It's funny what when its a pro LoL post without explanation he makes it a point to respond.
But when anyone says "DoTa 2 BeCAuazz Itz WAyy betTer!1!!one" there's no issue.
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LoL is better imo.
Dota2 suffers from some old legacy. Denying adds nothing to game but making each match pointlessly longer. And the camera controls are clunkier imo than in LoL.
Both Dota2 and LoL play at roughly the same speed.
You point about mana is silly imo. Runes and masteries ensure that you don't run into lanin mana problems (unless you spam abilities on each cooldown, which is silly). Alternative energy source champs are usually well enough balanced to around their spamminess.
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Not really valid to say lol is better cuz dota has denying.And balanced spamy champs my example Kennen can stay in hes lane forever ,while a mana guy either has to go back or no spells vs him,so yeah right balance...
Not the same speed in dota 2 you can start killing heros faster ,the tower don`t kill in like 2 shot and in lol try to gank on lvl 2 really show me a good lvl 2 gank in lol.
dota 2 old legacy waaa? It Denyign gives you the option to limit your foes farm if they plan to do only that.
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inblood123, you've obviously only briefly played LoL. You won't join a high ELO ranked game in LoL without there being either level 1 or level 2 ganks. "the tower don't kill in like 2 shot" Is this directed towards people attacking the towers, or vice versa? Towers in LoL don't die fast. Not unless a full team attack it early, or it gets to late game. And if it's towers killing people, they're meant to..
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Oh, and who the ** are you to tell someone their opinion isn't valid. The reason doesn't matter. It's their ***** OPINION. Get over yourself.
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I play all Mobas (including Awesomenauts and SMITE) and I would say both.
Edit: Why is nobody mention Awesomenauts? One of the best MOBA expirience I ever had.
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omg kill your self i better play warcraft 3 lol Sux so hard... Dota 2 Best
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Both games have pros and cons.
In LoL, the mages have ability power to increase damage of their spells, in DotA, there's fixed amount of damage on your spells, except for the ults and their certain improvements with the rod items than make your ult better (forgot the name)
In DotA you can deny creeps, in LoL you can't.
My ping in DotA2 was always about 40, however, it always seems like I had 500, the reactions to movement and casting spells seems so bad, you just have a very bad, clunky control of your character. In LoL (where I have a ping of 32-34) I have never had such problems except for when having lags (which always happens no matter what game you play), the control of your character has just much better feeling to it, it feels precise.
In DotA, about 80% of the heroes have at least one stun, if not two, in LoL, the percentage is much smaller. This collides with the thing called balance - you do one thing wrong and you're dead, because you become stunlocked by the opposing team, impossible to escape.
LoL may have simpler graphics. DotA 2 looks better, no doubt, however, simple graphics are not always a con. I have never had a problem with distinguishing what the hell is happening in team fights. In DotA 2 there's imo way too many effects on the spells, and too many shiny things, making it hard for you to see precisely what is actually happening right now.
In DotA, when you die, you lose gold, which I absolutely hate. In LoL you don't, if you get fed, and die, you can still buy loads of great items, punishing the enemy team for feeding you, in DotA you lose most of the gold making your feed meaningless.
In DotA, there's Roshan, he gives nice team gold, and a one-use item similar to permanent Guardian Angel in LoL. In LoL, you actually have 2 large monsters (therefore you need more map awareness, than in DotA) yielding gold when slain, one being the Dragon that gives only gold, and the second one being Baron that also gives team buff, nicely boosting some stats.
In LoL you have bushes good for ganks and juking, giving you stealth against everyone outside the bush, who's not on your team. In DotA you have the dynamic ever-changing trees, that you can destroy and make your own paths to somewhere (I'm a fan of both)
In LoL, you have rune builds and masteries, that you edit, before entering the game, making your character even more customizable, in DotA2 there's not such a thing.
Many people complain that LoL is Pay to win, that's nowhere near truth. There are 2 currencies in the game, RP and IP. You can buy RP for real money, and you earn IP by playing games. For RP you can purchase XP, IP boosts, that have no impact over the in-game itself, also skins that just change the look of your character, and you can unlock the champions faster, if you don't have enough time to farm IP for them. For IP you can basically buy the champions, which it takes more time to farm for, but there's a thing called Free Champion Rotation that switches every week, about 10 champions as far as I'm aware, that you can try out in that week, and think about buying them, if you like the champion, you unlock it forever. You should always think before buying a champion, if you don't have much time to farm IP, I don't see anything wrong with this. Also for IP you buy runes, that boost your stats slightly, they are available only by buying IP, you can't buy them with RP!
