They end at the start of next month?! YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES
EDIT: I'm gonna pick up TWD: 400 Days and Sanctum 2. WOOOO! GO EVIL CORPORATIONS!
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Different sales start and end different days. There are some sales starting on 11/21 and some starting days after until 12/02 when the last games will start to go on sale. These games may well be on sale past 12/02, I'm not sure when each expires (maybe day of?).
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Sanctum 2 & 400 Days expire 02/12, which is WAYYYY more than enough time to get them both.
I am so pleased right now. That has cheered up this shitty day.
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The Logitech G400S was recently (2 weeks ago) on sale on Amazon for 25,- Euro, along with other discounted Logitech products.
I guess they'll have discounted hardware during Black Friday, too, so you might get lucky ;)
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Are you sure there will be that 5$ coupon things? And if so, then when?
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EDIT: nm, see it! AWESOME!
So I guess if I'm interested in more than one game (eg. 400 days & Bioshock pack), I should make separate purchases so I get $10?
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Any word about Kingdoms of Amalur going on sale? (and im not interested about Origin version)
ah there is a deal atm but its Origin only, hrngh
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I was aware that state of Rhode Island now owns the rights on Amalur but i expected some sort of involvement from them if anything, why would anyone say no to some free income? Do you think it will be discounted on upcoming Autumn sale at least? If that's a no as well then i guess my only solution is to buy it at full price
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Rhode Island has owned it ever since they went under a year ago and it hasn't been auctioned off yet, scheduled for december. So it all depends on what the new owner will do.
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Ah well, i caved in and bought the Steam version yesterday
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Tony from Amazon: "The guys who control the Steam version have gone completely dark"
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Nice =)
I only checkd Amazon, reddit page and reddit wiki.
Seems is more up-to-date.
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You need to look at!169&authkey=AITPbA9QbgGZV84&em=2&Item=Table1&wdHideGridlines=True
It lists literally everything going onsale through the 2nd, including prices and direct links. Great way to plan an attack.
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simple link for what I believe is the main page for this (at least, in the PC Download category)
[edit] The "Games for Steam" link on that page seems to redirect to the games 70% off or more, rather than what it should. Click the DRM > Steam checkbox on the left instead [/edit]
[edit 2] Amazon fixed their link -- works properly now. [/edit]
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errr... the "Amazon 70%+ Off Drill Down" is probably not really a good link to have up in your post ;) -- re-read my earlier edit :D
(i.e. that doesn't filter down to Steam games, despite that being what the link to get to it says it should be (i.e. Amazon's link is broken))
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Yeah, I was going to list that but I will hold off until it is available.
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They might come with separate keys. When I got my Bioshock pack [1&2] from them, both games activated separately. Might be the case here.
It would be a better deal that way, and you'd then have extra copies of the first two games to gift or trade.
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Amazon isnt like Steam in that if a sequel goes onsale, the earlier games are automatically discounted. According to the master sales list Payday 1 isnt even listed.
That link lists everything thats going onsale up to and including 12/2 (Cyber Monday).
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They did the same thing last year and people got it (including me).
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Yep, through the end of December. Read the message on the main BF page. Looks like you can only use the promo on 2013 Editor's Choice Digital Games though which are TBD. I'll have to update that.
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Oh, here is the reason. Last year you buy games with the editors choice credits, you got that credits automatically after you submit your purchase which means you got the credits even your purchase failed. Last year I bought a game for several times but only one purchase of them went through while others all failed, but I still got all credits. I think this should be the reason.
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Earlier, they had a deal where if you bought a 2K game, you got a $5 credit towards NBA 2K14. I bought a bunch of 2K stuff over a few weeks for trades and my own personal use and accrued quite a few of these credits (like 9 of them - which was more than the price of 1 copy of NBA). When I went to use them towards NBA 2K14, it would only apply 1 per order. These credits do not always stack, so buyer beware in this respect.
Sometimes Amazon's credit deals do stack, but they are usually the more broad ones, like "$5 Credit for preordering X". Usually when it applies to specific titles, they do not stack.
Considering these bonuses apply to a specific list, I'm willing to bet they do not stack.
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Any more news about GFWL and Bulletstorm?
" using the GFWL setup such as Street Fighter X Tekken, Bulletstorm or Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition has their PC fanbase biting their nails and hoping a fix comes sooner rather than later."
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The only thing that's really tempting me is the XCom Collection for $10. I already have the new X-Com game on 360 and I haven't played it yet, but that's a lot of gaming value for $10. There are a few other games that are tempting, but they've either been in a bundle or likely to be in one in the future, so I'd probably be better off waiting.
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no, there is no region lock things. I live in Canada and I always buy digital download games from I use a US address and pay. Then I get region free cd key that can be redeemed world wide. Amazon provides world wide or North America version keys. Both of them are region free. so no worry at all.
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Do you think it would be a better idea to just list the people who contributed at the end of the post? I could throw yours (and others) down there so as not to clutter the actual links.
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Just to make sure, these all are region free, right? As they require a US postal address?
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By the way, The Editor's Choice candidates are only games released in 2013?
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25 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by ZeawensGamingChannel
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52 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by DarkRainX
40 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Sakakino
It looks like they will have new games starting to go on sale until 12/02. Here are some links to help you out:
Amazon Black Friday Page
Amazon Digital Games Page - Anything bought here during the sale gets you a $5 promotional credit to use in January on 2013 Editor's Choice Games
2013 Editor's Choice Games (Blank for now, TBD)
Steam Games
Steam Games 70%+ Off
SlickDeals' Link
Reddit GameDeals' Amazon Wiki
Reddit GameDeals' Day 2
CAD Link
CAD Spreadsheet of all games with start & end dates, opens a Skydrive spreadsheet
Right now some good deals appear to be:
Bioshock Triple Pack (1, 2 and Infinite): $15
Borderlands GOTY and Borderlands 2: $12
Max Payne 3 + Season Pass: $7
XCOM Collection: $10
The Walking Dead Pack (TWD + 400 Days DLC): $7.50
400 Days DLC: $1.25
Firaxis Complete Pack (XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Civilization IV Complete Edition, Civilization V: Gold Edition: $20
I'll try and update these links throughout the days. Point out some good deals or relevant links and I'll add you to the contributor list. Let me know if you don't want to be added:
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