it's just a single game for the humble bundle weekly will it not be put on the list?
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That one was more like a legitimate Sale than a bundle. It was $1 for the game, and $25 for the game and a bunch of extras. Set prices, there wasn't a BTA. It was on the bundle list anyway, so it didn't need to be considered.
If they do more of those, I'm sure they will take a look at it.
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So for now it's kind of a who knows? :p
Well guess that is indeed fair. :p
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There was actually a BTA for the soundtrack (not a Steam redeemable code)
That Bastion bundle had 3 tiers, which the other HIB Weekly Deals did not.
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I don't think this 'should' anger many people as the spirit of the site is to "Gift Games" .. This change or uphold of rule is not changing that, just reducing potential contrib value.
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Fair decision. Everyone was spamming with those games for contrib. value...
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After deliberation among the staff and listening to community feedback, these have been added to the bundle list and will continue to be added as appropriate. There really isn't much difference between the "Weekly Sale" and a regular featured bundle, other than the duration (one week vs two) and the name.
Last week, when they decided not to add the bundle, it wasn't yet known what the future Humble Weekly Sales would look like. But having seen the new one this week, it was clear that these promotions are best treated like any other bundle.
As always, contribution values for bundle games are calculated based on the time they were available in a bundle. That means that even if a bundle that came out last week is added today, the giveaways between the start of that bundle and today will lose their value when the games are added in the list. This is sure to upset many people, but this rule has been in place ever since the bundle list was introduced and hasn't changed.
For more detailed information about the bundle list and how contribution values are calculated, see this thread.
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