I am starting to think that too. There's something else in here that just doesn't click.
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Been here for the past 15 minutes and I am kind of confused. OP,could you tell me how hard it is on a scale of 1-10?
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Damn, I better give up then, because I won't make it.
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i got what base 16 is and how to read it..but don't get what a 69 a leeter is for
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I know my hexadecimal, I checked an ascii code table but it isn't clicking...
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Drat, I was really hoping it was shifted by 6 + 9 and I actually got something that looked like a code... but then it was an invalid url. I'll keep trying. Good puzzle!
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I converted the hex into decimal, then added 69 to all the decimals, then converted to ascii... I got a weird character for the last one, Ÿ :( Is that what you did too fishpen0? I am not very good with these things so I might have done everything you did over again and not saved time like you had intended... sorry :(
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I mean click. You don't see my education level...In fact, you cannot see anything beyond what I would allow you to see. Would me displaying my academic accomplishments, Mensa membership, or scholastic competition awards change your (and others) arrogant attitude? No. You should realize that. You see, your attitude is exactly why I disdain people that pretend like they belong in some kind of subset-within-a-subset. You are making puzzles in order to weed out entry to a select few, and then holding your noses up and patting each other on the back like it makes you "cool". Well, keep on keeping on. I'll continue to imagine you as some pimply vegetarians that like to pretend they're somehow better than others. For me, it's just more names that get excluded from my next giveaway. Enjoy your puzzles! =D
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1) you were being rude to the puzzle creator / puzzle enthusiasts first. If you don't like them there's no need to comment in here about it, especially using sarcasm and profanity. Then you're outraged when people are rude back...
2) nobody is acting superior except to antagonize people who whine. Because those people are annoying. In fact yours was the first even mildly off-putting comment in the whole thread
3) some people like puzzles. We don't have to ban puzzles just so you don't have to see them because they make you feel inferior. Just go elsewhere.
4) it is not your right to enter every giveaway. The gifter bought it, he makes the rules. Like it or leave it.
5) comments like yours are annoying
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1) Welcome to the Internet.
2) Deal with it.
3) Nobody mentioned banning puzzles.
4) That argument is invalid.
5) Deal with it.
Bonus: You have your opinion, I have mine. You get to voice yours, I get to voice mine. Your smugness is what inspires me.
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How does your sentence make sense when you meant click? I don't see how it would work. "Clique" sounds like the word you're looking for, though.
Also, you make it sound like you're entitled to this gift. It's a pretty shitty attitude for you to have.
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Click, the thing you do when you enter a giveaway, ffs damn stupid people.
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Noun: A small group of people with shared interests, who spend time together and exclude others."
noun /klik/
clicks, plural
A short, sharp sound as of a switch being operated or of two hard objects coming quickly into contact
An ingressive consonantal stop produced by sudden withdrawal of the tongue from the soft palate, front teeth, or back teeth and hard palate, occurring in some southern African and other languages
An act of pressing a mouse button"
Sounds like you meant clique :).
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Tell me what the definition of click is in this context. And I don't see how my opinion is anywhere near as arrogant as your's. I think people can give away stuff in whatever way they want, seeing as how it's harmless. Your opinion is that these people are douchebags.
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From the bottom:
I do, for the most part. I'm certain it's mutual, however. "No harm, no foul." I agree. See: "No harm, no foul." It is. If you accept that, then it is not. Do you expect me to do what brilliant-guy above did, and copy/paste dictionary.com's literal definition? If you want to impose this notion that my words and their meanings are tethered to such-and-such's definition, then you had best start with the dictionaries themselves. I imagine it was no different when it was decided to leave the "k" off of words such as "magic" and "music". If you have your definition, so be it. You want to call a fry a chip? Go for it. In the meantime, I will continue laughing for the reason I stated above. "...and I laughed. I laughed from my mountain."
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Does being excluded of a "group" make you feel bad? The cool kids didn't let you hang out with them? Come on, don't be shy, noone's judging you.
Edit: Oh, and it's rather simpleton of you to make the mental image of someone based on their taste for a some intelctual stimulus.
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No, it's not. It IS simple-minded to presume to be above something that each of us are hard-wired to do. I can visualize to my heart's desire, here on this medium that denies face-to-face interaction. Did you know - you're doing it right now. *pats on head.
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Hints would be nice :|
How many people solved so far?
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He only said noone commented yet :P
edit: thanks, oluap. I wonder how many entries there'll be
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Well you can use $ to let you know that you are still dealing with hex numbers and not decimal numbers. Since 69 can be used in both and without $ or hex or h next to it you wouldn't know with what numbers you are dealing with.
Hex values are identified with an "h" or dollar sign, thus $3E0, 3E0h and 3E0H all stand for the hex number 3E0
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Well if no one uses them, then I guess it kinda makes sense to use them in puzzles, doesn't it? Since no one would ever think of it??
I didn't even start finding solution to this since it is late here and I'm too lazy to do it (so im kinda waiting for more hints). Will probably do it tomorrow tho.
Anyways I just wrote that to maybe help someone with puzzle. Or guide them into the right direction. I'm not saying that I'm right, I might even be waaaaay off, but I do know one thing, that $ sign is used for hexadecimals.
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Well, I have been in computer science for more than 15 years now (yes i am old) and I can tell you this. You probably never programmed in assembler.
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I'm too stupid, lol. At least can someone say do i have it or not? Or what's inside?
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Message from base 16: will reveal this password for $69 a letter.
3D 25 33 28 5A
Enjoy ;)
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