as one game + bonuses now? I dont remember if the rule was changed, but it doesnt seem like giveaways for single games in the bundle are being deleted.

11 years ago*

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the deep silver bundle doesent give you keys for single games.....the one thats active right now...anyone who bought it got two different for the main set of games, and one for the bonus games...

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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i was just trying to explain to him that its not even possible to gift just one of the games with this particular bundle.....

11 years ago

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Yeah, in the past, you could only drop the key in the forums. You couldn't make a single giveaway with "bonuses"

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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not honest?
how so?

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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id like you to reread your sentence...
when you say to someone, "im going to give you Saints Row II plus bonus games."
and then you give them a key, and it unlocks Saints Row II plus some bonus games....what is dishonest about that???

or is this a discussion about CV values or some shit?

instead of being a dick, explain yourself...otherwise, why bother talking to me in the first place responding to what i had said?

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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no...i asked you how it was, i wasnt even talking about CV, or thinking about CV, or caring about CV....

and instead of replying with "because they get more CV than they should", you passive-aggressively try to insult my intelligence...

so yes...thats definitely being a dick...

11 years ago

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Yes, I know, hence my question. People are giving away the entire key as a single game in the key. This wasn't allowed in the past, but it seems like it is okay nowadays.

11 years ago

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that seems like a really stupid fucking rule....
this site it setup to give people gifts....why in the world would it not be allowed? this place is the most unfriendly place thats meant for a friendly action ive ever seen....

11 years ago

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Children is hospitals love people nickel and diming charitable bundles :) Timmy, age 7 leukemia told me he was down with it and to say thanks. RIP timmy

11 years ago

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Because that free 3DS might have saved his life of course, and by giving it as a gift it totally effected how much went to the charity.

Also it is not a charity bundle, it is a bundle with the "option" to give to charity.

Personally I never do as I do not agree with the charity's they choose and I donate to charity's I feel more worthy separately.

11 years ago

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They're already marked as a bundle so there's actually no point doing it

11 years ago

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Aren't all the individual games bundled too, preventing these sort of attempts to sidestep the bundle rules?

11 years ago

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Yeah, this is exactly the reason why the individual games are placed on the bundle list. But I know that probably half a year ago (back to the last humble bundle with shared keys), there were quite a few threads covering this, and support always said that it was "misrepresentation" to group all of the games into one giveaway.

11 years ago

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For some bundles yes, for others no. Staff have stated they stoped added individual games from single keys when they clearly haven't.

11 years ago

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And if someone gives away Dead Island GOTY for 20$ CV and gives the winner non-BTA Humble key? Is it honest?

11 years ago

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If they it is marked as bundled, I dont see why not it wouldnt be honest. The staff already assumes people are giving it by putting it on the bundle list.

11 years ago

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It definitely would not be honest, because Dead Island GOTY only comes with the BTA bundle.

11 years ago

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Yeah, and it is so often when owner gives away Saints Row 3 as Non-Bta bundle with bonus games ;)

11 years ago

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what no that's different, in this case Saints Row 3 is given away, in the original scenario Dead Island GOTY is not given away (because it is only in the BTA part). In yours the person gave away what was promised, so that's ok in the original scenario they cannot give away Dead Island, so that is wrong. So those situations are not alike to me

11 years ago

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As I said, it is on the bundle list already. By definition the staff already assumes that people will be giving it one way or another.

So, imo, go crazy. Either its "legit" or not, you will be treated as giving the bundle copy. Might as well actually give that one.

11 years ago

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Um, not sure if you understood. Valko said if someone listed Dead Island GOTY, but then gave the non-BTA key which doesn't include Dead Island GOTY. I mean, that's obviously not honest because you aren't even giving the correct game in the key.

11 years ago

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definitely not, because the non-BTA doesn't have Dead Island. the winner has the right to report the case i believe

11 years ago

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I can see your point here...
Saints row 3 - $20
Humble Bundle below average - $1

There's a big difference there, which is artificially boosting people's contribution value, regardless of bundle penalties.

11 years ago

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this whole CV value system is some dick shit....

without it, there wouldnt be as much room for elitists who romp around the forums with their noses in the air talking down on everyone without a decent CV....
and it wouldnt make something like this, someone wanting to gift a whole fucking bundle to someone, a problem....

