I think he meant that the existing bundle is a great value as it is.
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yep, he means the bundle is so great they will not put more games on it because the very low price...
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They were talking about dragon50469 meaning it was a great bundle not adding words to what you said...I can see why everyone nit picks what you say now.
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What? No, buying week 1 is always a better idea. Three reasons.
1) ALL buyers (BTA + UTA) get the 2nd week bonuses if they buy week one.
2) Once the 2nd week bonuses come out, new buyers need to BTA to get the bonus games.
3) Because of these two points, more people are buying UTA right now so the average stays lower. In the 2nd week people need to BTA to get the bonuses so the average will raise.
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if you buy it now you get the extra games no matter what you paid. But if you wait, you will have to pay BTA. So no, its not smart to wait.
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Guerrilla and Homefront? That's what I'm hoping for.
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It's going to be games you already own, or games you know you'll never play.
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Well I already owned Darksiders, Metro 2033, SR3 and the original Company of Heroes so unless if it's SR2 or the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series I might be a bit sad.
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Well... TECHNICALLY the Botanicula bundle had "Osada," which was technically a game, though it wasn't much of one, plus we got some behind the scenes stuff. And the Frozenbyte bundle gave out the Shadowgrounds source codes later on too.
I think we'll definitely see at least some kind of bonus. Whether or not that bonus is going to be any good remains to be seen, but I personally predict there will be a game involved. It'll probably be one that doesn't sell much any more, like Titan Quest or maybe even Homefront or S.T.A.L.K.E.R. If you look at how the bundle fares after bonuses are added, its sales jump pretty dramatically. This is probably due to a combination of people who think they won't get the bonuses unless they buy them after they come out (which is not true, but I've heard of people who think that) and because of the extra publicity that gaming sites give the bundle, which draws even more people in. Add those to the fact that adding games makes the bundle seem like an even better value for some people and the fact that maybe the core games didn't appeal to someone but one of the bonus games did, and you have multiple good reasons why bonuses should be added. It wouldn't hurt THQ to throw some old, practically dead game into the bundle, so they might as well do it!
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Probably not id say since they usually have a dark hidden title usually like coming soon or something. Also the bundle is amazing as it is and they made quite a profit to become stable for a while. Also if they give all games away that means no one will really buy it later losing profits. So its like giving away free samples but not too many so that people come back to buy the product later in this case future games.
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I don't think there would be a need for a Humble update if they just add an extra game that is on Steam already.
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I think they will add extras, don't know what games but I think they'll add more since on cdr the list for the THQ bundle is "THQ Humble Bundle Core". it says "core" so I am assuming there is an extras one
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Maybe they will do so, maybe not. They already promoted 4 if not 5 main franchinses:
1) metro - next one coming soon
2) COH - next one coming soon
3) darksiders - sequel is the lastes game that came out
4) SR - SR3 is a game that sold in like 4milion copies, SR4 in development
5) Red faction - dunno why they would wanna promote it because the franchiseeven if ot bad and quite big seams quite dead for now
The only thing that's left and worth promoting is War40k Universe. Butin current THQ condition its hard to say if there will be any more game from this serie. As well i don't know if they have the full rights to give those games away for a few cents or are the bound to same deal with games workshop or having some prolems with GFWL shit in DOW2 games
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Which officially sucks. Armageddon was a good game. Not as good as Guerilla, but then again, Guerilla was a FUCKING GREAT game. So yeah.
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Guerilla is absolutely worth playing and buying. PC has GFWL though, so maybe a console copy if GFWL is a turn off to you. But either way Guerilla is at least twice as good as Armageddon. Open world madness.
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I agree Guerilla was lots better. I streamed Guerilla before it was released and even had one of the devs (who streamed on his account the week before so I know it was legit) come into my room and just chill and talk to see how I was enjoying the game. Cool devs and a game I spent tons of time in even after completing the story. I only played a bit of Armageddon though, just couldn't get into it but I do plan on going back to it.
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I'd really like to see the original Dawn of War (+Expansions) added. But I don't think they will.
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I doubt it this time.z
REst saved for 'THQ Humble Bundle 2 - the final days sale'
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Red Faction Guerilla is an amazing game, and not unremarkable. Shame on you. Not likely they will add it, but guess you never know.
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if there is to be a bonus, I'm going to go with Titan Quest Gold just because no one else has mentioned it
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I would be so happy if they did. I have a retail copy SOMEWHERE, but not a Steam copy. Having played a good bit of D3 I'm itching to play TQ Gold again, as the game is the closest to D2 anyone's ever gotten IMHO (and having yet to really dig into TL2).
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Titan Quest was insanely fun. Been wanting to do another playthrough but never got around to it. It was the only game i ever played a healer lol. I played i think it was nature and fire and summoned a bunch of minions and healed my buddy who played that one stupidly overpowered melee dps/tank setup with the spear (dreams and forget the other one).
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First bonus they need to offer is all the SR3 DLCs to complete the bundle, after all those DLC is worth less than another FULL game.
but at this rate of BTA isnt climbing up I dont see this happening, They should add the full DLC SR3 and higher BTA @ $6 from start.
So I hope first one is full DLC SR3 then follow by RF guerrilla. who knows.
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I remember when i bought the bundle for android 4 for $1, later more game were added and it gave me all those bonus games for being an early buyer.
So, is the THQ bundle going to have more games? if you dont know, what do you think?
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