Ohai beautiful Naza! :3
I never wonder why you've been whitelisted, because I know you're awesome and stuff. :)
Also, I know Janis best by her cover of Piece of My Heart, so here's another cover of it by the amazingly talented Beverly Knight!
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With the amount of talent that this woman has, it blows my mind that I hadn't heard of her until recently, myself. I know this isn't exactly your taste in music (nor mine), but holy $%*# does she do justice to this song with her vocal control and range. :O
I Will Always Love You
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Well, good musical taste is a reason enough to whitelist a person.
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Whitelisted cause you're nice. I'm not sure if I'm confusing you with someone else, but I think it was you who complained in a shared group/WL giveaway about having a shitty day a while ago and I thought of adding you to my whitelist to make your day (or the other girl's).
When I see myself on someone's whitelist I just assume it's for my ratio. But I don't enter giveaways anymore, wasted slot really.
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I always wonder too, because I know people focus a lot on ratio and mine isn't awesome.
If this can help, here's a few reasons why I whitelist people:
And here's the only reason why I blacklist people:
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I am curious too when i see a Whitelist without a short info/text before.
And i have a lot of the same thoughts as you write it above.
Sometimes i give a Whitelist back and inform the user, sometimes i don't react because it smells like your (chance to get good stuff -from a lot of people and groups and not only from me...- and only give bad/trash games away OR give me a whitelist but they make no whitelist GA's over years :D -anyways it can be a nice move but too often it is a try to get a whitelist back-)
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The fact that being blacklisted is seen as a negative and therefore harmful to your reputation or ability to fully participate on SG, and a whitelist is a positive and therefore neutral or helpful to your reputation or ability to fully participate on SG is the main reason, I believe, why people are more aware and concerned about receiving a blacklist, especially if they have no idea what they did to deserve it.
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I whitelist people for a few different reasons. The main reason is that I like to give back to people that give a lot more than they take, so a really good ratio like yours is an automatic whitelist unless there is a good reason not to, but I don't have any enemies here. I try not to add people that mainly only give to small groups or haven't given anything in a year.
I also add people who create puzzles, trains, other giveaway events, or are just helpful in the community. They must have a somewhat decent ratio though.
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I add people for many reasons even if I don't know them but you were added awhile ago now for a few reason. :D
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I wish there was some small message box to fill in why, both for white and black list. The person knows what's up and you won't forget why. Got my first (and 6 more) blacklist yesterday for lying while I was not. So now I feel a bit shitty and certainly won't make such a discussion again. Not being able to defend is a bit heartbreaking. Well what has been done cannot be undone.
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I whitelisted you for this thread. Oh, and your giving ratio. Nice.
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Is it because I try to not GA only crap games and you want a chance to win, while only gifting stuff from DIG, Otaku and the like?
Of course!
I seriously doubt many people will admit to that though...
I don't have you wishlisted so can't tell why you're on a wishlist. But normally I add people to it because they seem to be genuine nice people (be it helpful on the forum, giving away nice games etc).
Usually behaviour goes over giveaway stuff, if you gave away millions worth of games but are acting like a jerk you are more likely to end up on my blacklist, and only winning stuff while not giving away any, but being very friendly on the discussions, might net you a spot on my whitelist.
And sometimes I do the return-whitelisting thing, but I try to keep that to a minimum.
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Ohai beautiful people!
So I mostly see people complaining about the blacklists they’ve been added to, wanting to know what they did to deserve a spot on the dark side of SG... but I don’t recall people asking why they were whitelisted. So this is why I’m here today.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I don’t like being on whitelists, we all do, I suppose. It’s just that... I don’t care about knowing the reasons behind the blacklisting but weirdly enough, when I find myself whitelisted, especially by someone I don’t remember having interacted with, I get a
hugemildtiny WTF moment that leaves me wondering why... Why did you add me to your WL? Is it something I said? A kitty gif I posted? My avatar? Is it because I try to not GA only crap games and you want a chance to win, while only gifting stuff from DIG, Otaku and the like?What I'm trying to say is... am I the only one wondering why I’ve got whitelisted?
Also, sorry for the ramblings, I blame alcohol. Southern Comfort, actually. And Janis Joplin. Southern Comfort was Janis’ favorite liquid goodness.
Here, have a litlle bit of Janis and a lvl2+ GA, which is ending in a couple hours.
EDIT : People, you are all nice and I would totally hug each one of you, but please stop adding me to your whitelist! I hardly enter GA's anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Unrelated cat pic in 3, 2, 1...
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