Yeah, because sometimes people are genuinely sorry about submitting them, because they don't read the FAQ carefully enough or the like. I was one of them, ages ago, I was going to ask someone to buy me a second Frozen Synapse bundle that I'd pay them back for and gift it, but I asked on the forums about it and was told to wait till it was over and my friend didn't want to anyway. Oh well. Maybe I can get another copy of this bundle. ^^
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i thought one of the admins contacted the humble bundle guys who said it was cool to give away individual game keys during that whole gish fiasco
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that's not quite true. one of the SG users (not admins) claims to have contacted the humble devs and asked if he could give away one of his spare keys to his friend, and the answer was something among the lines of he wouldn't mind. the TOS still say the keys are for personal use only, though.
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Actually you are allowed to create IR bundle giveaways, while they are being sold, the rule was changed for IR bundles, because you really can't abuse IR bundles with their pricing structure.
And now we are on the topic, it would be nice if the Humble Voxatron and IR#2 are added to the "create giveaway" page.
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Unless these are the new rules off course, but then should be corrected :)
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I am owner of HIB1 and HVD, so I can't giveaway Gish extra key?
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People still try to sneak these past the radar, and they're clearly from the bundles. Report them!
These are possibly from the bundles. Report them so the mods can check them out.
Time Gentlemen, Please!
Sanctum: Violator
Sanctum: Killing Floor
Already on the mod radar: Gish
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Just curious, is the IndieRoyal Rule a Personal Thing the Mods have?
I don't see it stated anywhere that you can't give the Steam Keys away, actually, Its quite the opposite. I contacted there Support and they said exactly "The keys are valid on any steam account. Feel free to give them away.".
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I just checked personally, and I did not see anything to that account in their FAQ or Terms of Use (don't quote me on this, I may have overlooked it). I'm not sure where exactly the rule on SG comes from, but as long as it's there, it's there.
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I did overlook it. It's stated clearly in the TOS. Jesse posted them below.
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"If you won a giveaway for these games and they mail you a key from a bundle, you can still report the giveaway. (I also recommend to mark it as not received. Redeem the key anyway, if you wish)"
This just kind of makes me mad. If someobdy wants to giveaway a key, I get that it is against the rules here (even though IR and HIB both say you can give away keys freely) then why the heck would you redeem the key and mark it as not received?
Most users here don't CARE if they're getting a HIB or and IR key at all, they'd rather have the gift and receive the gift than have nothing at all.
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Because the winner does not receive the game in a form that abides the rules, and it should at least leave a mark on the giveaway creator's profile, if not lead to a ban.
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If the user who receives the gift has a problem with it, they shouldn't accept the code and activate it though... That's just tasteless IMO.
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That's why it says "if you wish". the giveaway creator willingly gave away the ownership of the game, anyway.
It's not the recommended course of action, but it's an option. I ought to rephrase that, though, to make it sound more... optional.
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agreed, this whole thing doesn't make any sense, I know people buy this shit just to give each game separately, but what happens if we genuinely get stuck with spare keys?
People want games, bundle has games, not all people can afford the bundles, people who can most of the time give it away to friends that don't want them or want part of them, so you take what your friends didn't want and try to give it to someone that ACTUALLY wants it and you are not allowed to do that?
... sigh... I gues im stucked with my copy of Ares, and Geminie since my gf only wanted nimbus, and already had sanctum as I bought it for her... Sigh this rules...
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Is it possible to purchase the older bundles somewhere? I've looked around and can't find them, but continue to see lots pop up on the site.
I enter all that I see, but no luck on them!!
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I used another site and traded a copy of Beat Hazard for HIB 1, it was the only one I was missing. There's no way HIB 1 unused gift URLs are plentiful, if they're even out there at all anymore, so I wouldn't hold your breath on them showing up here much more. They're getting stricter and stricter about the rules on all this.
