How good are you?
Thanks a bunch for the train!
If you felt like taking a break, it was probably the right thing to do. I can relate to some times spending too much time and effort on the internet, and finding the right balance can be hard when it gives you some of the things you're lacking "IRL." I wish you all the best!
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Willkommen zurück :o)
Wie es scheint war ich einer der wenigen die auch so immer mal wieder den Kontakt suchte.
Du weißt das ich mich mit Depressionen aus meiner Vergangenheit gut auskenne und ein offenes Ohr habe wenn du reden möchtest. Einfach melden wenn dir danach ist.
Und danke für die Zugfahrt
Leider hat es bei mir nicht mehr für die erste Klasse gereicht, die Zeiten mit nem 0.9x Verhältnis sind vorbei. Liege noch bei 0.76 und sehr wahrscheinlich wird das auch nicht mehr groß hoch gehen
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und das freut mich doch sehr, ebenso, da ich dich hier recht schnell auch noch gesehen habe, du warst jetzt nur fixer als ich, wollte mir mehr Zeit zum Antworten nehmen. Melde mich privat nochmal, irgendwie sind die Wochen gerade so voll.
Ich glaub 7->8 ist auch nochmal eine relativ große Hürde, na ja ich hatte noch etwas Steam Guthaben :)
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7 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by HelloKittyKawaii
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2,074 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by Daniellejake
Home coming - Back on Track - Train and Daily Specials!
rubbs the dirt from his shoulder
So where to begin. If you don't know me/don't want to know :l don't want to force you to read my personal stuff, just skip down to the train, go grab the giveaways - that's what this site is for.
Before it gets more personal.
I wanted to release that train a lot sooner but I wanted to clean up after myself, before appearing openly again. As I had/have still some open business with specifically noted the Jedi Training and the Playing Appreciated Group. For the first everything is delivered now - for the second I'm again working on it.
Long story short
Those who know or want to know, health wise I'm a good amount away from being well, but worse times lay behind - I realize I don't want to be specific in the top post :E First make a big topic and then be silent, great.
Disease sounds so harsh but yah I live with reoccurring pain and what makes it worse immense fatigue, also accepting that I really have a depression, was not easy.
I realized that Steamgifts sucks up to much of my time :T and I wanted to invest it elsewhere - as soft cuts mostly don't work for me I made it kinda hard
So for those who know me, you might have recognized I disappeared quite abruptly - even during one of my events. So first a sorry for that one, a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who wrote me and a bigger SORRY that I didn't answer :A. Also for those who didn't know it yet nothing is simple with me. Keep your :two eyes open and you'll find another one inside the last paragraphs :) I hope you choose the appropriate answer afterwards ;)
Steamgifts - for the active part - is really a nice community, and often brings a smile on my face, be it memes or cool puzzles - well these mostly make me smile afterwards ;)
So time for the stuff you are really here for: 15 Wagons long. 3rd, 2nd and First Class seating is available.
Level 0 or No Ticket? Walk
Train (3rd Class) - Ticket Please
Ticket holders must be with a ratio of Sent/Won rCV greater than 0,15 or with less than 7 won games
Secret Giveaways - 13 hours remaining (Saturday Morning EU time) - 12.7
Normal secrets:
1/2 Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder™
2/2 ESGST Secret: Le Havre: The Inland Port
I don't like sniffers extra secrets ;)
3/2 Super Secret - Batman™: Arkham Origins:
4/2 Super duper Secret: The Turing Test(Ended with 6 entries!)
!!!Last Days of Summer Sale SPECIALS!!!
As most of them will be delivered directly via Steam - if noted, try to accept my friend request as soon as possible - or be faster and sent a friend request to me.
Deadline - if not noted otherwise, is the end of the Summer Sale!
Disclaimer: Restrictions apply, failure to follow the orders of the train personal can result in intimidate and forced exit. The Train Organization reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, cancel or suspend the Event at any time and without reason.
Jokes aside, comments are always appreciated and if you post some nice comics, like dubnio even more.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for everyone comment - even if I haven't replied. I appreciate you.
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