7 years ago

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I aspire to read a single forum thread from you that I genuinely chuckle at ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Or is that just wishful thinking 🤔

7 years ago

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Stop being so fucking anxious about everything.
Find something I truly love.

And as it is you who made the thread : getting good at Devil daggers!

Steamgift can be really depressing sometimes...

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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See my avatar? She lives inside my head from 22 years. I wanna make her physical... If I do that, I would of achieved the biggest thing I would of imagine!

7 years ago

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Can you elaborate on that?

7 years ago

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You're awaiting some hot story ?XD

7 years ago

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Well when you say she lives inside your head and you want to make her physical, can't decide if you mean that she's a character from a story/game/etc and you want to make that story/game/etc happen or if you're implying that you want to become her, physically.

7 years ago

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Exists in my head, years later they made her into a game, I got her pixilated, but I want physical and cosplayers don't count. That's all

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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  1. To be happy with my daily life.
  2. Find out whatever the f*ck it is that my life lacks to be able to do #1 and do it.
7 years ago

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10k games on Steam

7 years ago

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I really want to give my life some kind of purpose. I want to have a career I love, leave my shitty job and do something I like.
Sadly, this dream is pretty hard to reach. To make things easier, I'd start by getting a better job, I'm completely fucking done with my shit-job.

7 years ago

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To be able to remain compassionate and forgiving towards others in an increasingly bitter, angry and cynical world, and to demonstrate it with actions and not only with words. As someone who's not always happy with his state of being, that is something I can get satisfaction from in my life.

7 years ago

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Take the art-side stuff I've been doing these past years - theater and the occasional indie film - and make it something I can build on and earn from. Quit the day job and go full-on into the career work. That will, of course, give me way more time to play games.

7 years ago

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Achieve contentment.

7 years ago

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Stop drinking, eat more, be less lazy.

7 years ago

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I want to be an SG celebrity.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Seems like someone has already fulfilled your greatest aspiration for you.

7 years ago

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I'm lost.
Looking for purpose.
My destiny of becoming the number meister is no more.
...guess I'll just play some games (^0^)/

7 years ago

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Remove Devil Daggers from Steam.

7 years ago

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To find the secret to immortality.

7 years ago

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The crucial thing is to find a truth which is truth for me, to find the idea for which I am willing to live and die.

I didn't say that, but Søren Kierkegaard did. I share his aspiration.

7 years ago

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  1. To make life on Earth more interesting and fun for everyone.
  2. To make life on Earth more reasonable (i.e., to decrease the amount of ignorance and irrational thinking).
7 years ago

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7 years ago

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To not have my daughter treat me the same way I treat my parents.

7 years ago

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I used to have a career goal and I'm in a very good position towards it at the moment, I've always been lucky with such opportunities, but the more I work in this field and the more corporate bullshit I come across, I have less and less willpower to go on. I'm hoping that a few more years of experience, and I'll be able to start a small indie team of my own, even if that means much less money, I just want to make something worthwhile, something that I can put my heart and soul into.

Being redpilled about life in general doesnt help, I'm becoming more and more desensitised about everything. For example it would be great if people were more educated, right? If logic and thought were valued higher than feelings, sure, but think about it; if 50 years ago I told you that in the future everyone with a smartphone can access almost any information within minutes, wouldn't you think that'd ultimately mean that people would be smarter with more accessible knowledge? Instead what I see is people sometimes not being able to count past 10 because they are used to using a calculator, or not remembering 1 thing without setting up an alarm. Sadly, I dont think it matters how accessible you make information or education, a huge portion of people still wont be interested as they are not interested in learning now.

7 years ago

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To start studying and get my GPA above 3.

7 years ago

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Milk ambidot for his venom, like an ophidiologist.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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You're aggressive-aggressive.

And angry.

I'll reserve a hug for you.

7 years ago

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to be truly and completly happy.

pretty broad tbh but not even myself know what is it that could make me feel that way.

7 years ago

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i would also like to. write a book (in process i guess), make an album (some lyrics done), direct/act in a movie or in a play maybe both... and also make a game (kinda done it already but i would like to do something more professional)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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  1. Swimming with dolphins someday.
  2. To have an asian girlfriend someday.
  3. To be semifamous in the music world someday, while i get better with time and training. (I'm musician)
  4. To have the balls and the will to do all of it before death knocks my door.

Have a nice day :)

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Deleted-8888821.