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If your willing to drop five bucks on a steam game you can always try to trade for some Humble Bundle codes on reddit (this is a lot easier if you have an old account and you are an approved trader, like me). I would be willing to trade you humble indie bundle 2 + 3 + Frozenbyte if you are willing to get me Elder Scrolls: IV that is on sale for 6.24.
I have had a few successful trades with people before (hence the mushroom near my name on Reddit). If you want to trade with me you can add me on steam and gift me the game and I'll send you the codes. If you don't trust me, you can check out the post I just made on reddit and see that I have a mushroom.
FAQ about r/gameswap
"If you see a mushroom by someones name, that means they have completed a successful trade. This usually means they are trustworthy. "
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Based on one of Indie Royale's tweets, they have no problem of individual games from their bundle(s) given away:!/indieroyale/status/130579144076570624
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Mods have already said it's more than the bundle groups saying it's okay or not, they have other reasons for now allowing individual keys from bundles.
I'm not sure what they are though, maybe one of the mods could elaborate on it for us?
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I honestly thought it was a bit obvious why and we've actually explained this several times before in forum threads and several Steam Group announcements.
When a user receives a key for an individual game from the bundle, let's say Sanctum, they do not receive the benefit of all the DLC that was added later. To ensure that user receive the entire bundle, we require gifters to only submit unused giftable URLs.
When the Difficult Bundle went on sale, over 225 Gish giveaways were created in the first few hours. There was overwhelming demand to have them all removed because of the point spam and giveaway spam. We only allow the bundle themselves now to prevent volleys of these giveaways.
Please feel free to add this to your OP, BL.
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I am completely on board with the second reason, but the first one seems a bit off. If a person actually won Sanctum which was a key from the bundle, they should not be entitled to the DLC anyways. They got a spare key for the base game itself, nothing more.
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ahhk, but you guys should still allow spare keys to be given away AFTER the bundle is over, and just put a cap on how many can be created within a certain time period. Just saying because of what Indie Royal said about spare gifts, there should be someway to work around this instead of just imposing a rule.
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Instead of doing that, we'll keep the same policy. Either we put a cap on how many could be created, with everyone rushing to SG to create their own with max amount of copies possible, or making these games give no points and allow the gold rush. I don't like either of those scenarios and they did not work when attempted before. SG has been through several Humble Bundles and we feel this new policy has worked the best so far.
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the difficult 2nd bundle had nothing to do with gish -- you're probably thinking of when it was added as a separate-key bonus to the humble voxatron debut.
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Thanks, BlueLegion. I've added it to the FAQ.
Request: Please remove your language that a user can still mark their gift as "Not Received" even if they choose to activate their key.
Confirmation: Yes, you may not submit HiB2 keys leftover from the HiB3.
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Done. I was thinking about rephrasing that, but I just removed that part entirely.
Also, can you confirm whether or not it's allowed to give out keys for the HIB2 that are an extra on the HIB3 page?
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bundle giveaways must be unused gift URLs so that would make the HIB2 keys against the rules as well.
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It's allowed to give away HIB2 as a gift URL, as it was intended. But keys you get on your own HIB download page are for your personal use only, and you aren't allowed to give them - or the used page URL - away.
You are also NOT supposed to buy more than one bundle for yourself. If you did, and are stuck with spare keys, that's totally your own fault.
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What if we bought bundle for people that we care or have no means to buy one? IE. Paypal / Credit Card.
As I said, I bought 1 indie royale for me and 1 for my gf, she ended up only wanting nimbus cause she already had Sanctum and she didn't liked ARES nor Geminie, and none other of the people I know DONT have the games so I cant just give it to them. So basically I have games I paid for, unused, sitting from about a month now. Why take the chance to let someone else have them? Someone that actually wants it and want to play it, cause as far as I know, people only enter games that they actually want, specially with this "unrecognizable" indie games.
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Maybe someone can track down the relevant snippet from HiB's terms.