11 years ago

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Hey, I'm on your side. I argued in the past that this practice should be allowed, but support and most of the forum said that it was "misrepresentation"

11 years ago

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I think you'll find that most people here with a lot of CV don't actually care very much about it at all. I certainly don't.

This is not about maintaining a high CV - it's about keeping things fair across the board. Some people choose to rightly mark what they're giving away as the bundle that it is while others don't.

11 years ago

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While that's true to some extent, and there may be a handful of users who sneer at those with lower CV values, these are [fortunately] very much in the minority.

If the CV figure was not shown on profiles, these folks would simply take exactly the same view based on a user's list of games given away, so I don't think it a lot would change. Any snobbery would just be based on a different criterion (which is essentially a non-numerical form of CV anyway).

Additionally, there are few who have a problem with giving away bundles either. If a game is good, who cares where it came from? In fact, the bundle capping has made giving such games away a lot more acceptable to the general community IMO. Since nothing is being gained by giving away bundles (in terms of CV, anyway), these are given purely out of charity rather than in the hope of getting a foothold on the next level of that greasy contribution pole.

The gifters who insist on a minimum CV for their games would, in all likelihood, simply stop making public giveaways, and make their giveaways group/private. There would be more groups whose membership demanded not a CV figure, but a "decent" track record of giveways, which would amount to the same thing, although with a little more subjectivity applied.

Many opponents of the CV system anticipate its abolition to result in a watershed event, where suddenly Steamgifts would be awash with heaps of AAA giveaways they were now able to enter. This would not happen. There are much better criticisms of CV, such as its divisive nature and somewhat arbitrary calculation, but that's been done to death in a thousand other threads!

Personally I'm slightly more in favour of keeping it than removing it, but only slightly. Until a better solution is found, I can't see the logic in axing it altogether.

11 years ago

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Many opponents of the CV system anticipate its abolition to result in a watershed event, where suddenly Steamgifts would be awash with heaps of AAA giveaways they were now able to enter.

I was under the impression that the people who want CV gone the most are the people with the most CV.

11 years ago

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I think there is a split across the board. That's why I used the word "many" rather than "most" or "the majority of".

I've read a significant number of posts from people with no CV carping about how they want CV gone so they can't be discriminated against in this way. Those are the folks who I'm talking about here.

You'll notice that later on in my post I state that there are more valid criticisms than this selfish and fallacious argument. I don't for a second think wanting contributor value gone is a position held only by those with low CVs. Anyone who has ever even skim read a thread on the subject could not fail to appreciate that is simply not the case.

However, with their superficially appearing to be the ones to gain by its removal, it has an enticing appeal to users with low CV, and there have been a sizeable number of vocal advocates in this category.

11 years ago

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I highly disagree with you. I know many people who are in the "decent" or higher CV category and they aren't snobby or anything.

I would also like to add that most of the people who complain about the elitist who romp around the forums with their noses in the air, are usually people who don't have a high cv or cv at all.

11 years ago

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and there, in your posts proves part of my point....

why does someones CV matter in the slightest??? this is a site that, essentially, was created to be charitable to other steam users....
but whats happening instead is basically a 'class' division i guess you could say, and its becoming more of a 'what can i get for myself' type of place...
and that 'romping' extends past the forums....its evident when you see high CV values as requirements to enter giveaways...which you see quite often....when im looking through giveaways and i see $200.00 next to a like wow...that person is so charitable....

while some type of system to weed out the leeches should definitely be in place, the one that is here...this ruins that good feeling i got from discovering this place.....

if someone has a game they cant use, or just want to give away, and they go looking for a site to simply give away the game to someone, this place looks great...
thats what happened with me...i had a key i wanted to give away and someone mentioned this place....and im like wow! something like this exists! faith in humanity partially restored!....but as i spend more time here....i see its not just simply a charitable place, its much deeper than that, and theres a whole lot more to it...

in my personal opinion, it would be much better if there was no CV...and nobodys named linked to a credit taken....only a game given...and a thanks in return....

