The Walking Dead... Played the first episode and started the second one. Boring, unchallenging, cheap b-class horror.
Dragon Age - repetitive, cliche, no sense of progression
GTA IV - when it came out it was at least pretty-looking, now it's boring AND ugly.
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COD: kiddy game
Bioshock: kiddy game
Both are easy and don't require much aim. Both are filled with rediculous shit.
First time playing CS, it takes quite a long time to become good. COD: after 1 hour already easely KD of 2 and people don't kill you because they're more skilled, but with all those turds in the game. I was bored after an hour and didn't really like it from the start.
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So, in your opinion, a game has to be hard to be good? Very strange...very strange indeed.
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I'm an adult you know, those stories are kiddy, predictable and plain stupid. Music turned off to not get a headace. And there are games with waaay better graphics.
The only reason people like that game is because they win, and the game is sooooo easy that everybody wins. So people who can't win at difficult games like CS would really like that game because they finally found a game that makes them feel like they've got skill.
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Counter Strike is a multiplayer game, and you can't compare that game to Bioshock. BTW, I'm sure you haven't even tried it in a higher difficulty and disabling Vita-cameras, cause it's not the same at all. Try taking down a Big Daddy in the hardest difficulty, you have to think a strategy to do it before you face them or you're going down.
Anyway, saying "Stays easy. Because when u win on those settings and do the exact same thing next time, you'll win again. While in for example CS things vary." You mean you only like multiplayer games then, right?
And seriously, comparing Bioshock to Counter Strike, and even Call of Duty?...
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that's why single player games have difficulty levels.some people may not have the time or the will to spend countless hours in order to beat a game.Some like the story/level design/voice acting etc.
You on the other hand prefer shoot em' up games.It's a preference but just don't bash on good games just because you have a different opinion.
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Somewhy, I can't explain it myself other than it being cheap, I even have the GOTY version of the second game and Collectors Edition of the third.
I haven't finished the third one yet.
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+a new way for players to play shooters that encourages strategizing with teammates
+a host of new multiplayer modes and gameplay features
other than that your are right. The story sucks singleplayer. You must have 2-4 players for it to really be enjoyable. But the series shines in multiplayer imo.
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ITT: Metacritic user reviews.
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MOBA's (Heroes of Newerth and Dota 2 in general) are way to slow and not in methodical fashion. I feel as if it should play more like Diablo or a hack and slash game. I've also heard it takes quite a while to learn how to play without annoying your team mates. I finished the main content (solo) for Borderlands but I couldn't bring myself to finish most of the DLC (Underdome Riot particularly was really useless and overly difficult). The DLC made references to parts of the game I hadn't gotten to, badly paced and seemed unpolished in some parts. Also the matchmaking system for that game was fairly barren when I played through but also clunky and buggy. I did like the gunplay and multiplayer as a whole.
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Red Dead Redemption. I tried so hard to love that game. I played 75% of it and I just did not enjoy any of it.
Everyone in this thread who said any of the Bioshock games... I feel bad for you, because Bioshock 1 and Infinite have been two of my best gaming experiences of all time.
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I feel bad for you, because Red Dead Redemption is, and always will be, the best singleplayer-based gaming experience of my life.
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I swear, I tried! It's just not my thing I guess. :/
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I'm with you on RDR. I just never got the same 'open world' feeling that everyone else did, it was more 'go here do this' and there was nothing but the same couple of random events in between. The story just couldn't make me care at all about the character, which didn't help.
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Bioshock was a hollow experience for me. Some nice design-work in the environment, but as a game it was a hollow shooter. I was convinced I just wasn't giving it enough chance, and so completed the entire thing in a state of "Waiting for it to get better".
