Basically: the more pre-orders the more bonuses, and most important the top tier prize is the people who preordered play the game 4 days early

9 years ago

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Do you agree

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Lol ofcourse I agree
I agree 100%
this poll is kinda biased

fuck no

9 years ago

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B...b...but you are David Sarif! How can you say such a horrible thing? Perhaps Square Enix didn't pay you enough to be part of their game or they didn't invite you at all?

9 years ago

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Maybe he...
Never asked for this.
(•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)


9 years ago

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trailer is good.
Preorder is bad.
preorder with tier is worse.
preorder with tier but you can choose only one from each tier is worst.

9 years ago

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Getting all ranty like this is new. Tiered pre-order bonuses is nothing new, neither is early access for pre-orders. This is all old news. Give it a fortnight after release and they'll all be bumming the game like this never happened.

9 years ago

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Lol. Ignorance is bliss. Try watching TotalBiscuit's video on this so you understand what the fuss is about.

9 years ago

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OP was complaining about tiered pre-order bonuses and early access. Both of these have been commonplace for quite a while now. Regardless of what some internet celebrity has to say on the issue this isn't a new practice. In fact it's not even an early access type bonus it reads to me as once they get so many pre-orders they'll bring forward the release date.

9 years ago

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They're all mixed together, making you choose between some of the bonuses, it's not like everyone gets everything, this is the case where everyone who preorders gets something but not everything, while those who pirate get everything.

9 years ago

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Now thats a valid point I can get with but not one that was actually bought up here. But to be honest you won't use all the in game items as they won't suit your playstyle and is much rather have a soundtrack sampler than an art book I'll never look at. It'll all get released down the line anyway.

9 years ago

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Who cares? Wait until its $10 and then laugh at everyone who paid full price for it.

9 years ago

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While I certainly enjoy that developers are trying so much to milk the gamers that the shitty game costs 60$, then half-one year later it's patched and I can get it even in a bundle (Thank you, SQenix for Thief and the others!) but this is incredibly bad for gaming culture as a whole. While the digital content is a godbless, it's also where we're damned - because they can release day 0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 patches to fix something that should have been working from the first second it release. Sadly technology gave the opportunity to publishers and devs to be slappy with their games.

9 years ago

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All the more reason to wait. If you're more than a digital collector and actually try to play the games you buy regularly; then you end up with a ton of games in the backlog. I have a list of games on my "next up" category that is at least 40 games long. Aside from multiplayer games that need to have a player base that could go away in time, there is very little downside to waiting for a cheaper price or a more stable game.

I figure I'll get today's games on sale eventually while playing the games I bought during the 2013 Steam summer sale.

9 years ago

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siiigh, speak about backlog... weeps silently

~Luckily only game prices decrease, time doesn't affect game quality)

9 years ago

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Exactly. I am constantly surprised that I am able to get high quality "old" games for a fraction of what many people have paid for it.

9 years ago

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You're not alone.

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9 years ago

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lol, after DX director's cut and final fantasy 7/8 crap square-enix pulled on people, now they try this?

this is obviously the best move to make people avoid pirating games

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9 years ago

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So if I preorder can I customize the preorder so nobody can preorder or is that not how preorder works?

9 years ago

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If it success this will be the next thing. And you know everyone will jump on.This is at the same level of selling a FULL priced pc game wich the only content its the steam game installer. Please don´t do it

9 years ago

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I don't care. I will buy the goty edition in 2-3 years for 7-10euro and play it after another 1-2 years... Also, I don't think big companies care about "youtubers" or gaming websites rants, since these people are the minority and most of them will buy the game anyway.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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More like Deus Ex: Gamers Divided...amirite?

9 years ago

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Curious to the order in which to play all these in... I wanted to replay the older two and play the newer ones in timeline order, not developed order... I was about to start, but then I heard about the new one, I guess I'll set the whole thing to backlog for awhile, since it will take some time for any type of complete version of the newest one to come out, if it ever does...
So... from what I've read timeline order would be...
The Fall (which I've been told is so bad, it shouldn't exist :)
Human Revolution
Mankind Divided (which I won't be buying pre-order he-he)
Deus Ex
Invisible War

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9 years ago*

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Don't care I don't preorder and buy games on sale only. whole steam library has been gotten on 50% off or more.

9 years ago

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355 preorders confirmed! :3

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9 years ago

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I don't get it. Why should we pre-order a game on Steam ? It's not like they can run out of keys.

9 years ago

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I will wait till they release the version with all the DLC some year later, no hurries, even if Deus Ex is my favorite franchise at the moment.

9 years ago

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i was excited for the game until this

now my excitment as dropped quite a bit

oh well, time to go back playing the classic first one I guess (and probably human revolution too now that were at it, since Invisible Wars is a PITA to get to work)

9 years ago

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Lets be real. They do this because people fall for it. And you just know that that final reward, the 4 day earlier access, is the icing on the cake.
Thats what is pushing it, people hoping they may get the game 4 days earlier.

You don't want to support this stuff? Don't buy the game.
I'm not saying don't pre-order, I'm saying don't get it AT ALL.
Do not support companies that continue this behaviour time and time again.

9 years ago

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But its not a trailer, ita a preorder campaign.

9 years ago

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Does that mean people will have to wait an extra 4 days for the required Day 1 patch?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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