My point being that not only is it against policy to gift "spare keys" from bundles, it also violates the bundles' rules.
The hardest hurdle to get over is to realize that even if you already own Sanctum the extra copy (from a bundle) does not count as your "spare key" that you are free to give away. Sure, you probably could give it to a friend and no one would care, but technically it is not allowed.
Edit: Oh, and thank you BlueLegion for taking up the task of clarifying this :) It is very helpful!
Edit II: Here is the Humble Indie Bundle TOS - I haven't had a chance to read through it.
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Here is a Reply to a Support Request I sent for the Very First One, Which I would assume it apply's to all of them:
So....Take that as you want. I really don't care which way it goes, just wanted to make it clear that they don't care if you give the Steam Key's away.
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I wrote out a long response saying how that changed things... I assumed that was an e-mail from Humble Bundle support.
Then I saw it was from IndieRoyale... which is the only bundle to actually spell out in there TOS to not give Steam keys away.
Maybe Mark Chandler needs to read his own TOS once more...
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BTW, this refers to the unique URL you get in e-mail when you purchase an IR Bundle. You must not disclose THAT URL with anyone, but giving away individual Steam or Desura codes is technically fine, according to IR Support, although they prefer if someone wants codes they be be gifted with the whole bundle or buy it themselves.
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Yes, I was confused by the wording of their TOS, but you have a redeem key for every purchase that is a key to your unique download page, like this: (not an actual working key/URL).
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Suggestion: Split up the HVD into regular HVD and HVD with "beat the average" boni. Saves giveaway creators the need to type it out, and can be applied to future bundles.
Also, it might be profitable to have a warning/confirmation page set up for games that have issues attached to them, like games from bundles, or with exploited keys. There should be a list of these games, and whenever a giveaway is created for one of these, the page would pop up right before the confirmation page, explain the issue and the rules about the game.
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I kind of think it might even be worthwhile to take out the option to do giveaways for games like Gish, Spacechem, etc.
It seems like 9.5 out of 10 giveways for a "spare key" game will end up being the "spare key" and not an actual Steam gift. I don't think there would be much of a loss if it were impossible to gift individual games like: Gish, Sanctum, Spacechem, etc. etc. etc.
Just my opinion, :)
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There is still always the chance that these games will go on a decent sale individually or they'd come from another source. Take Sanctum, for example. IGN Prime Trial gave you limited keys for Sanctum and the DLC. We don't want to keep readding games that were merely in a Bundle just because another method of obtaining legitimate copies or keys is available.
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I am recommending not even adding them after the bundles end... even if they show up in a sale.
It seems you have to comment on every giveaway asking the gifter "Is this game from X? If so I will have to remove it." To which, the answer is usually "Yes, sorry!"
Games like Sanctum, Frozen Synapse, Space Chem, Time Gentlemen..., Gish, and others probably wouldn't be sorely missed if they weren't giftable through, since I'm guessing anyone who REALLY wants them can get them rather cheaply if they haven't already.
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The only confirmation page that will be implemented, so far, is the rules page when a new member registers. Adding confirmation pages for individual games seems like a lot of effort for very little. Why would we do those games and not the actual bad games that could get someone into trouble? "Oh, sure, you can activate it. Just use a VPN!"
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Applying these rules to private giveaways is stupid. If I have spare keys I don't need and I make a private giveaway and share the link to a very small group of friends telling them that is a HIB/IR key where is the problem? Also how would you find all those private giveaways? Is not like people who join them are going to report them and checking every private giveaway as a mod is insane.
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hmm it applies to the groups too ? why it anyway does not add to the points?
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read thread. it's against TOS for both bundles, and there's other reasons.
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Question: I have an unused humble frozen synapse bundle gift link in this format: Am I allowed to create a giveaway for it or is it against the rules?
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actually, that seems to be a normal redeem page, with no guarantee that it's unused. you have to buy the bundle itself as a gift, then you will get a gift page where you can enter the winners email address, but you can't access the steam keys yourself (just as it should be).