11 years ago

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Um... Weren't you the one that started with the whole class division shit? I only said what I said because of what you said, hence the italics and the quotes.

In my last post I was only disagreeing with you that not all high CV people are snobby.

EDIT: in my personal opinion, it would be much better if there was no CV...and nobodys named linked to a credit taken....only a game given...and a thanks in return....

Doesn't seem like you say thanks at all really...

11 years ago

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really? go ask the person from the 1 game ive won how thankful i was...i even game them a list of games i had keys too and let them choose...
also, i never said ALL people wiht a high CV act that way, so wtf???? guilty conscience? why are you offended?

11 years ago

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I'm sure. So, so, so thankful that you didn't even play it. (Also don't give me some bullshit saying you don't have time to play it when you have over 100+ hrs played in the past two weeks.) You also still haven't addressed to the main part of the post. You complain about this class division, yet you are the one that classify us people as such. Why?

EDIT: Nice edit. Why do you seem so bitter? I'm merely asking questions because you seem to know so very much about the *elitist who romp around the forums with their noses in the air. ^___^

11 years ago

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whether ive played the game yet or not really doesent matter....i really dont need to explain myself to you, but for your personal information to add to your notes your taking on me, it wont install...i have installation errors, and valve doesent give a shit... not classifying shit....'us people'?? i dont even fucking know you....i didnt mention your name or anyone i said...guilty conscience?
if you see some people acting like assholes, and you say theyre acting like assholes, thats not classifying them...thats pointing out what theyre doing...
are you gonna sit here and tell me that this shit doesent exist??? that there is no groups of people who arent willing to let anyone without a high CV into their groups or even enter their giveaways??? because if you can say that to me, youre quite skilled at lying to yourself...

11 years ago

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No, you don't have to explain yourself. ^___^

No need to get so hostile. I thought this is just a friendly conversation? (I don't like the CV system either, so chill out buddy!) You keep going back to my guilty conscience, but I'm only asking you why classify people if you don't like the classification? Also not only high cv people are assholes in the forums. There are plenty of other bitter assholes out there, if you know what I mean.

11 years ago

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I would also like to add that most of the people who complain about the elitist who romp around the forums with their noses in the air, are usually people who don't have a high cv or cv at all.
^^^thats your initial reply
in which, i replied to respectfully further explaining what i was saying to you, even though you took a little jab at me...

and then you reply with:
Doesn't seem like you say thanks at all really...

and then you go on to tell me how thankful i am for something i was given, like you know anything about me....

and now you want to ask, why so hostile? because you come off arrogant as fuck and judgmental right off the bat...thats why so hostile...i tried to have a civil conversation....youre the one who wanted to start insulting me....

why dont you be real and say whats on your mind instead of the hazy statements and attempts at subliminal insults? if you want to call me a bitter asshole, just do it....dont be a bitch about it...

im sorry that me not respecting the fact that people divide themselves into groups here depending on their contributions to a site that is supposed to be based on charitable actions offends you so much....but thats too bad....we all have our opinions...ill still have mine after this conversation....

11 years ago

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Well with that I'm off. Don't need someone going off their hinge ranting at me. Ha.

You perceived it as how you perceived it and I perceived it how I perceived it, and that's fine. I read further down (up if you're not using SG+) and you've been pretty negative towards others. Congrats! You've made it onto my blacklist.

Sheesh, people these days.

11 years ago

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cool...i dont enjoy being talked down to and having assumptions made about me just for having my own opinion....wouldnt like to conversate with you anymore keep me on that blacklist...

11 years ago

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While CV isn't the only measure by which people's activity can be judged (giving away games isn't the only way to contribute to SG), games given away, whether measured by a CV figure, or an assessment of someone's list of prior giveaways, it IS one measure of participation and contribution to the website, and for some groups this is deemed important. If you disagree, chances are these groups won't be a good fit for you anyway, and you're better off finding alternatives, or starting one of your own, where you and like minded people can come together.

I wouldn't call it snobbery. It's more that many groups also want to recruit active members of the community, and folks with a proven track record of being decent people. A lot of groups have a range of criteria, and on top of that there will be informal criteria too, like not being "that guy", etc.

