If Valve was at the point where bankruptcy was a realistic concern, then Valve would probably have to be at the point where it wasn't very popular or widely approved of.
So don't worry about it! If Steam ever falls, you will probably be saying "Good riddance! It's about time they died off. Why did they ever think Steam could possibly compete with the industry leaders, GameStop Online and UOrigin? And their dumb Steambox3 consoles were hopeless against the PlayStation 13, the Xbox 5760, and the Wii Z."
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THQ's games were popular and approved of, but the company made a couple of bad investments and look what happened. I'm oversimplifying, but still ...
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I do hope you're right. But to be honest, most of my purchases are NOT going through Steam any more just because the deals elsewhere are so good at varying points in the year.
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EA sucks and is gready, Ubisoft is awsome and would want it to take over steam
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Without Steam I would probably pirate games, the only ones I would pay for would be Ubisoft games since they've been making better and better games lately, and Uplay isn't too bad.
I think it would have a similar effect on most PC game consumers until someone came up with an actual decent replacement for Steam.
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Actually before I joined steam I was a full-time pirate, Steam is the main reason I abandoned my pirate life.
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If Valve was to go bankrupt tomorrow i think it would have a dramatic effect on the PC industry because many companies rely on Valve for DRM and security checking. It is also the most popular place to buy Indie titles. Also having such a hardcore modding community would have an effect on the future of video games. You would also be missing out on Valve developed games as well which would be extremely dissaponting to many gamers. Personally I would be rather upset but I would either go back to buying PC games from retailers, or move to a different online distribution platform or even just give up on PC gaming entirely and become a console gamer. I believe SteamGifts would end. It is a possibilty that it could become OriginGifts but is a highly unlikely circumstance. If Valve oopened a donation system I dont think I would give them any money because I would just get my games from elsewhere. I have no idea what company would replace Steam.
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Suicides. Lots of them (especially with autistic game collectors)
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Well, considering GabeN said that they would never do something like shutting everything down instantly and deny access to games you've purchased, I assume Steam would continue to live on after Valve is bought by some other company, or they'd allow users to download the games they've bought on Steam until a limited time and then shut down the system, but thinking the Internet, people would never allow such a system to go down IMHO. At least someone would hack the client and allow download of games from another server.
I guess in case Valve went bankrupt, EA would be willing to buy all its assets, which will probably make Steam as bad as Origin, until they merge both one or two years later. I definitely wouldn't want that, but in terms of monopolizing, you know how EA is, and you also know how they feel about Valve.
I'd possibly cry for both the money and time I've wasted on Steam. Achievements would be removed too probably, so all those times grinding on games would be for nothing. :<
The thought of seeing a Humble valvE Bundle gives me chuckles, but I'd donate what I could to keep the system alive.
In case of everything being shut down (and not transferred to another company) SteamGifts, as well as all Steam related sites would be shut down. I'm not sure how Origin works in terms of Community. Desura is somewhat similar to Steam in terms of user profiles and store I think. Maybe a DesuraGifts would pop up? Highly unlikely though.
But yeah, I personally believe that no matter what happens to Valve, people would never allow Steam to be shut down.
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He said that but it doesn't mean it will be like that. Anyway, with steam you never bought the games, you bought licenses to play the games and those can be terminated at will for any reason whatsoever. It's tough but we have to consider the option we might lose the games we have on our accounts forever.
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Let's consider why Valve could go bankrupt.
One option is that Steam dies. Steam is where Valve's money is, and if it stops selling games, then Valve will be in trouble. On the other hand if that happens (for example if the PC is dead and everyone is playing games only on iOS and Android), then few people will care, there will not be Steam Gifts and it will just fizzle away.
Most reasons for Steam's death, like World War 3, total economic collapse, etc., will likely also result in Steam's death not being that important at that moment.
Another option is that Gaben embezzles all the money, buys Atlantis and retires there, away from the world. In that case I think that Steam is likely to survive and end up in other hands, probably run by EA.
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The odds of me winning the lottery is higher than Valve going bankrupt.
The worse that can happen is Valve being bought over by someone. Maybe Microsoft or EA.
And the most important thing is this; Valve and Steam are separate entities. Valve makes video games. Steam sells games. If one gets sold or closes, the other would still be around.
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And Gabe Newell had already clarified this. If Steam closes you can still play your games because the Steam authentication will be removed.
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That's the world's most empty promise though.
If the company ceases to exist, that's it. They can't do anything more "from beyond the grave". To deliver on such a promise would require a massive amount of planning and money put into play now... not when they are gone.
And what company would do that kind of "investment" into their own demise? It's just not how the world works.
No... if Vavle ever should for some unforeseen circumstance disappear, everything we've put into it goes poof. That's just how it is.
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Let's also be reminded that Gabe won't be there forever.
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He said they'd rather dissolve instead of selling themselves to EA.
I'm no expert, but I don't think they have a say on who can bid on their assets or not if they file in bankruptcy.
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They kinda can't... Only if EA gives better deals than them so... that would be like never.
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If Valve were to go bankrupt tomorrow how much of an effect it would have on the PC industry? how hard will you take it personally? What will happen to Steamgifts? will it become Origingifts? How luckily for such an event to actually happen? If Valve opened a donation to return Steam, how much would you donate? And if all fails, what company you would've wanted to take over Steam?
P.S: No, I don't think Steam will go bankrupt, at l;east not in the near 100 years.
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