I'm thinking to buy joystick for my pc. What would you experienced joystick users suggest as a good buy? I actually don't care If it wired or wireless. I'd like to keep the price under $40 if possible.

Example of some games i would like to play with
Dark souls fanchise

Little GA Here

7 years ago*

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What should I buy ?

View Results
Steam Controller
Xbox 360 Contoller
Xbox one Controller

Found this one on amazon.
Everyone shold buy it so they can hire a graphic editor.

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7 years ago

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My xbox 360 controller started drifting after only 2 years, cleaning helped initially but kept happening with more frequency. Googled around and saw it was very common to start appearing so soon. So I changed to a ps3 controller. I am very interested in the steam controler, wish it was oficially sold here at a decent price instead of having to import paying double.

7 years ago

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Xbox 360 (wired). You just plug it in and it works like a charm.

7 years ago

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Guy I just look around for price in Amazon and found this

The prices of top three above is ridiculous cheap and look like scam. What did you guys think?

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7 years ago

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I used to use a 360 controller, but with my new pc running windows 10 and having bluetooth connectivity I decided to upgrade to the One S controller. As someone who has tried both, I can confidently say I prefer the One S.

The joysticks are a HUGE improvement over the 360, definitely grip my thumbs better. Most buttons feel about the same, except for the two triggers which are slightly better on the One S. The d-pad is also better on the one s. Can't tell you how many times I tried to press down on my 360 d-pad and had it interpreted as a left or right input. Finally the One S just feels better in my hands, with the shape being slightly better and being made of a material that makes my hands sweat less.

Don't get me wrong, the 360 is still a nice controller. If thats more in your budget than get that. I'd definitely say to get that one if you want a wireless controller and don't have bluetooth and/or windows 10 on your pc. It will definitely last you for a long time if you take care of it.

Don't have any experience with the steam controller myself. I'm sure it works well, but I doubt my hands could easily get used to it. Hopefully someone else can give you better advice on that one.

7 years ago

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I got Xbox One gamepad this christmass because my logitech was starting to stop working on the new games. Im happy with this new one, wireless, conrftable.

7 years ago

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You are talking about controller or game pad not joystick.

7 years ago

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