The same attitude could be (and regularly is) taken about forum comments. I've read plenty of comments complaining that forum activity, or post counts, shouldn't be criteria for group selection. Again, if you disagree, chances are the group isn't really what you're after.

Some people choose to limit their giveaways by CV. Others choose to give away within groups. The vast majority impose no restrictions at all. It's the gifter's money, so surely they should have the freedom to decide the criteria for their giveaways, whether you or I agree with them or not? If someone has spent their hard earned cash on a game, to give away to strangers, even if it's only to strangers who fit certain criteria, it's still generosity in my book.

I don't mean to offend, but why not be grateful for what you do have, which is a vast number of giveaways which you are able to enter, at no cost to yourself? If you're active in the community, you'll probably find yourself invited to various groups, even if you haven't been able to give away a lot of games. I don't necessarily aim this at you, but recently there has been a real tide of entitled posters griping about private, group and CV giveaways they see, and are unable to enter. Frankly people just need to get over it. We are lucky this site exists, full stop. It doesn't owe anyone anything. Neither do its participants, and just because someone wants to give a game away, it doesn't mean anyone has an unassailable right to enter for it.

You complain about people who don't know you making judgements about you, based on one easily misinterpreted piece of information. Whether that's an unplayed game, or a CV requirement on a giveaway, it amounts to the same thing, and as evidenced above it only leads to silly conclusions. You do the same in your post, branding half of Steamgifts' active user base elitist snobs, just because you can't enter their giveaways.

You yourself state that "something should be done" about "leeches". While not everyone with a zero CV could be classified as a "leech" (again, there is more than one way of contributing to this site), the option to filter entrants is a concession which allows people some freedom in this area.

It's your view that people setting a CV figure are "acting like assholes". I see it as giving back to those who keep the site alive by giving games. If that means a $2,000 CV giveaway which is vastly in excess of my CV level, then personally I'm pleased for the guys who can enter. Good on them. It doesn't happen all that often anyway. Just be grateful for what you have :)

11 years ago

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Listen to this post for it speaks the truth!

P.S. My last few days on the forums have been infinitely brightened by your posts Atomic. Keep up the good work :)

11 years ago

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Thanks - After a couple of random adds from incensed Steamgifts users, apparently foaming at the mouth for one reason or another (nobody involved in this thread, I hasten to add), I was under the impression that the majority of my recent posts had only succeeded in causing angst and general sharpening of pitchforks :)

11 years ago

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youre taking my initial post wrong...and i think youre mistaking me for the usual whiner on here complaining they havent got enough free post was from a moral standpoint, not a 'god damnitt i cant be included' view of this place when i first came was amazing....but its been darkened quite a bit by the formalities of it all...
ive already said my reasons behind why i feel that way about the CV thing..the convo got derailed with insults and bullshit by that guy since he doesent like my opinions, but ill try to explain again...
i wasnt complaining about not being able to get into not really concerned with being in private groups for the sake of giveaways...ive only joined one from this site...and it wasnt for giveaways, it was for the social aspect and gameplay that goes on...which i may leave anyway because nobody is even posting or chatting in the group...
it also isnt about me entering their giveaways at all....i really dont use them that much...i spend more time reading and chatting in the forums than doesent bother me if i cant personally enter a giveaway for a game i like...if i want it that bad ill just buy it, not hope for a win on steamgifts....

when i found this site, i thought it was awesome for the fact that people who cant afford to buy games have a place like this to have a chance at getting something new to play anyway....but as i said, it goes much deeper than that with this system...

i just seen this site as something refreshing....something truly charitable....but the systems in place makes it feel much less so...

and no, i dont feel that setting a CV figure makes you an asshole....i feel that setting a huge CV figure makes you an asshole...
like when im browsing and i see a game that someone just bought off a Steam sale for 2.50, and wont let anyone enter unless they've contributed $250 to the site...thats a bit extreme IMO....

i dont know...when i want to give something away to someone, regardless of who it going to just give it away...not make a list of criteria for them to live up to...that just doesent fit in with my personality or feels dickish to me, and looks dickish to me regardless of whos money it comes off as self absorbed, theyre willing to give this person something, but only if they feel they might have a chance at getting something in return from that same person....

