MMORPG, they used to be better. Now they are all either stripped down with graphics whores or poor attempts at a multiplayer game where noone communicates
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I don't have the patience to play jrpgs nowadays. Partly because they are mostly grindy and I can't relate to the teenage characters anymore.
And point&clicks. Grim Fandango ruined them for me with the stupid balloon worms in the tube system puzzle. I prefer figuring out stuff by myself and item combinations should make sense.
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There are some cool new point & clicks where puzzles actually make sense and you can play it without a walkthrough or the "use everything on everything" method.
Back in the day I find they were often much more obtuse, the cat hair mustaches fortunately came out of fashion.
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Eh, not many but if I had to really think about it, I don't really play Strategy games anymore.... turn based games in general really.
Also MMO's I get to max level and kinda just stop after that.. join a guild stay around for an extra month then stop, thats a total of 2 months hardcore play and an extra month of mucking about, good for short bursts, not much else, use to play nothing but these suckers.
Thats about all I can think of, probably more but I can't think of em'.
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FPS and MMOs.
I am liking RPGs now and RPG plots have more substance that in FPS campaigns. Players in MMOs can be annoying rather than helpful, but I had more experience with the former. Also, MMOs become wasted space on my hard drive if I have no internet connection.
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Once upon a time i didn't have internet (and when i got it was slow) and they seemed challenging and manegeable until id find a brick wall- or another more interesting game. Loved then when young.
But then i grew older and impatient with how 'chaotic' and micro-managing in real-time they get on harder levels and multiplayer.
Basically i lost interest when i realized:
-how each and every single one is about repeating the same stuff (build this than that) the faster you can
wasted time and energy to me
-how performance was based on being fast around ui and shortcuts
Strategy being secondary to this 'skill'- a memorizing/typewriting+clicking skill but a unfun one.
Also ive met 4x4 turn based strategy where its strategy from start to finish so...
Point and click:
Left and came back. They disappeared for years and the ones released bad in general. Got back recently.
Its a genre i like- its just that most titles don't engage me anymore. Its about finding the jewels that do.
No patience and i think age is a factor- i don't recall my fingers being so sore before.
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I used to play a lot more FPS games (college roommates and a university LAN with Unreal Tournament brings back good memories) platformers (NES, SNES, N64) and adventure games like the Lucasarts stuff but I can't bring myself to want to play them now.
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Real-time strategy.
I'm in early middle age, the golden age of the RTS in the mid-90s was my salad days. Played Dune, Warcraft, Age of Empires, Command and Conquer, etc, etc, etc... through seemingly endless summers.
The last one I think I enjoyed was Empire: Battle for Dune...which in hindsight I find surprising due to it being kind of mediocre.
Can't play them anymore. I tried going back to Warcraft 2, and I just can't.
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Point and click. I used to love those. Now? Not so much. I used to like those street-fighter games too but now I could never play one like that. And tower defense is meh, sometimes I'll play it, sometimes not. Not as big on it as I used to be.
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For me it's point & click. Combining potatoes with radioactive uranium to make a key for locked clam was all the rage for me 3 or 4 years ago. Nowadays i get bored of these games way too quickly and feel very little incentive of actually figuring out anything. Recently tried Broken Age and while it's a great game in all respect i'm getting bored of it already :/ Past me is crying now.
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