Borderlands. Urgh. I tried to like that too. Completed it, played with a friend too. Turned very quickly into a bulletsponge simulator. Though I guess some people got a kick out of watching damage stats fly out of a single target for a straight five minutes until they actually went down, while getting destroyed in seconds of the same sustained fire? Hell I even played Mordecai for the critical shot aspect and that didn't do anything to change the wiffle-ness. Plus the FoV was messed up, and even trying to modify configs was a pain and unreliable. I just found the FoV and visual style combined to be really disorienting, and made it hard to really focus on the tasks at hand (which I found utterly disinteresting). I hear Borderlands 2 is more of the same, albeit with some tuning adjustments.
Sleeping Dogs. The combat was shallow in a weird kind of Shenmue flavour with better flow but with far less moves. A bunch of missions feeling totally disconnected (particularly where a removed romance system seems to be concerned), random gaping holes, repetition, and just... bluh. For a high-budget game it was lacking in the 'fun' side of things. Sure it worked well, and didn't have many bugs, but it just didn't stand out. I just really can't understand the praise (beyond bought reviewers, perhaps).
Resident Evil Revelations was a weird one for me. People generally liked it and said it was taking Resident Evil back in a better direction, and yet it also scrubbed some of the better things added in more recent games. Such as enemies recoiling when struck, which made for a more organic experience. Now they mostly just soak the shots and keep going through whatever animation they were doing. I absolutely detested the game when I first purchased it, having felt cheated into buying a port of a DS game, not a conversion. And the dodge mechanic, dear lord, why. I loved some of the creature designs (the 'normal zombies' in this were more alienesque and freaky), and the location had more claustrophobic merit, but it just didn't work at all for me. However, I did give it more of a chance, and after a few disgusted play sessions, I actually got into it and ended up enjoying it, so I guess that doesn't count~
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I think with a lot of people, and not trying to be negative or anything, but a lot of people play games for the gameplay, whereas a lot of newer game designers design games for the story. I've noticed this, and it's true for me as I'm a training game designer who wants to focus more on story than gameplay.
So, I can understand why you didn't like Bioshock, but I think in the end, Bioshock was/is a deconstruction of the entire linear shooter genre, and it did really well in that respect.
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As a hardcore platform game, i found it successful and fun. I don't like World of Goo as well.
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Borderlands. Probably that'd be better and more fun to play as coop but you know, generally, people getting bored or don't find time to continue the coop process; so it's ending with a waste of time. I don't know Borderlands 2 but first one wasn't good and boring as single player.
Hotline Miami, overrated sh*tty indie game of the year in my opinion. I think sometimes people thinking like sheep and running to cliff without an idea. If someone really liked it, please ignore this message but mostly i smell a wannabe "yeah i know that's great" logic behind of this.
Personally i liked Skyrim even they screwed up Elder Scrolls a little bit more. But i fed up with every fool around plays Skyrim and says "Swokaireem iz gret, aym poleyin id!" Yuck. That's the worst part of Skyrim.
Binding of Isaac is disturbing somehow. I'd like to play it in a different story.
Call of Duty series is another issue. Recent games of course. I don't prefer to say anything bad. Worst part is "Remember, no recoil".
Blur... "Bizarre", rest in peace. But that game hasn't a soul. So i never liked it.
edit: Also Civilization IV. Because of some kind of nonsense. When i saw multiple times an archer take my helicopter and my riflemans couldn't kill any of those primitive axemans and axemans captured 4 cities in a row. That was horrible in my opinion. Because of that i liked Civilization V more than IV but yeah, actually V isn't so good too.
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Binding of Isaac disturbed me too, never looked at it again until the trading cards went live. Then I tried it again and really really liked it. The gameplay is really unique. Only thing annoying me is that it's a flash game. It is riddiculously slow for it's graphics. But a new propperly programmed version is on its way.
I never heard of Hotline Miami until it was in the Humble Indie Bundle. I really liked the ridiculously brutal and fast gameplay and the retro style.
A similar game i didn't like was retro city rampage. I somehow didn't get that one.
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Binding of Isaac is great, Hotline Miami is fun to me, but most of it all it has a KILLEr sound track. I DJ some of those tunes out after sourcing the artist's albums/EPs :)
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Yup, Hotline Miami's soundtrack was the best part.