11 years ago

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Your opinions are of your own and mine or of my own. If you really took offense to what I said, does that mean you have a guilty conscience? I mean your consensus is basically "get offended" > "must be guilty", right? Anyways, if you have a problem you can add me on Steam and we can talk it out as I would never disrespect someone's logical opinions. I apologize if your feelings are hurt by my opinions on the matter and pulling up how you haven't played your game (Atomic's right, that led to a bit of confusion.), even though you're the one that cannot hold a nice conversation without going hostile and swearing like a trucker. I mentioned above, feel free to add me and I'll get back to you in the morning as I don't appreciate the slander. (Don't see how I derailed the conversation when you're the one who started yelling.)

11 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. can try to make it seem however you wish...if you come off disrespectful when speaking to someone, expect it back...
i let you disrespect me once without saying a negative word back to you...and then you did it again....
and the ONLY way you could have felt disrespected by my initial post, is if you are one of those elitist folks i was speaking of, hence the guilty conscience not adding you to talk about it, its quite stupid, and i thought it was over with....

11 years ago

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I mean if disagreeing with your opinion is disrespecting you then yes. You just need to take a chill pill and settle down. I know you had a quarrel with someone above and you're sore about it. It's cool. No need to have a stroke over someone on the internet. At the end of the day, just know that you're the winner in your eyes. ;)

11 years ago

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I hear your point of view, and apologise if you took my post as a personal attack. It wasn't meant to be so. I do, however, stand by the logic of my post above, and the freedom of people to create giveaways for whomever they choose.

You might think that $250 is an extreme value, but giveaways of this level still attract hundreds of entrants. Many, many people on the site have given far in excess of this. Even giveaways with $1,000 as a minimum CV usually pull in a sizeable number of participants.

While you may disagree with people's perceived motive, I think it's a little presumptuous to consider their giving self-absorbed/self-centred when you don't even know their reasoning. Giving is giving as far as I'm concerned.

I appreciate some people find it upsetting that they can't enter every giveaway on Steamgifts. Others, like yourself, are unhappy that people are setting CV too high [in your opinion]. The site will never please everyone, but if you'd rather hide these giveaways that press your buttons, Steamgifts Plus allows you to filter them. Sure, it doesn't change what people are doing, but in time, you'll forget they ever existed :D

Seriously though, there are so many giveaways which demand nothing of entrants, other than modestly challenging task of locating, and successfully clicking on, the trusty green button. Why not be glad that the vast, vast majority of users are creating the sort of all-inclusive giveaways of which you approve, rather than getting frustrated at the minority who choose to do things another way?

11 years ago

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i didnt take your post as a personal, unlike jumanji up there can hold a conversation without being passive-aggressive over viewpoints...

also, its not frustrating to me...i dont really care THAT much...i was just stating my opinion on it...just conversating....its a doesent affect my life in any way at all...

my only frustration came from the way jumanji came at me....

11 years ago

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Ah yes, the classic name calling. I said to add me and perhaps we can discuss and settle our differences, but you are obviously too butthurt to see reason and have resulted to childish remarks. How cute.

11 years ago

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Plus this is still the most fair giveaway site if you compare it to others.

11 years ago

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tl;dr but I agree!

11 years ago

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I don't think the attitude you're talking about is common on the forums.

11 years ago

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What? Elitist? Thats like 1% of the people here...

11 years ago

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I asked once and wasn't able to get an answer or consensus. Here's how I see it.

If you're creating a giveaway for a Below Average or Above Average copy of a Humble Bundle, you need to send an gift URL. If you're just gifting the keys, you're not giving the winner access to soundtracks, other DRM versions, etc, making it a misrepresentation of the giveaway. However, this site is concerned with what is Steam-redeemable, so I can see where this can be argued that giving the keys is okay. The other issue is someone may want the above average key and want to giveaway the below average. In that case they don't have a giftable URL to give away, so it's problematic.

