Why? Because this is still not allowed, that's why. If you think a giveaway is fake, report it, don't say it. It doesn't do the community any good at all. Is "warning" people that they might lose their completely imaginary points really worth a suspension? I'd say no. Nobody cares if you're "right", either, as you're still very much in the wrong. Your suspension won't be stricken from the record just because we delete the giveaway. There have also been a number of the more experienced users engaging in a form of psuedo-calling out lately, pretending to be helpful, while every word screams "fake". Be aware that we have seen these and we are not amused at all. A few people have gotten suspensions for these before, most don't, we're still trying to figure out where the the line is, what constitutes it. If you truly do want to help the user understand SG, it may be best to simply friend them on Steam and do it privately. If you get suspended for a comment where you were genuinely trying to help, it's annoying and a waste of time for everyone involved to deal with it (suspending, you making a ticket, us finding and answering the ticket, removing your suspension). If you get suspended for a comment where you were implying it's fake, there's just enough leeway for alternate interpretations of your words to loophole your way out of a suspension (note: this is not to say we tolerate any form of rules laywering) and it's not as hilarious as you think to waste our time that way either.

  1. Report.
  2. Stay quiet.
  3. Move on.
11 years ago*

Comment has been collapsed.

Closed 11 years ago by thejadefalcon.