The Adventures of Batman and Robin on Sega Genesis was far better than the SNES version. Also, Jesper Kyd's best chiptune work.
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The Walking Dead has miserable gameplay, a story centered around eventually killing off anyone and everyone in stupid ways and is filled with unlikeable idiot and/or asshole characters with few exceptions. There you go, a truly unpopular opinion. :D
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I'm the same. I was initially excited and would have bought it full-price at release but now, after waiting this long for the PC version and letting the hype die down I'm really not that fussed. Will probably pick it up in a sale a few years from now.
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Reddit is good if you unsubscribe from most of the default subs and find subs that are closely targeted to your interests and heavily moderate fluff content/memes.
But the whole "Unpopular opinion" thing was a huge Reddit meme, and like all them and this post, the opinions aren't really that unpopular.
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No they are not. You are supposed to say what ever the heck you want. That's the thing...
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Bruce Springsteen is mediocre.
Religion is the opiate of the masses.
Obama was born in Hawaii.
Global warming, with significant influence from humans, is happening now.
Future human society will consider Frank Zappa one of the greatest composers of the 20th century.
Man created god, not the other way around.
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Yet atheists act like the most bitter people on earth. Never met a group of people who get so offended or worked up at the mention of religion. lol honestly its the same sort of disdain that a religious nut has towards someone outside of their religion
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Actually I'm agnostic, not atheist. There are so many possibilities of what and where the universe/multiverse/etc (which we are all a part of) came from that statistically it is a extremely safe bet that NONE of the world's religions have gotten it right. I play the odds, not the myths. :)
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There are more people who claim a religious affiliation than there are not, by far. Just look at the 2nd comment in this post. Believing in myths is easier than looking for the answers, that is why so many are "believers".
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I thought that "unpopular opinion" is opinion that is not accepted by any large group of people. Like, there is a lot of people who thinks that religion is the opiate of the masses.
Is opinion that Christ is our god and saviour unpopular? If we think your way, most of the people aren't christians, so yes it's unpopular. But it's not.
Sorry about my bad English. (:
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I agree, but i also have to say that football would be fun if matches were played by smaller teams on ice-hockey-rink-sized halls, without offsides, corner kicks and everything that slows game down.
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Well, maybe, but no one saying that has ever been to a single six-a-side game, so the sport is left to die because of low attendance.
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I'm curious. What is MLP? Major-League Pingpong? Men's Large Pajamas? Mutant Llama Penises?
Oh... You guys must mean that last one. Nevermind....
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Valve kinda went up its own ass. They have talented people but they have fallen in love with themselves and they think they're gods. People need to stop worshiping them. Steam kinda sucks now and it's only a matter of time before the other shoe drops.
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Been telling people this for years, but I guess Gabe's colon just smells too good. :P
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Tolkien's books are terribly overrated.
Stephen King's books are awful.
Dark Knight Rises was the best Batman movie.
Joker in The Dark Knight was well played, but not well written.
Blade Runner wasn't good movie (but I have to say that "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" is one of my favourite books)
Gladiator, Inception, Seven Pounds, Perfume: Story of a murderer were all awful
Nu-metal is terrible, with no exceptions.
Batman Arkham Asylum was 6,5/10.
I actually liked the ending of Mass Effect 3.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution had great gameplay, but storyline was meh, and the characters were incredibly boring and easy-to-forget.
Sherlock and HIMYM are VERY overrated.
Everything that was made by Seth McFarlane is rubbish.
Dyslexia, dyscalculia and other dysthings are bullcrap.
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769 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by OwieczkaDollyv21
1,960 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by MeguminShiro
7 Comments - Last post 28 minutes ago by FEGuy
19 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Vincer
37 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by GarlicToast
49 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Chris76de
11 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by PoeticKatana
48 Comments - Last post 40 seconds ago by lext
559 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Aldcoran
438 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by steveywonder75
245 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by imminiman
187 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by Kolisz
2,214 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by Mayanaise
172 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by genkicoll
Let's have one of these, shall we?
It's always good to vent, so have at it, tell me your unpopular opinions, no judgement, just stating some opinions that you have. I'll start
Reddit is the cancer of the internet. Filled with retards that throw those "LOL SO RANDUMB MAYMAYS" around and love to circle**** about the most stupidest stuff.
Social Justice warriors seriously need to be punched right in the face. Not saying there are no social issues in our world, but crying over not being able to be transgender or whatever in a game is just plain retarded. It's a game. It's not real. It's meant to be fun. So please take your walking simulator like Gone Homo and try putting your energy for social justice in the real world, where it's needed, not into video games
99% of people wearing fedoras make me want to sit in a dark room and never come out again, so I don't have to see it
"Feminists" like Anita also need a good hard punch. Crying and bitching constantly over oppression and demand ridiculous stuff is not feminism. It's just plain retarded.
Kotaku is pure garbage, like most gaming journalism. Kotaku being the epitome of it.
Yup, I guess that's it.
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