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79 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by cassioht
First of all, the puzzle was hidden in the source code and linked you to this. This paste bin contained a bunch of things to decode.
First off was a messed up binary code.
Change the 0's to 1 and the 1's to 0 -> Reverse the string -> Binary Translate =
Firstly you'll want to find two songs hidden in this data you'll need the name of the artist from the first song and the name of the song from the second, and they will start you on the path to solution.
This clue set the precedent for the rest of the solving.
Next we came to some garbled text, which is something I have not seen on SG yet, but its called ROT47
ROT47 -> Base64 -> dQw4w9WgXcQ = Youtube Video One
First video gained, level up!
Possibly another first to SG encoding, I fucked around with the hex I a slightly different way, which is +- the numbers by 5, so 5 becomes 0, 6 becomes 1, etc. This is known as ROT5, doing ROT5 and ROT13 at once is ROT18
ROT13 -> ROT5 -> Hex -> Base64 -> ROT5 -> BINARY -> EwTZ2xpQwpA = Youtube Video Two
Second video gained, but now what? Keep solving I guess
Reverse String -> Decimal -> Reverse String -> ROT13 -> Hex
So now you should have two songs, I hope you listened all the way through, because they are examples of great music. But did you know without repeating letters you can spell the artist of the first song, but you cannot spell the song title of the second song without repeating letters?
So now we have solved the first 4 clues and I expected this to be the easy part. The clue here suggests that you should make a cipher alphabet out of the artist name, ok...
What now? Turn the song title into a codeword, wasn't too easy to get this one but I gave the clue on how to write this out pretty early on so cholaterin
Using this mashed into the program I suggested you can turn message 5 into
So the pastebin link is i*fnvm
Hmm need some numbers
Final message then
ROT47 -> Base 64 -> ROT5 -> Reverse String -> Dec 3 -> Base64 3 =
x##xxx#x missing numbers are eight, five and one
So we can cram those numbers in and get i85fnv1m
But now you have been trained to solve this stuff in your sleep.
*ROT47 -> ROT18 -> HEX -> ROT47 -> ROT13 -> ROT47 -> ROT13 -> ROT47 -> ROT5 -> BINARY 2 -> BASE64 * 3 -> AiszE
I just got bad rats, I have been playing it for coming onto three hours now... and well, this game is dire... unless you play the expert mode where you have more free reign to create a solution, you are forced into using the pieces they provide which often means there is only one solution, and the solutions are at best crap. With no explanation of what most of the rats do (rat with a vacuum can suck the ball up from any height, suicide bomber rat explodes if you hit him with the ball) you are thrust into the game. The game is just a sloppy physics puzzle game of which I have played better for free on flash sites. I can see why this is often a game gifted to spite people with.
Alas I now have a headache and feel a little sick, and I'm so hungry but I only have $0.01 to buy food with, so I'm not eligible for food...
But why don't you click this and you might need this
Hint 1 - You don't use the program to solve the first step, the first step will hopefully explain when to use the program.
Hint 2 - Once you have the two youtube videos I link you to, take the artists name and create a cipher alphabet, forexample, if the artist was Lindsey Stirling, the cipher alphabet would be lindseytrgabcfhjkmopquvwxz, aka the artist name wrote in full but letters can't be repeated for the alphabet, I've bolded the artists name so you can see.
The same goes for the cipher key but this time the cipher key is just the song title with repeating letters removed. Example - All the things she said becomes altheingsed
Hint 3 - For those that can't find the puzzle... Have you checked the source code?
Hint 4 - For those stuck on decoding, have a read of this
Hint 5 - Still doesn't make much sense huh? Well this puzzle was made just before that topic as a test. Seeing as there have been like 3 solvers, maybe I stepped too far in the direction of difficulty, but if you have the tools you'll know how to decode
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