Where is gets complicated is "bonus" keys, or keys for part of a package. These are never added to the giveaway list, so there's no way to give them away. We've always said that you can give winners any additional items, as long as you give the game provided in a giveaway, so I don't see how listing a bonus key as one of those games is any different, PROVIDED the game has been added to the bundle list. You're not creating a giveaway for "Humble Bundle Sacred Citadel", just "Sacred Citadel", so you're not promising access to soundtracks, DRM-free versions, etc.

These are just my "unofficial" thoughts, hopefully some others will chime in.

11 years ago

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Here's one of the threads I was referring to. I guess sitewide opinions can change after a couple of months.

11 years ago

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Also - I was a new user at that time and wasn't even really paying attention to that stuff. And the Humble Bundles have evolved as well, I believe it was the bundle after that they started with the individual keys.

11 years ago

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Yup, that's why there havent been any threads about this for a while. There hasnt been a bundle with shared keys for a long time.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

11 years ago

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LOL you are right.

I'm looking at his profile and... 6000+ comments in one month??? How is that possible??

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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This is a fairly thorough answer to the main Steamgifts side of things, however, it doesn't address another issue: Humble Bundle themselves require their buyers to agree to not split up the bundle. Well, they sort of do that. It's more of a rule than a license agreement. Vague territory.

11 years ago

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This is my take on the issue, and a prepared response I keep handy:

This is a more difficult question than it may at first seem. Splitting up the individual keys from a bundle, whether through Humble or other bundles, may be against their terms of service, technically. Some of them have nothing in their ToS about it; others prohibit it, but have officially stated they don't care as long as it's not being done commercially; and others prohibit it and have said nothing to contradict that in any way. The question of whether or not giving out extra keys is a de jure violation of a bundle's ToS is actually quite contentious and has been argued over in the forum on several occasions. While we cannot officially condone something that might violate a company's ToS, the de facto state of affairs is that these keys are given away and traded on a regular basis, and the companies in question do not seem to have any complaint or grievance and have expressed no interest in stopping the activity or in enforcing any possible ToS violations which may be occurring. The massive number of giveaways which are made here on the site using just such keys would make it practically impossible to enforce a ban on them without completely removing the ability to create giveaways for those games, and, even then, there would probably be a considerable number of people submitting them as other titles, to say nothing of simply posting them in the forum. There is simply no practicable way we could stop people from giving them out. Consequently, we sort of turn a blind eye to the activity, regardless of possible ToS violations. If the bundles themselves don't seem to care, there's no reason for us to undertake extreme measures to try and safeguard against other people's actions.

In short, yes, go ahead and make a giveaway with it, but if anybody asks, we didn't say it was okay to split up your bundle keys.

11 years ago

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And a wonderfully thorough follow-up on the other part. Thanks! That's generally the way I understood things seemed to be going, and I think it's a very good way to handle/interpret things. I once emailed Humble about this and actually received a fairly similar explanation from them. They perceive it as a violation, but not one they're interested in caring about in any practical sense.

11 years ago

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Pretty much what I think as well.

If you're giving away a Humble Bundle, only unused URLs should be provided. I used to suspend users for misrepresentation when they only gave bundle keys, as they don't include the whole bundle.

As for giving grouped bundle keys as a game, as long as you give what you selected, I believe it's fine. In other words, if you choose Saints Row 3 for a below average Humble Bundle key, that's fine as long as the game is in the bundle list.

Normally, considering grouped keys, the games in that key wouldn't be put in the bundle list, as you are technically not giving that game but a key that includes that game. But considering the SG userbase, it's less taxing on support to just add all of them to the bundle list and let users create whatever giveaway they want.

11 years ago

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I would generally agree with this.

11 years ago

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Well, I have just seen a guy giving away King's Bounty Platinum collection (not bundled) right after he gave away couple of Men of War games. Funny coincidence, but he definitely got it for 35 bucks on steam.

11 years ago

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I saw a user do this myself. I've alerted support to this, since all three titles that make the Platinum release are bundled together for $3, and there isn't a reason to not include it in the bundle list.

11 years ago

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This is probably an argument for another thread, but $3 for $30 CV probably doesn't deserve to be bundled anyways.

11 years ago

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$35, and it let them get $72 from a single $3 bundle, with the other three games. Doing each game solo, they are still bundle labeled, they bypassed that using something the mods had missed.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by jatan11t.