If some scammer trades you games that will be revoked after this happens, yes, once happened to me after 2013 summer sale, my bad for trading with suspicious ppl, Support should fix it, because you're not the person who bought this games, you are the one who traded to them, so you are like the victim, so they should unlock your account and reverse the trades, but I guess it depends on the Support member maybe, just try again with another ticket.
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Did you say Steam support that you got the game from someone? Can't they see the trade history anyway?
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i did send them the ticket saying that i never bought the games there's nothing more i can do :(
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Email them the pics of your account details and inventory history. State your problems clearly. Provide them enough proofs and that should change their mind. And by proof I mean pics of your trade history,account details etc. That must solve your problem. Apart from that did you use your credit/ debit card on steam recently? As I am also an Indian so I can't use any of my cards on steam due to Rbi's new rule (well but hdfc and icici banks cards works), so if you didn't use it then you can clearly state this matter that it isn't possible for you to use any cards due to Indian cards not working on steam
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Since when mate? I have used my BoB card for purchasing on Steam and it works fine. Also, mine is a debit card. So maybe credit cards won't work?
In any case the only solution is contacting Steam Support
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Woah, that's a shame. At least my Bank of Baroda Debit card works :P
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Describe in more detail the situation(ur trade)
How u get gift? by email or trade? How u pay? Paypal or tf2keys or ...?
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minimum price for dayz on sale 25 USD(this game have same price in all regions), trader want get minimum 1 usd profit from trade, but he dont get it for 11 keys(he need sell keys minimum for 2,71 USD but price for dota 2 keys up for this only in 24-25 aug), so u understand that gift bought from stolen card...
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If you have bought that gift from a guy that used a stolen credit card or other flaudulent method you shoulnt be accused of anything, Steam Support could only suspend your account for investigations. But this is tricky, for exemple if someone is sending you money over your bank account, you withdraw them and pass to other people or send over Western Union, the bank will seize you and sue for money laundry, hope that this isnt the same with Steam.
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First of all, I feel sorry for you, I'd say its your bad luck to be caught in the middle of all this.
All you can do now is create a support ticket and get steam support to help you out. Here is an advice, just because you are the victim here, don't be rude with the support staff. Keep calm and show proof and validate your side of the situation and be nice. If you piss them off, you can forget about your account. From what I can say from personal and friends experience is that as long as you act professionally or neutrally, they'll help you. You become emotional and they turn stubborn and dig their heels in.
EDIT: PS-- Also give proof about how you are a long time trader with almost no history of fraudulent activity and the support staff may overturn their decision. They do sometime give out second chances (but only once).
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Almost every post is true here. What is yet something You could do is not to give up. Saying that I mean You should talk with them (via support) as long as possible so they will eventually understand Your situation.
Every time I read about a various problems with Steam accounts, one thing comes to my mind: Someone's thread created somewhere about his account which got VAC banned for no reason. He was discussing with Steam support for a long time asking them to check if it could be an error in the system or something. Every each reply he was getting was similar with almost the same words saying that they can't help with the issue and that VAC ban cannot be removed. Account owner never gave up and guess what? He finally got original message, different than any pevious one. They told him that they found an error in the VAC system and they are really sorry - they also unbanned his account. Sadly, I couldn't find a whole screenshot provided by the creator of the ticket but it was something like that AFAIR...
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ye 1 on 1 chat rocks but steam users are exponentially larger than origins i guess so it's not possible for valve to do the same for steam.
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Getting Steam Support to do anything is a marathon, not a sprint. Type up everything neatly explaining that you traded for the game, that you didn't buy and provide all the proofs suggested below then send it to Steam support. Once they get around to replying send a reply with the exact same text until you get an actual person to read it instead of someone just copypasting the SSA. Once you get an actual person to read it should only take a couple of weeks for them to do something.
Mind you, Steam Support doesn't exactly have a stellar reputation, especially not in these kinds of situations so there is every possibility you might end up with a trade ban/store ban even if they believe you.
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You got the game from the one that was a scammer/fraud and traded it on. So once the game got revoked, you were a middle man in that transaction. I understand your point, but you did a mistake there. You traded a gift from someone that you better shouldn't have trusted. I hope that you'll get your account back, but I understand Valve's position here.
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How about you use proper punctuation in order to make this even remotely readable if you want advice? Had to read those first lines a few times to get what you actually mean.
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yep, a couple of commas and full stops would help.
If i were to read it out loud i'm sure i'd be turning blue after about the first 2 lines
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Was the gift game you traded for a Steam gift or a key ?
If it was a Steam gift.. did you trade it for items thru the Steam trade on both transactions ? If so Steam Support can trace all that happening. You should be able to explain the situation clearly (not in a bulk like you did up here) and ask them to give back whatever you received to the person you sold the game to and get back your own items from this whole trade fiasco. Since what you traded to get the game are Dota 2 Keys and it's Valve controlled items you should get a positive answer on that.
I once got a game I traded for revoked because of a faulty payment and after asking for it I got back the items I traded for it.
Just try to be clear in your description, explain the whole to your best and send screenshots of proofs.. one last thing be patient and persevere if they don't seem helpful at first. You're a victim even though you did let yourself be caught in this shinanigan.
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You shouldn't panic, just keep calm and think things through. First of all find out which one is the game which were bought with a stolen credit card. (the most suspicious games are always the popular ones like CoD games, DayZ, Rust or Witcher 3 etc.) Then find the appropriate trade in your inventory history take a screenshot. Then assemble your case, provide the profile information of the possible offender, and the screenshots. Explain your situations, if necessary cite the ToS and EULA etc to support your case and do all this in a calm, polite and professional manner.
If you send them a message like "oh guyz plox activate mah account I didn't steal omg" then they'll sure as hell deny your request. (obviously lol)
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On the plus side, you still can get that Crysis 2 that you never gave the winner as a cd-key, and not an Steam gift. That will still work fine.
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the steam gift is in my account if you believe am lying i can give you ss regarding the matter
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First of all sorry for you, secondly send steam support your trading screenshot + chat screenshot and inventory history screenshot and dont forget to REPORT that guy and a screenshot of steam alert saying "DayZ revoked".A friend of mine was scammed for DayZ.He traded(dota2 keys +gift game) for DayZ and it later revoked by steam.He did all the above mentioned things and he got back all traded items.
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so i bought a gift from a guy sold it to another first time i did it because a friend wanted the game 2 days later he says his gift has gone missing a week later this happens my account is almost worth 1000$ i contacted steam they say it's involved in activities regarding fraudulent credit cards i told them i didn't anything about it and it must've been a mistake but they say they cannot reverse it and now am fucked up i don't come from a rich family i earned every single one of my games from trading and recently activated steam market by selling my items there's about 80$ there in market + 700$ worth of dota2/csgo items why did steam fuck me up so bad? is there anything that can be done? i am 16 years old so going to court isn't currently an option. please help me !!! i have worked very very hard to get to where i am today and just because some retard made a mistake why do i have to pay for it? all i ever owned is in this account please help me !!
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