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Easy one, CoD is the biggest crapload ever. Why? Simple, create a good formula (Modern Warfare) and then proceed to recycle every bit of it every single fucking year.
Worst part of this is that kids actually keep buying the goddamn game and it sells millions every year, same fucking game, with a few changes here and there, a new generic story, and a retarded and poorly made multiplayer. ZOMG 90 METACRITIC GAME OF THE YEAR EVERY OTHER SHOOTER SUCKS COD FTWBBQ!
Pisses me off real hard that games like these get retardedly high review scores when way better games go unnoticed
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If you like RPG games you definitely should get a second look at TES3. I know, the graphics are old compared to the flashy Skyrim, and the combat system is shit, but the skill system, hand designed world, with tons and tons of background info like books and storys, and the quests that actually require thinking, not just following an arrow are certainly worth it. Morrowind is completely different to any other TES game (TES1 and 2 were procedurally generated and HUGE, and TES4 and 5 are small, (de-)generated and boring) so you may yet like it if you didn't try it yet.
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I've played morrowind for a couple of hours, not my thing, like pretty much any other RPG. I wanna like them, I play them occasionally, but I can't seem to find RPGs that genuinely impress me or compel to play further. So far, I've only liked classic japanese-style RPGs (not sure on the etymology though, for the lack of a better classification) like Cthulhu saves the Wold and Pokémon, but in the sense of those open-world RPGs like TES, Fallout, The Witcher I couldn't find something i really liked. I have yet to try Darksiders and Dark Souls, dunno, maybe I'll like those more. But in general, i prefer Action-games with RPG-mechanics like Borderlands or Deus Ex - oh yeah and Dungeon Defenders was awesome.
Mostly it's the setting of normal RPGs I don't really like. "Yo I'm a hyper-sexy elf with uber powers, I get all the chicks and will slay every dude that tries to stick it to my half-kitten half-human girlfriend" And the combat systems often feel kinda dull to me. Clicky cliky and sexy elf swings his sword. Slash left, slash right, combo-move, repeat. I know, there's loads of additions to combat, potions, blocks, spells etc. but I don't know, I didn't come to like games like TES and whatnot to date.
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Perhaps its because the more sandbox-ish free-roaming RPGs tend to be thinner on the fine narrative. With the bonus of an open environment you have the drawback of a less constant story being written around you. Some people appreciate that freedom and can fill in the blanks themselves, but others such as yourself tend to prefer a 'fully orchestrated' story, so to speak.
I think this is one of those "Tastes will vary" things. I didn't really like Morrowind that much, Oblivion was okay I guess, and Skyrim was amusing in its own little way, but they all lacked something to give it real kick, in my eyes. And then there was Fallout 3, which I enjoyed way more. I think that the theme plays a more active role than people realise. In a fantasy environment, you generally require the game itself to spoonfeed you everything of the lore, history and surroundings (given magic and far-fetched lands are so detached from reality), yet certain kinds of sci-fi can be more naturally engaging because we don't NEED to know everything, because we have our real lives to act as a kind of template on what to expect, or how things will work. If you stray too far into sci-fi you end up with the same-but-opposite of fantasy swamp, which would be Trekker Syndrome. Please! Feed me lore! I want to go into this next room but you haven't yet told me how to invert the tachyon albedo phase deflection particle emitters! :P
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Well, I loved the box art, it reminded me of how in the old days we'd get awesome box art and cruddy in game art. C64, 386 and the like. I love the game, I don't play it often but I like the abstract nature, it gets me thinking laterally :)
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Off the top of my head, Saints Row: The Third. It was a bit fun to just play around but its humour is wayyy too juvenile, and most of the missions consisted of either driving with someone or covering someone while being on a helicopter.
