I would agree for a replacement game and then mark as "Not Received" :}
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You'll either have to give a new key for the same game, or live with having an unreceived in your list.
Giving a substitute game might get the person you plant to gift it to into trouble, as anyone else looking at his/her game list might think that the person has not redeemed the game that was given.
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If this happens, so far as I know, you need to make sure they get the game they won from you before the week is out.
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Not true. Anyone can check your profile to see whether or not a game is in your library. If it isn't, and you won the game, previously, you would probably be suspended for not activating a gift.
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I thought SG requires you to open your profile? For a short time period, I had my profile set to private and I kept being redirected to a page where it kept saying my profile was private and SG couldn't sync with my account.
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We can always suspend you and force you to turn your profile public for inspection if we get a report that you've been not activating your wins.
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I think this 'rule' is completely idiotic. Exactly this happened to me. Won a game (Victoria 2), but the key was used already. The guy who created the giveaway said he received the key from someone else who apparently scammed him, apologized and offered to give me Geneforge Saga (both V2 and GS are bundle games, both cost 20$ on Steam and thus give 20$ cv) instead. It would have been completely childish and idiotic not to accept that offer and instead mark his ga as not received. So I did. After I found out there are a lot of denouncers and wannabe Sherlock Holmes around here I simply got a copy of Victoria 2 from somewhere else to avoid any trouble. But I firmly believe I did the right thing.
I don't see anything wrong with a substitute game as long as it is equal in terms of cv (eg you can't give a bundle game as replacement for a non-bundle game or a game with a cv of 10$ for one with a cv of 50$). Other than that all you have to fear are the denouncers who will scream for a suspension without even talking to you.
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I agree with you here. Sounds like everyone else is just being a twat because A) they can and B) they didn't win themselves.
"Oh my god, on a free site, for a free giveaway, you came to a mutual agreement to swap something of equal value instead when something went wrong. You're such bad people!". (said in the voice of a 6 year old boy)
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Well the rule is there because people may resell or trade the game they won away.
"So?" you may ask, "It's their game now, they can do whatever they want." But that's not the point of this website or it's giveaways. The point is so that the winner may enjoy the game they won, not the game they got from trading the game they won away for one they wanted more.
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It's also because the winner can easily suspended by one of the hundreds of overzealous internet detectives who will scour their game list and then see they didn't have the gift they said they received in their game list. The winner can explain, but if the giveaway maker isn't around for some reason, it's just their word against everyone else's with no evidence to back it up. So you can't do what the OP suggested for this reason and because of all the headaches, support time, and suspensions it might cause.
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The problem is, there is no way for the mods or others (group admins like to check if applicants follow rules for example) to know you came to this "understanding".
It simply looks like the winner took the game and sold/traded it away since the game they "won" is nowhere on their account.
Also, rules are rules. We don't get to decide what is "fair", we can only follow what the support team has decided; or else face the suspension if we don't.
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As 'idiotic' as you may see it, you have to see that this rule makes logical sense. It is a system of accountability — a method of ensuring that the game promised is delivered, so that the slippery slope of users misrepresenting giveaways never starts to take place.
It may to make sense to accept the alternate gift, morally. However, this is a giveaway site, and as such, certain concrete rules must be set in place to prevent the abuse of its services. Are the rules arbitrary and limiting in certain circumstances? Of course they are, as most rules go. However, in the interest of overall fairness as well as ease of policing a large site like SG, it would not be feasible to grant concessions, even in special cases like these.
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I think some people here take this site waaaay to serious. The whole 'rules are rules' talk could make you think this is the donor organ registry and not a site where people give away Steam games, which are mostly almost worthless bundle games or games bought for a dollar or two. There are already numerous ways to abuse the service if you really wanted to. And if someone is really desperate enough to trade the one bundle game he won after two months of entering giveaways, is that really the end of the world? What's next? People checking if other people actually played the games they won? Because what is worse, someone who trades a game he won for something he may actually play or someone who activates a game, but never plays it? On a site like this where cheap games are given away for free common sense would be more important to me than a strict set of rules.
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Of course you can, but you still have to give the game from the giveaway.
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Well the giveaway was meant for said game, so replacing it would be.....difficult, since you're not trading anything, and the winner has the right to claim what he won, granted yould could accept the gift and even mark it as recieved, however some problems could arise from that.
Me personally, i would try to get the game even if i had a "replacement", as the giveaway created was meant for that game, even if that costs me twice the money, or the trouble of contacting support to get it fixed.
This is something interesting that (i think) should be covered in the rules with a bit more detail, since there doesn't seem to be anything written about it.
EDIT: I'm thinking about it some more, it could very well be easily exploitable, so i'm guessing that you HAVE to give the original game away or face the negative feedback.
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Basically, the winner has two options:
They can select 'not received'. I don't think a gifter gets in trouble for just one unreceived game, but it's still a black mark on their record.
They can contact support; cg can erase the entire giveaway if it seems that both people were acting in good faith and yet a gift is impossible (I've been through this process once for a gift I was unable to receive; it can take a while, since I think cg has to approve it personally, but it does work.)
What you cannot do is hit receive if you failed to receive the game named in the giveaway. This can get you a suspension for failing to activate the game, if support notices. I've heard of people getting in trouble for that before, at least. (In that case they were able to get the suspension revoked by explaining things to support, but I don't think you want to rely on that.)
An "informal" substitute can of course be given outside of the SG system (what, are they going to prevent you from giving away a game?), but of course there will be no record of it on SG, no CV, etc, since it was irregular and not a proper giveaway.
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All support members can delete / restore giveaways. cg's involvement is required in cases such as changing feedbacks, removing entrants, changing the game / time of the giveaway.
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+1. It would take time for the heart to heal, though.
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"Here take this as an apology for all the trouble you went through and didn't get the free game." Something like that?
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"Sorry you got so excited about winning Metro: Last Light, but I made a mistake and can't deliver. Please take DOTA 2 as an apology."
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I don''t think something like falsely getting someone excited warrants giving a free game, unless you rich and can throw money just like that, if not you could just give him a torrent link to the game, it's as much as nice and considerate.
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Sheee, no one needs to know the key was in reality used already. ;)
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Well, that would be the problem of the winner. :D
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Probably not, if I give you this key: ZFJE9-8YL8X-G08WW for Dear Esther, it isn't the same as getting a Little Infero Key (like this one NHHJW-7ZXPR-7DZDY) because they are different games. You have to give them the game that you said they'd win, even if you have to buy a new one.
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Happened to me once. Was giving tomb raider away but the key was already taken. So what i did was buy the game and gift it to the guy. Even though it might be "idiotic" or "too serious" Rules ARE rules. They are put for a reason. Without it, a lot of people would exploit and cheat others. It must of happened before. That is why the rule was put into place.
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The agreement between the gifter and the winner is their business. If the gifter wants to give you a substitute game, sure you can accept that.
HOWEVER, you need to inform support that you haven't received the game indicated in the giveaway, and was offered a substitute. After that, we can either delete the giveaway (since the game was no longer available) or, depending on the case, put it in a queue for game change. Otherwise, you'll be suspended for not activating won gift, and again, depending on the case, both sides may be suspended for feedback fraud, if you've given a Received mark for a game you didn't get.
Shortly, if you're going to mark a giveaway of a game you didn't get as Received, you're going to have a bad time. In cases like this, contact support and we'll discuss about what can be done.
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Never knew this, thanks for the official explanation.
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if you give a winner of your giveaway a key that was already activated by mistake, can you offer a substitute game?
or is that against the rules
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