

I don't have any of the games I am giving away. Level restrictions are solely based on the looks and how cool I think they are. Kinda sad.
I don't have to tell you what happens with generic Thank You comments, right? Yeah, you should know by now.

Next stop: Reflektor Hektor the Bike Safety Mascot

Brought to you by Midsummer Madness™

What happens? :(

9 years ago

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They'll rot in hell and my blacklist. :D

9 years ago

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Poor them ;_;

9 years ago

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Not available in my country :(

9 years ago

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Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Where are you from?

9 years ago

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United Kingdom

9 years ago

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It's from Groupee so that's really really weird. How did you find out?

9 years ago

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Oh umm I meant the music :P
Youtube blocked it in my country for some reason

9 years ago

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You shocked me, man, stahp! :D
Try this one instead

9 years ago

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Another Indie Point & Click i hadn't heard of and wishlisted for future reference. :)
I see Björk remains true to her weird self. :P

9 years ago

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Another Indie Point & Click i hadn't heard of and wishlisted for future reference. :)

This is a joke, right? <.<

9 years ago

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Depends, are you talking about the remake or the non-remake?
Because i was oblivious to the existance of the remake, yes. No joke. :)

9 years ago

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Region restricted videos make me a sad panda.

Thanks for putting this train up up Down down left right left right B A Start.

9 years ago

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Damn, I have to buy you GTAV now! Now you know how we feel with basically every commerical song locked in Germany. :D

9 years ago

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Thjust kidding

" The uploader has not made this video available in your country. " :(

9 years ago

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This one's supposed to be good, but I've never played the original version :D

9 years ago

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This one looks pretty cool! And is now with languages!

View attached image.
9 years ago

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You're giving away Linux? And LANGUAGES? Awesome! I'll take Suahili, please! Sidenote, video is blocked for me too, but the game's aesthetics looks brilliant, so we have that going for us, which is nice.

9 years ago

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This in fact looks pretty interesting... I didn't say the t-word, but I mena it! :p

9 years ago

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Еще раз спасибо!

9 years ago

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Björk don't like Brazil... The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

9 years ago

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Generic Thank you comment passing by. CHA GUN DOE 'BOUT ET, EH?! As for the tune, not available in here.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Oh, looks nice ...und hat auch gute Kritiken bekommen.

Thank you very much indeed, Downward! ♠ ☺

9 years ago

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whats with the 2014? that's weird.

9 years ago

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They're giving us this game from the past, you see.

9 years ago

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so it doubles as a time machine? cool :P

9 years ago

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Blocked in the U.S. as well. Odd. Nobody blocks us!

9 years ago

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Usually you block content from the rest of the world. VENGEEEAAAANCE! :D

9 years ago

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