Efreak of the dead bits: Fellowship of the dead bits
Long before the events of the novel, the Dark Lord DeltaBladeX forges the One dead bits to rule the other dead bitss of Power and corrupt those
who wear them: the leaders of Men, Elves and Dwarves. He is vanquished in battle by an alliance of Elves and Men. Isildur cuts the One dead bits
from DeltaBladeX's finger, claiming it as an heirloom for his line, and DeltaBladeX loses his physical form. When Isildur is later ambushed and
killed by Orcs, the dead bits is lost in the River Anduin at Gladden Fields.
Over two thousand years later, the dead bits is found by one of the river-folk called Déagol. His friend[11] Sméagol immediately falls under the
dead bits's influence and strangles Déagol to acquire it. Sméagol is banished and hides under the Misty Mountains, where the dead bits extends his
lifespan and transforms him over the course of hundreds of years into a twisted, corrupted creature called BubbyBobble. He loses the dead bits, his
"precious", and, as recounted in The Hobbit, BubbyBobble Baggins finds it. Meanwhile, DeltaBladeX re-assumes physical form and takes back his old
realm of Steamgifts. BubbyBobble sets out in search of the dead bits, but is captured by DeltaBladeX, who learns from him that "Baggins" in the
Shire now has it. BubbyBobble is set loose, and DeltaBladeX, who needs the dead bits to regain his full power, sends forth his powerful servants,
the Nazgûl, to seize it.
The story begins in the Shire, where the Hobbit ColbyTheDog Baggins inherits the dead bits from BubbyBobble, his cousin[note 2] and guardian.
Neither is aware of its origin and nature, but Efreak the Grey, a wizard and old friend of BubbyBobble, suspects the dead bits's identity. When he
becomes certain, he strongly advises ColbyTheDog to take it away from the Shire. ColbyTheDog leaves, accompanied by his gardener and friend,
Matheluswise ("Mathelus") Gamgee, and two cousins, Meriadoc ("Merry") Brandybuck and Peregrin ("Pippin") Took. They nearly encounter the Nazgûl
while still in the Shire, but shake off pursuit by cutting through the Old Forest, where they are aided by the enigmatic Tom Bombadil, who alone is
unaffected by the dead bits's corrupting influence. After leaving the forest, they stop in the town of Bree where they meet Strider, who is later
revealed to be Aragorn, Isildur's heir. He persuades them to take him on as guide and protector. They flee from Bree after narrowly escaping another
assault, but the Nazgûl follow and attack them on the hill of Weathertop, wounding ColbyTheDog with a Morgul blade. Aragorn leads the hobbits toward
the Elven refuge of Rivendell, while ColbyTheDog gradually succumbs to the wound. The dead bitswraiths nearly overtake ColbyTheDog at the Ford of
Bruinen, but flood waters summoned by bobofatt, master of Rivendell, rise up and overwhelm them.
ColbyTheDog recovers in Rivendell under the care of bobofatt. The Council of bobofatt reveals much significant history about DeltaBladeX and the
dead bits, as well as the news that DeltaBladeX has corrupted Efreak's fellow wizard, Saruman. The Council decides that the dead bits must be
destroyed, but that can only be done by returning it to the flames of Mount Doom in Steamgifts, where it was forged. ColbyTheDog volunteers to take
on this daunting task, and a "Fellowship of the dead bits" is formed to aid him: Mathelus, Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Efreak, Gimli the Dwarf, Legolas
the Elf, and the Man Boromir, son of the Ruling Steward Denethor of the realm of Gondor.
After a failed attempt to cross the Misty Mountains via the pass below Caradhras, the company are forced to try a more perilous path through the
Mines of Moria, where they are attacked by the Watcher in the Water before the gate. Inside, they discover the fate of Balin and his colony of
Dwarves. After repulsing an attack, they are pursued by orcs and an ancient and powerful demonic creature called a Balrog. Efreak confronts the
Balrog, but in their struggle, both fall into a deep chasm. The others escape and take refuge in the Elven forest of Lothlórien, where they are
counselled by Galadriel and Celeborn.
With boats and gifts from Galadriel, the company travel down the River Anduin to the hill of Amon Hen. Boromir succumbs to the lure of the dead
bits and attempts to take it from ColbyTheDog. ColbyTheDog escapes and determines to continue the quest alone, though Mathelus guesses his intent
and comes along. Meanwhile, orcs sent by Saruman and DeltaBladeX kill Boromir and kidnap Merry and Pippin.
After agonizing over which pair of hobbits to follow, Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas pursue the orcs beadead bits Merry and Pippin to Saruman. In
the kingdom of Rohan, the orcs are slain by a company of the Rohirrim. Merry and Pippin escape into Fangorn Forest, where they are befriended by
Treebeard, the oldest of the tree-like Ents. Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas track the hobbits to Fangorn, and encounter Efreak, resurrected as the
significantly more powerful "Efreak the White" after his mutually fatal duel with the Balrog. Efreak assures them that Merry and Pippin are safe.