In DotA2 all the heroes are unlocked forever, and you earn small cosmetic items through the games, buy with real money, or trade, some of them being rarer, some of them more common, giving you a better customizability over your character, because you can choose specific parts of it to edit them, but that also means you have to collect more stuff to have a "full skin".
In LoL you have a bunch of maps, being there also 3v3 one for some chilling, 5v5 one-lane map for the lulz with friends, or perhaps 5v5 Dominion, similar to Arathi Basin in WoW, MOBA style, + they're planning to release another map very soon, called The Shadow Isles. In DotA 2 there's only one map as of now.
Both games have very harsh communities, if you're not playing a premade with friends, and do a lot of mistakes in the game, you're probably going to get flamed, a lot, there's nothing you can do about it, this just applies to the whole MOBA/DotA genre.
This is nowhere near summarizing all of the differences between the two, those games are so similar, while being still so much different. It all comes down to the personal opinion. Both games are great, but I prefer LoL.
Anyone who says - LoL is the best, DotA is for Insert_Swear_Word_Here -or- DotA2 rules, LoL has kiddy graphics and is for noobs. - Is a selfish biased ignorant, and deserves to burn in hell.
I know I'm not a very good writer, although, thanks for reading, if you lasted that long. ^^
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Ok im soory i didint read it fully but if you play dota enought the effect richness dosn
t make you go what the hell but more like well hmm awesome.Bushes are like free invis ,nothing really to think about in dota 2 you use trees adn you can cut trees or destroy them,you can hide using them and escape or hide.if your saying dota community is bad man have you really checked lol forums and community over all pssh.
The map and mode idea DOTA IS STILL IN BETA its kidna unfair to compare the 2 in that respect as lol is around for 3 years and they added the new modes and shit only a year ago.Dota 2 being in beta has not yet added that.
Now the camera in lol you got sue to the camera being focused only on your champ ,in dota the control is free mode altho you can set it up to be hero dota you can focus on your hero but pushing for me f1.
lol is easier but that`s not something that makes games better then others.
Dota 2 has a longer learnign curve but it will have tuturials soon and that will make thigns easier.
You lose gold cuz in dota you can buyback (it means buy your life back but you can do it only once in 3 or so mins).
More map awareness really? In dota you need to have a lot of map awareness as people can hide in any tree and ganking is more effective in dota.
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Ok I read this all, and there's a lot of things that makes no sense, and some shows that you don't know much about dota:
1st: 'In LoL, the mages have ability power to increase damage of their spells'. That makes the game harder to have turn arounds, because everyhero will get stronger and stronger, and the winning team will just steamroll and the losing team will just lose eventually, just like not having buybacks on LoL: lose a team fight, lose the game. Mages as you said, on dota 2 benefit with items as utillity, not as imba buffs on their skills that will make you pewpew when you 'use your q,w,e,r'
2nd: 'it always seems like I had 500'. That doesn't happens to me, my computer can't even run the game on full graphics and my connection is bad. The thing is some heroes have casting delay on their skills eg: leshrac's split earth has 0.35 casting delay.
3rd:'In DotA, about 80% of the heroes have at least one stun, if not two [...] This collides with the thing called balance' . Stuns don't unbalance the games. If stuns unbalanced the game pros would only pick heroes with stun abilitys, which they don't. Also, even if LoL doesn't have as many stuns, LoL is much more unbalanced than Dota 2.
4th:'In DotA 2 there's imo way too many effects on the spells[...]making it hard for you to see precisely what is actually happening right now.' So if you were in a war you'd complain that there are lots of explosions and you can't hear your commander?
5th:'In DotA, when you die, you lose gold, which I absolutely hate. In LoL you don't, if you get fed, and die, you can still buy loads of great items' This makes the game easier, and as said on 1st makes it harder to have comebacks, as the hero only gets punished for dieing on death time. Also, this makes you need more map awareness on DotA than on LoL, as you're not punished for clumping.
6th:'In DotA, there's Roshan[...]In LoL, you actually have 2 large monsters'. In DotA you have 2 larger camps as well as more small camps.
7th:'In LoL, you have rune builds and masteries' Another casual game feature that unbalances the game
8th:'In DotA2 all the heroes are unlocked forever' OH YEA BABBY, DON'T NEED TO PLAY 100000 MATCHES TO BE ABBLE TO PLAY WITH W/E I WANT
9th:'In LoL you have a bunch of maps' That is indeed a nice feature although no dota player would complain about this because they have the game they want
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What I liked in Lol - variety of maps (regular boring map, more intense 3v3 map and fast control point map)
What I liked in Dota 2 - design, better interface
But both communities are awful and full of hatred towards pretty much anyone and anything
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LoL and Dota are both good games.