I can't say COD because the last one I played was the 4th one. This opinion will DEFINITELY get quite a bit hate but if a game is story-based and is praised for that I tend to avoid it, because I haven't played a game that had a good story yet. Heavy Rain was awful in that aspect, but at least the gameplay made up for it. That's why I'm avoiding The Last of Us.
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The Last of Us really did have a great story. The characters were well made. I've heard of several people crying because of the story. I didn't cry though. :| Okay, I did but I swear that someone was cutting onions or something.
I must admit that some of the gameplay is a bit weak(never tried the online gameplay). Stealth is fun and I'd say that it's the only strong-point that the gameplay has. It's not as good as Deus Ex: Human Revolution or MGS4 in the stealth aspect, but it's still pretty decent. Your allies can't be detected by enemies; EX: Your ally could be standing directly in front of a clicker and the clicker wouldn't attack you. The shooting mechanics are kind of plain; not exactly a bad thing but there's no innovation when shooting.
Heavy Rain was interesting but, as you said, the story wasn't that good. I loved certain parts of the game but the game left a lot of questions.
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I boycotted Saints Row 3 for a while because of the horrible dildo advertising for it. My friend enjoyed it but later put it down for the same reason I thought. But then got it for the THQ humble bundle and its 'ok', nothing good but at least there is a ninja skin DLC so I can be a ninja throughout. And it's bugged so that I'm floating above the ground, that's alright for a ninja tho. But yeah, Sleeping Dogs is 100000x more interesting
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Gone Home, that shit isn't a game. It has no gameplay, no challenge, no replay value, mediocre graphics, shitty soundtrack. It's just a story, and a mediocre one at that.
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That it isn't a game isn't really valid criticism unless you think all things which are not games are automatically crap. That the story is mediocre is.
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all games that have no gameplay aren't good games, and shouldn't be classified as them.
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Been watching my flatmate play it, the requirement to slaughter scores of animals to create 'holsters' was disgusting to me.
I liked Crysis Wars/warhead for the graphics but all the far crys have been bad imo
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For me, it's the nauseating, psuedo-philosophical story and the repetitive and simplistic gameplay that pales in comparison to the first and second in the series.
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I naturally don't like the vast majority of games, because they aren't for me and they don't try to be things that are interesting to me. Sure, I can think they're bad but it's hard to dislike them. To actually dislike them they would have to do something actually bad, not just not being interesting to me. In other words: a game that actually does harm (through eg. perpetuating racism or sexism, etc.).
I don't know of any popular video games that are like that, although I have my suspicions against several. Ultimately, I'll never know though, as I have no interest in playing them and finding out for myself.
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had the black ops 2 had high metascore 81 is not high for a game
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People are probably getting tired of me posting threads, but things are getting interesting and you're all interesting people, so here I am shamelessly ripping off somebody elses idea.
Boffo97's Games you love with low Metacritic scores thread got me thinking, and I have a bone to pick.
So, without further ado, what's the game that reviewers/everybody loves that you particularly hate, and why? Try and get games with a score of 80+.
My rant (feel free to ignore):
I absolutely hate every single Need for Speed game after the original Most Wanted. ESPECIALLY the Criterion ones. I would rather play ProStreet than be forced to go through the new Most Wanted's clunky handling, moving-brick-wall cops and dull voice acting over again.
With ProStreet, EA had reached a peak with Most Wanted (Carbon didn't do as well and nor should it), then A) tried to reach a market that Need for Speed didn't cater for (realistic GT simulators) and B) focused more on graphics so they could sell the game with eye candy. And I suspect in the wake of that, the few sane people at EA Redwood, later to become Black Box Studios, quit and left the rest of the team to fumble over some poor ideas for new games which have never reached the height that MW did. And now EA thinks that pulling Criterion off the Burnout franchise (REMEMBER, EA OWNS BURNOUT! CRITERION SHOULD STILL BE MAKING THE AWESOME BURNOUT GAMES) will inject some "new life" into the NFS franchise, when all they're doing is tazing a dead horse.
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