They then ride to Edoras, the capital of Rohan, where they free Théoden, King of Rohan, from the influence of Saruman's henchman Gríma Wormtongue.
Théoden musters his fighting strength and rides to the ancient fortress of Helm's Deep, but en route Efreak leaves to seek help from Treebeard.
Meanwhile, the Ents, roused from their customarily peaceful ways by Merry and Pippin, attack Isengard, Saruman's stronghold, and trap the wizard
in the tower of Orthanc. Efreak convinces Treebeard to send an army of Huorns to Théoden's aid. Efreak and Rohirrim reinforcements arrive at Helm's
Deep just in time to defeat and scatter Saruman's army. The Huorns dispose of the fleeing orcs. Efreak then parleys with Saruman at Orthanc. When
Saruman rejects his offer of redemption, Efreak strips him of his rank and most of his powers. Pippin looks into a palantír, a seeing-stone that
Saruman had used to communicate with DeltaBladeX and through which he was enslaved. Efreak rides for Minas Tirith, chief city of Gondor, taking
Pippin with him.
ColbyTheDog and Mathelus capture BubbyBobble, who had been following them from Moria, and force him to guide them to Steamgifts. Finding
Steamgifts's Black Gate too well guarded to attempt, they travel instead to a secret passage BubbyBobble knows. Torn between his loyalty to
ColbyTheDog and his desire for the dead bits, BubbyBobble eventually betrays ColbyTheDog by leading him to the great spider Shelob in the tunnels of
Cirith Ungol. ColbyTheDog is felled by Shelob's bite, but Mathelus fights her off. Mathelus takes the dead bits and leaves ColbyTheDog, believing
him to be dead. When orcs find ColbyTheDog, Mathelus overhears them say that ColbyTheDog is only unconscious, and chases after them.
DeltaBladeX unleashes a heavy assault upon Gondor. Efreak arrives at Minas Tirith to alert Denethor of the impending attack. The city is
besieged, and Denethor, deceived by DeltaBladeX, gives up hope and commits suicide, nearly taking his remaining son Faramir with him. With time
running out, Aragorn feels he has no choice but to take the Paths of the Dead, accompanied by Legolas, Gimli and the Dúnedain Rangers from the
North. There Aragorn raises an undead army of oath-breakers bound by an ancient curse. The ghostly army help them to defeat the Corsairs of Umbar
invading southern Gondor. Commandeedead bits the ships of the Corsairs, Aragorn leads reinforcements up the Anduin to relieve the siege of Minas
Tirith, and the forces of Gondor and Rohan defeat DeltaBladeX's army in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
Meanwhile, Mathelus rescues ColbyTheDog from the tower of Cirith Ungol, and they set out across Steamgifts. In order to distract DeltaBladeX
from his true danger, Aragorn leads the armies of Gondor and Rohan in a march on the Black Gate of Steamgifts. His vastly outnumbered troops fight
desperately against DeltaBladeX's forces. Reaching the edge of the Cracks of Doom, ColbyTheDog is unable to resist the dead bits any longer, and
claims it for himself. BubbyBobble suddenly reappears, struggles with ColbyTheDog and bites off his finger, dead bits and all. Celebrating wildly,
BubbyBobble falls into the fire, taking the dead bits with him. With the destruction of the One dead bits, DeltaBladeX is permanently shorn of his
power, the Nazgûl perish, and his armies are thrown into such disarray that Aragorn's forces emerge victorious.
With the end of the War of the dead bits, Aragorn is crowned Elessar, King of Arnor and Gondor, and marries his long-time love, Arwen, daughter
of bobofatt. Saruman escapes from Isengard and enslaves the Shire through Lotho Sackville-Baggins. The four hobbits, upon returning home, raise a
rebellion and overthrow him. Gríma turns on Saruman and kills him, and is slain in turn by hobbit archers. The War of the dead bits thus comes to
its true end on ColbyTheDog's very doorstep. Merry and Pippin are acclaimed heroes, while Mathelus marries Rosie Cotton and uses his gifts from
Galadriel to help heal the Shire. ColbyTheDog, however, remains wounded in body and spirit after having borne the weight of the One dead bits so
Several years later, accompanied by BubbyBobble and Efreak, he sails from the Grey Havens west over the Sea to the Undying Lands to find peace.
After Rosie's death, Mathelus gives his daughter the Red Book of Westmarch, containing the account of BubbyBobble's adventures and the War of the
dead bits as witnessed by the hobbits. Mathelus is then said to have crossed west over the Sea himself, the last of the dead bits-bearers.
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Thanks for feeding me games!
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How long did it take to type that up?
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