Nice man i wish you a lot of luck at your new job and lots of money ofcourse :D
Nice giveaway,fallout series took almost a year of my life xD
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Thanks! I'll give a hint for the question shortly before the giveaway is over.
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Congrats, dude! I wish you the best of luck and success!
I still haven't played Skyrim and I'm curious about the mods from Q2 and 3. Can you post their names when the giveaway is over? Thanks!
P.S. I'm just thinking to make a list with some must-have mods. I just want to be prepared. ^^
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Any advice on how we can figure out where your 'dream job' is? I tried a few of the obvious answers, but they didn't work.
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Congrats on the new job, and thanks for the puzzle and giveaways :)
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I tried to allow multiple answers to account for syntax/formatting difficulties. Which question is causing you issues?
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1 and 2 opps I said 3 but I meant 2
I use that mod manager a lot....and I copied the DLC link from 2 different places direct from steam.
I actually just installed that DLC a few days ago and have not played Skyrim in a few months, so I will have to check it out.
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Some of that answer might be perceived as giving hints, though not hints the puzzle doesn't give.
I found it necessary to remember that querystrings are part of URLs, as is the 'http'.
It might be useful if the question accepted the name of the mod, instead of just the link. Or if the link didn't have to have a querystring attached.
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So don't guess wrong :) Or do what I do - put your best guesses in for each question, then start submitting them in confidence order. When you get the first one wrong, spend 30 seconds googling. If you haven't found a better answer, move on to your next question.
By the end, you'll have a few incorrect, and mostly correct. Then you can devote yourself to the google to find the remaining answers.
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Ironically, I actually put exactly 12 possible answers for Q1 into ITH. However, I'm guessing the overlap with the answers you're thinking about is not 100%...
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LOL! I see your point and updated the hint for Q1.
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"Best" "Best" "Best"... Honestly, whatever is best is simply an opinion rarely are there definite answers to things such as that. What's amazing in one person's view could be completely terrible in another's.
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No question that some of the answers are opinions. I'm just trying to make people aware of a cool site and mods/DLC that I like.
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stuck on 2 and 6 :(
EDIT: bump for solved. Congrats on getting the new job :)
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Thanks for the well wishes, and congratulations to you as well!
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I'll just say this for now: I put in two variations, both capitalized.
I'll give some more hints later. Part of the sick, twisted fun of all this for me (j/k) is seeing how many people can guess correctly early on.
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Haha, I'll put that in as a possible answer for people that are stock market centric. Obviously, the fact that the company is on the NASDAQ is not really much of a hint :)
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Hmmm - it's strange, ITH isn't keeping some of the extra answer variants I put in for Q6. To be fair to everyone trying the puzzle, I'll at least say that the more colloquial name for the company is DEFINITELY being accepted by ITH. I'll keep trying to put in other variants for Q6 in the hopes that they'll stick.
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LOL, apparently I added SOOOO many answer variants for Q1-Q5, they deleted all but my first answer variant for Q6. The colloquial name, full name, and lower and upper case NASDAQ tickers are now all accepted (I deleted some answer variants for Q1-Q5). Discovering this oddity about ITH, I'm probably not going to add any more answer choices for earlier questions.
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More importantly, there's a private giveaway link in there too :)
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Yup. He announced it at the start - CV of $50.
Sorry you don't feel that you can giveaway $21 bucks worth of games on top of a couple bundled games. I mean, if you got games during one of steam's 75% off sales you might have to pay up to $5 for that!
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Hmm i solved almost all except Q6 can you give a hint i TRIED all bitally all big tech companyes in world :(.
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I just got a new job and want to celebrate by giving out a few of my favorite games! There will be a mix of questions that will help you enjoy certain Bethesda published games more (including but not limited to the ones in this giveaway), as well as a question that is self indulgent and relates to me. Good luck!
Please note that the giveaways each have a contributor value of $50.00. One of them (with 2 copies) is private, and the other is public. Even if you enter the public giveaway, I encourage you to go through the questions to learn how to enjoy the game and other Bethesda games more!
Remember, no sharing the private giveaway link, answers, or giving out hints! I WILL report you to the admins and/or re-roll you if necessary.
P.S. Feel free to enter if you have the base game(s) but not ALL of its(their) DLC.
Edit: In the interest of trying to keep syntax/formatting from interfering with the puzzle, I've added a few more possible answers to the questions.
April 11th Hint Update: It gives me a smile to see that several people have solved the puzzle :)
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