Everyone always gives away the humble bundle games, and even states it, but humble bundle says 'keys are for personal use ONLY' and the gift option is for friends. Maybe that just means not to sell the key, but it can be given away... Or maybe not, the bundles seem to be going on, and being given away fine.
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I already emailed Humble Bundle support about this and they just directed me to the new gifting process. I guess that means as long as you don't sell them they're fine with it.
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Как можно Русских не любить они ведь так много сделали хорошего,когда то...
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The big problem is why would you buy a game to gift that's been in a bundle as you have no insentive to do so. I gifted xblades,chains and pinball dreams 3d which were purchesed and gifted over steam but got no contributor value for it even though it was not part of a bundle and I paid full price for it and would have to check against bundles before gifting any game bought from steam again
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Collapse distributed on russian forum board from buka.ru absolutely free, i think it is not fair that this game is in the statistics for their full value. thx
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"I shall have another!" +1 for referencing an awesome scene :p
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Who reads that stuff really?
And no you won't get banned from Steamgifts for that. If there is a problem regarding that ToS, that is between the bumndle people and you, not the SG.
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Nono, it's like this - first 25$ worth of bundled games you giveaway will increase your contributor status at the games' full prices. Once you accumulate 25$ of bundled games giveaways then the system gives you 20% value of future bundled games that you give away. Hope I didn't write it too confusing :)
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Not quite. You can receive full value for bundle games, they just can't contribute to more than 20% of your total value. This means, if you post $1,000.00 in non-bundle games, you'll get full value for up to $200.00 (20% of $1,000.00) worth of bundles.
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You should put this post in a good place so everyone can easily access it. I started contributing to steamgifts, but didn't really get how it works with bundled games.
This example really explains it. Thanks!
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got to agree, this sucks...
Limiting the value received from bundle keys will just make ppl less interested in giving away the keys they dont really want, now its more beneficial to add them to your own library to increase your library's value imo...
It would be reasonably if you would receive like 65% but they just went too far i think
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It's value will only decrease if more than 20% of your existing gifts have originated from bundles, otherwise, you'll receive full value for it. For example, if you posted $75.00 in non-bundle games, you'll get the $15.00 value for Bastion since the value from bundles is equal to 20% or less of $75.00.
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What about games (eg VVVVVV) that aren't available to gift as a single key? Are they also reduced (assuming you've reached your limit for bundle games)?
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People still abuse it, even though you are giving away more games with one key. So yes it's deflated and on the list: http://www.steamgifts.com/bundles/list
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In other words, rather than a blanket rule against posting bundle keys, they're going to handle it on a case-by-case basis. Some bundles outright state you're allowed to split up your keys. Others specifically state you cannot do it. And some bundles don't say anything either way.
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That's right, you can't give away guest passes at this time.
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this is worded much better than the official text. Cheers, I didn't understand what "20% of your value" meant, whether it was gifted or owned on Steam (as there's a $100 value requirement to use Steam Gifts or something)
Confirming $25+20% of bundle key values is right.
I've given $9.99 then $9.99, both bundle keys, and was at $19.98, no reductions. Confused me a lot. Added a $29.99 bundle key, and only went up to $30. That makes sense now. ($9.99 + 9.99 + 29.99)*0.2 + $25 = $30 (rounded up).
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I've noticed that Aquaria is marked as exploited.
This is a problem, as Aquaria has never been given away by itself. All the keys it's been in were keys for entire copies of Humble Bundle #1 (as in, you get one key from the entire bundle, and it activates Aquaria, and Braid, and Lugaru, et cetera). Same thing with all the other Humble Bundles, actually; there are no Humble Bundles that have keys for single games which are not beat-the-average (and, therefore, non-exploitable) keys. Giving away a Humble Bundle key is (usually) the same as giving away an unused URL, just without the DRM-free links.
Aquaria is hardly ever given away as is, and it's horribly underplayed.
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I had the same initial reaction and pointed it out in the original thread, but cg made a good point in response: apparently, people were listing entire bundle keys as a single game in the bundle in order to get more value out of it. He pointed to the stats page for Amnesia, and it's pretty hard to argue against that graph.
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And in response to that, it was pointed out that if, say, an account had Aquaria, but not Braid, or Lugaru, or whatever-else-it-was-that-was-inseparably-linked-to-it, then it clearly did not come from that bundle. (It would just require more coding and more complicated maintenance, and of course, it wouldn't help if the account got all the other games through different means.)
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The "more coding" part would be an automated receive check, if I got that right. That could be a pain in the ass to realise, and just to calculate the values better. As you pointed out, there are still possibilities the games in the library could be interpreted in a wrong way.
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...While I can understand this, I've already made enough giveaways of games considered to be exploited that I'm seriously pushing my limit for exploited games I can get value from. Aquaria never goes on sale, and I don't feel like paying full price to give away a game I'm not getting any points for, even if it happens to be my favorite game ever. I don't make enough money to do that.
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I should say, ban they.
I waited to giveaway my torchlight, and got less points, cause i would never dream of it being in a humble bundle. =/
The humble bundle ones are the only ones that I don't agree with the downgrade, the others I have no complains.
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What about Ravaged/IGN keys though?
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IGN Keys were never a problem and nothing new was mentioned about them recently, so I guess nothing changes on that front. You can give them away freely, but The Game gifted will be marked as 'bundled' if it happen to be in one of bundles in the past. But yeah, that's my conclusion, not official statement.
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wow only gave away 3 budle key but gave away alot of IGN keys last week was $188 now its $98 3 FUCKING KEYS this site is shit
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So do full bundle giveaways count as normal giveaways (since they are already discounted) or do they fall into the 20% bundle key thing?
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Looks like they do count as normal giveaways, you may want to clarify this in your explanation of how the contributions now work for bundle keys.
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We rolled out a few important updates to the site today.
The first major change is the way contributor values are calculated. In short, the update limits giveaways that might have originated from a bundle to 20% of your total value (Note: Giveaways created prior to a bundle always receive full value). Please review the threads from earlier in the week for the full details. Keep in mind, we'll continue to improve this system as time goes on.
There's no longer a restriction on what games can be given away, assuming they're not guest passes or beta keys. Anything found in the drop down menu when creating a giveaway is allowed. If you're gifting a game from a bundle, please review that bundle's terms of service to ensure you have permission to do so. If you believe a giveaway needs to be removed, please use the report button. There's no reason to post accusations in the comments, and users doing so may be suspended for inappropriate behavior. We'll review reported giveaways, and remove them if necessary. The new system will ensure contributor values are not overly inflated by bundle games.
Thanks to everyone in the community for all the feedback the past week, and I believe we created a system that's fair for everyone. It still leaves room for improvement, and there are a number of great suggestions in the previous thread we'll be exploring in the coming weeks.
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