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People are spreading too much false information and encourage others to break these rules. Somehow this needs to stop.
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Can you please elaborate on your question? I'm not sure what you're asking.
What this thread says is that if you want to make a giveaway for one of the bundles, it has to be an unused gift url. You don't have to make a giveaway and you can enter others.
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SG should just disable certain games during the weeks that they are in a bundle. No one's reading the fucking rules and people should get suspended.
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Dredmor is only a separate key if you didn't pay above the average. If you paid above the average before DoD was added it's just added to your Aquaria/CFD key.
No idea what happens if you didn't pay above the average, had DoD added to your bundle and then pay over average. Do you get two keys?
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Please read the rules before spreading false information. It is clearly written right in this thread:
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I am not spreading false information. That part of the ToS refers to the URL you can download your games from (looks like this:, not the individual game codes you get. Feel free to ask Indie Royale support about this - I did and they confirmed you can give away individual game codes if you already have those games, but of course you can't share your unique download page URL with anyone else.
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wrong. "account" refers to your redeem/download page, "login" would be your unique URL and "keys" are any of the individial game codes / cd keys.
They OFTEN tweet about being able to give away those keys, this much is known. But the Terms of Use DO say that you aren't supposed to give them away. The IndieRoyale team have stated that and they have a reason for that. And has to stay fair towards their Terms of Use, rather than their tweets.
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Take a look at how your unique URL looks:**key**/XXXXXXXXXXXX. Also on the the main page: Redeem key: "Lost your key? If you know your bundle key, enter it below: ... or if you don't know your bundle key, enter your email address and all keys connected to it will be emailed to you:" - Notice these say key and they are obviously not referring to the Steam codes but your 13-digit "IndieRoyale URL" or "redeem key".
I have asked their support what that line you quoted refers to, and they have confired it refers to unique download pages/URLs, and not the individual games codes on your download page, I suggests you ask them too if you don't believe me.
"The IndieRoyale team have stated that and they have a reason for that." Where they have stated this and what is their reason?
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This thread isn't here to dispute the rules. The only thing you're causing is confusion and possibly a few suspended accounts. The rules stand and you're not gonna change that.
As for their reason: A few people gave out their redeem URL, unaware that the recipient can take and redeem their keys, and thus they lost their purchases. I don't have the tweet and I am not gonna spend my time looking for it. What you are doing is futile regardless.
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I was simply stating the rules, not disputing them and answering hai's question - you can't give away individual Steam key(s) from IR bundles on here (as per steamgifts rules), but you can give them away outside of this site, as the IR staff stated they don't have a problem with that.
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That's very interesting...
I wonder if SG mods will change the rules.
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The collective thread about everything related to Humble and other Indie Bundles. Covered in this thread are: Humble Bundles, Indie Royale Bundles and The Indie Gala.
The Rules:
Word from Above:
(In other words, giving away used URLs is forbidden. Unused gift URLs only.)
Keep in mind:
Relevant threads:
The Bundles:
Indie Royale Bundles. All of them give you separate keys for each item. Do not give these keys away. Sorted newest to oldest bundle.
IR New Year Bundle
IR Xmas Bundle
The Oil Blue (Desura)
IR Really Big Bundle
IR Difficult 2nd Bundle:
Non-Steam extras
IR Launch:
Humble Bundles. Only items marked with ♦ are supplied via separate keys. Do not give these keys away. Sorted newest to oldest bundle.
Humble Indie Bundle 4
Humble Introversion Bundle:
Tech demos
Humble Voxatron Debut:
Voxatron (and the other non-Steam titles)
Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle:
Humble Indie Bundle 3:
Humble Frozenbyte Bundle:
Jack Claw & Splot (non-Steam)
Humble Indie Bundle 2:
Cortex Command
Humble Indie Bundle 1:
Other Bundles.
The Indie Gala:
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