Do not really have much to say.... wow, this is harder than I thought....

So, this is my first train... I always thought that it will be something awesome to celebrate some great event in my life... Alas, seems like life had another thing in mind...

Last night, when I was leaving Uni I got a call from home telling me that my 11 year old dog had just died... I know some of you may be thinking that "it was just a dog". But, after 11 years of your life sharing lots of good memories and caring for him, the bond just becomes too strong...

It was a hard hit for my family, though I suppose it may have been for the best since he was really weak lately... It was hard enough feeling the sadness within my family last night, but it was especially difficult arriving to my grandmother's home this morning and seeing his spot cleared out, with just one of his toys standing there, reminding us of a great animal who less than 24 hours ago was peacefully sleeping there, waiting for me to get home so he could see me one last time before leaving this world...

I feel like I should do something to avoid letting this slip by as if it was any random event... So, I decided to create an 11 cart train. I am sorry they are not great AAA games, but it is all I can afford atm...

Thx for all these years filled with joy... see you someday at the other side, my good fella...

PS: Feel free to bump the thread
PS2: Remember Yunie's thread :)

Edit: the Wall of Memories has appeared....

Edit: here's a pic I found of him

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Sorry for your loss- it's not easy saying goodbye for a pet who's grown so close to one :(

8 years ago

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Sorry for your loss :(

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Aw he looks so sweet. :( I'm sorry you had to go through this. My dog is 12 and getting weaker so I think her time will be coming soon.
Just keep your head up and look back fondly on the memories you had with him. :)

8 years ago

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It's never easy, hang in there.

8 years ago

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Im really sorry for your loss :( Pets arents just pets, theyre family too.

8 years ago

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again, bunch 11 potatoes. gl@hf

8 years ago

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There is never such a thing as "just a dog" or "just an animal" unless somone wants to be cruel. Too bad if someone would actually say this.
Sorry for your loss.

8 years ago

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A dog is a family's member!! it's important is not only a dog :(

Hope he is in a better place.


8 years ago

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Sorry for your loss, I know how much that can hurt. :(

8 years ago

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I'm sorry for your loss :(

8 years ago

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I really feel for you, there are some pets that really do become part of the family.

8 years ago

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Memorial bump

8 years ago

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To me, dogs are the greatest and most pure creation on the planet. They embody everything everyone should strive to be ... loyal without fault, loving without condition, and caring beyond words. I have a 6 year old Yorkshire Terrier, and when I'm sick she lays her head on my chest in comfort, when I get home from work she greets me ecstatically, and when I'm sad she's right there to cheer me up and play. I can't imagine a day without my best pal.

Anyone who says a dog is "just a dog" has never owned or been loved by one.

I'm so very sorry for your loss. I can only imagine how you must feel losing a beloved family member. :(

8 years ago

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I'm sorry for your loss.

8 years ago

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Feel for you man, sorry for your loss. I've also grown up in a family surrounded by dogs (and a few cats, rabbits, horses, you name it) and have therefore also buried a few. The heartache of scraping a loved cat of the train tracks, or holding a dog that's going stiff and cold after the vet came and gave her a shot is undescribeable to someone who hasn't have pets. My heart goes out to you man, again; sorry for your loss.

8 years ago

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Sorry to hear that, man. Cherish the memories and be, as I'm sure you are, thankful for 11 whole years of joy!

8 years ago

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Sorry for your lost this is terrible. If it will comfort you a bit, I now for sure he has at least one fantastic playmate at the other side. Still miss her after all these years. If you are a good owner a dog will never be "just a dog". I wish you strength and a lot of good memories.

8 years ago

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Sorry to hear that. That is rough. Keep the good memories in your mind.

8 years ago

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