Do you need to be a metal/rock fan to be able to solve the Brutal Legend puzzle?
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there are two hints in this topic already for Brutal Legend one, they tell you almost how to solve it. xD
I would like to get a better phrasing for the hint of contagion instead, since this one drives me crazy since yesterday and when I look at how many of you could solve it, I think I'm not smart enough for it. lol
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Well, I find the Contagion one simple in the same way that you find the Brutal Legend one to be very easy. In my case, the Brutal Legend hints seem to confuse me instead of provide help and I would love to see them rephrased/ reordered if getting another hint won't be possible.
Anyway, since you tried to help me with the Brutal Legend one, I will try to help you with the Contagion one. I will begin by quoting OPs hint "Make an educated guess concerning my father's name, then see who he may have portrayed on what show. You don't even need his full name - I just checked."
And I will add to that just another word: imDB. All the rest of the info you need is in the original post.
I hope this helps you.
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Well, since OP said we could work together, I could help you and you could help me. :)
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Yeah, you'll have to solve both to be able to get to Deadpool and Shadow Warrior, then those lead to the Ghosts puzzle
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Even after the hints
"Check how Steamgifts links work to find out what to do with that, then, after you have found the first two giveaways, work from there."
"And that's all for now, and remember, it takes two parents to combine their DNA to make a child!"
"Well, a baby only ends up with 46 chromosomes, even though the parents both had 46, too..."
I'm still not having any luck.
I don't know what I am doing wrong. I also not sure what the first hint means. I've looked at how links on steamgifts are made, but I don't see how that helps with combining them.
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BTW congrats for the birth. :) Hope everyone is doing fine. My sort of sister (known her brother longer then shes been alive and she is like a little sister to me) just had a baby too. Her life is now upside down. :)
I got it now, just took a bit of thinking
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If you solved both Brutal Legends and Contagion, the descriptions have the info you need. There's a reason you need to solve them both first.
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I feel like an idiot but I'm still having trouble with the new one.
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Oh, I haven't gotten to COD yet. I didn't know where to start with the puzzle so I skipped to this new one because it looks pretty simple.
ETA: Except clearly I'm over-thinking it or something.
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Oh, and yeah, I feel the same about the last one, I feel like I figured what I'm supposed to do, but at the same time, none of my tries have proved successful and at the same time, there are many ways in which the words could be transformed into a you-know-what.
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I know right? It's like, oh this shouldn't be too bad and then nothing I thought was obvious worked, lol That'll show me to think puzzles are simple.
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Okay, actually, I just figured out the first part of the COD puzzle but I have no idea what to do now. Check both of the last giveaways again. There's a hint there.
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Well, I had figured the part from the descriptions of those two, but now I am lacking the commando skills that are required for progression. And the hint: "You might have to leave the internet for that one. I know. Scary. Also, depending on your location, there may be a small financial investment necessary." might be very useful, but until then it just got me more confused.
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Yeah, that's where I'm tripping up now, I think. I'll have to mull it over some more.
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I'm doing it for COD Ghosts. But I give up. Can't even get past the first question.
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cangrats dude
thank you so much
these are hard, but thanks for the opp
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bump for solved the first 4 stages :)
thank you for the puzzle and happy birthday to your son.
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I've only gotten the first part of the Ghosts puzzle but the last two puzzles have a hint to lead there. If you're already to that point, I'm lost myself.
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I do not understand any of this. I'm supposed to search information about, you? I am somewhat getting that last edit part but every time I point my browser in that direction, I get linked back here. Total confusion, and I love puzzles.
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The hint he gave me was "remember, it takes two parents to combine their DNA to make a child!"
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Ok I am still stuck.
Brutal Legend
is the answer hinted anywhere here or do we have to guess based on the hints? If we do find that reference to that website ( I suppose by the nickname ogrady ) will it give the answer? I know which website to look into but I probably missed the actual thing I should find.
Is it supposed to be a well-know series?
In the hint it is mentioned "who he may have portrayed". So we are looking for character names.
That's what I've gathered. Any help?
P.S. If I said too much tell me to delete it.
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thanks and congrats. I am really bad, so I gave up.
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Before you head off on the wrong path of COD, stop. It seems you started playing COD in the days of it's cookie-cutter garbage years. Especially Ghosts, even fanboys of the series don't like ghosts. Go get the older CODs like 1-3, COD4, and COD World At War. Everything else is just a copy+paste of the last game with different textures and a different name. Not worth the money or time.
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Ditto this, I've tried a number of combinations and no luck.
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Now that's a long title.
Hello everyone. I haven't been active on here for quite some time, but some of you might remember me as the idiot who more or less started puzzle giveaways. So, let me just drop some gaming goodness in here.
What I'm doing right now is celebrating the birth of my son, Damien Kane Rainer Gerk. If you would like to celebrate with me: Awesome! Have some games. All of them end on december the 10th, 11:45 (when he's exactly two weeks old) and require no contributor value. Feel free to work together if you find any of this too challenging, but please refrain from outright sharing answers. By the way: Giveaways will only be honored if 2 people or more enter.
Brütal Legend
Obviously the most important thing for a small child is their musical development, and what better way to help them go down the right path than with some awesome music that has shaped millions of people, not the least of the mommy and daddy? Have a look at
Every child is afraid of something. Mine will be afraid of the attic. Seriously, I may upload a video later. Horrible, horrible attic. Oh, talking of videos, I wonder if my father ever was on TV?
Each generation has its own popular culture, but until he's old enough to make his own decisions, my son will enjoy the nerdy culture his parents have claimed for themselves. It's not like he'll be able to run away or something :D Reading is awesome, and good comics are a great way to spend your time if you're not in the mood for a huge-ass leatherbound tome of knowledge.
Shadow Warrior
Ninjas are totally sweet and daddy loves the classic shadow warrior. That's all I have to say about that.
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Fun fact: My first exposure to Call of Duty was Black Ops 2, which I liked very much. So I thought to myself, why not offer a game that's in high demand right now and will doubtlessly send a lot of people on an epic adventure to even find the damn thing? So here we are.
You might have to leave the internet for that one. I know. Scary. Also, depending on your location, there may be a small financial investment necessary.
And there you are. The puzzles are not that hard, but I am really proud of the Ghosts puzzle. Whatever you do: If you reach the giveaway, comment on it. There will be more giveaways during this week, so keep watching this thread!
My son just found out that there is a vast universe outside of the house. If you want a similar experience, point your browsers to n - Surname - Shadowarrior - Yell first - baby one. This giveaway also ends next week tuesday at 11:45 am.
The first CoD:Ghosts entry and comment! Let's have another celebratory giveaway! Check page 2 of this thread.
And yet one more giveaway.
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