The thing is, they are different games. LoL is a casual game. You play it to have fun, play with your friends and stuff. As an e-Sport it just sucks and shouldn't be considered a competitive game, because to begin with, it was created to be a casual game, because dota was beeing taken too serious.
Dota players loves the game, loves to take gaming serious and they have a good, balanced game on their hands. They like challange, their hero skills has names instead of being called 'my q, my w, my r', dota players read/knows their mechanics, even though they're way hard sometimes. They would break relationships with friends because of a serious match, they'd say bad things about each others mom and dagon 5.
summering things up: Wanna have fun, have a casual game? Play LoL.
Wanna have challanges, epic games and play competitivly? play Dota 2.
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Played LoL for a couple months, then I finally took the time to learn how to play Dota 2 and now I can't go back. LoL has atrocious graphics, and I get really bored in lane since I can't deny. There's no skill to juking in the jungle, flash is a terrible, terrible idea that I can't believe they actually still include in the game, runes punish players who use their points on heroes instead of on runes, and most of the best items in LoL just provide passive benefits. I love playing Dota 2 and having a sheepstick, force staff, shivas, euls, travels, and a mekanism.
But that's just my opinion, man.
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I love all the people saying "your arugment is invalid..." This is purely an OPINION debate. The person you're talking to can dislike DOTA because it's named DOTA or dislike LoL because its abbreviation is the same as laugh out loud... it's completely 100% up to them. And if you're pig headed enough to say that it's not an opinion debate then... good job, you're pig headed.
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LOL, because DotA isnt FTP yet and I dont feel like buying it. I just entered 300 points worth of DOTA 2 so my opinion may change shortly.
I actually like towers being a bit stronger... I do kind of miss the huge abuse potential of having weak minions/towers that existed in HoN, pick the right champion and the right items and it was easy enough to take a tower down before first blood.
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How is it free to play? I cant play it unless I pay $30, that doesnt seem very free to me. Maybe when they stop selling it in the store I will consider it free.
I filled out their survey but I doubt I will get a key, had to put 0 in every field except the last one because I havent played DOTA 1 specifically.
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You sir, made my day.
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I'd pick LoL. But then again, I have more hours clocked into LoL than I ever did for Dota. I don't actually hate Dota 2 at all. I'm just so accustomed to the way LoL works that when I tried out Dota 2 beta, it just felt weird so I ended up straying back to LoL. I'll be giving Dota 2 some of my time when it is finally released and F2P. I'm sure it's a great game in its own right.
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I played dota since I was 15, and then switched to LoL during the Jarvan patch and played until January this year, but I can say that Dota is much greater challenge. But yet I encounter many many leavers and ppl who randomly drop from game in Dota :/
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Anyway just wanna know sg communities thoughts on dota 2 vs lol besides the dota 2 giveaway spam.
Now i know this might start a fanboy war or some shit, but you need a valid reason why you think one is better then the other.
Now i really like dota 2 (altho its still in beta),some reasons why i like it are it
s challenging,fast,allows you to play any role or hero (champion in lol words),items have more purpose,no runes (lol way to add a bit more power to champs in your own way),customization is free,and of course the look of the game and animations ,and voice acting is great, i love it. I played Lol but didin
t get into it too much.The game limits champions that you can pick (heros in dota words) every week it would change the champs you can pick.The only way not to be limited by it is buying them for ALOT of in-game currency or real money.Second you have no way to make your champ look diffrent besides paying real money for skins that are premade and no specific part of the champ can be edited (like items in dota).Lol takes alot more time to actuly start ganking,animations meh and spell feel also meh.And the fact that not all champs have mana.Some champs have mana some energy and others rage.Not it`s cool if not for the fact that mana comes back slow but energy champs get it back very fast and can spam alot more (example Kennen enregy ,kayle mana)maybe something changed in some months dunno.I
m not saying you have to love dota or Lol i
m just asking your thoughts on them 2.And argument: lol is better cuz more people play it. Is invalid as lol has been around a lot more then dota 2 and dota 2 is still in beta.
Also soory for my bad english,i will try to fix grammer mistakes a bit later.
t do or dota 2 better won
t do )you have to say why.Also don`t make stupid points like denying really -_- games has one more option and you think its bad ...Comment has been collapsed.