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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Hey, don't be mean to Dead Island. What'd it ever do to you? ):

7 years ago

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It killed my friend :(
Seriously, the first thing that happened after we walked out of the small house at the beginning, with the survivors (right after the intro sequence in the hotel) was that a friend kicked a ball. The ball must have clipped into the ground or something, because it shot out of it with an incredible speed, and apparently things deal damage in that game based on velocity, because a rubber bath ball killed him.

But my main issue with the game was that it was just very repetitive. The first part on the beach and around it was good enough (although pretty much every character, be it NPC or player character were terribly written), it was nice to see some colour in a zombie game for once, but them came the city with the sewers, and after that the jungle section, and the game never really changed, it was just the same thing as in the beach section, but with slightly more of the dangerous zombies, and new environments. The game also went overboard with the level scaling, which resulted in it punishing you for leveling up, unless you made an optimal build.

7 years ago

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Lol, that happened to my fiancé while we were playing Riptide. He kicked a beach ball and it bounced back and killed him. With the plenty of bugs/glitches present in both games, I'm assuming they were rushed. While some of the bugs were annoying, some were funny. I remember a bug in DI, which always occurs, where there is a zombie that comes through a wall, and proceeds to get stuck behind an IV stand. The zombie is yelling the entire time (until you put a machete in its face), and when it's not completely frozen in a running stance, it'll occasionally move back and forth (while still in the stance). I laughed each time I saw it, because it's just so stupid.

About the repetitiveness, I agree, it was indeed repetitive at times. The difficulty spike did annoy me - regular zombies being able to kill you in just a few hits, and specials sometimes being able to one shot you. So glad you could buy tons of medkits, though I believe they did take up inventory space (which they changed in Riptide). Overall, despite some of the BS in the game, I did think it was pretty fun - not necessarily GOTY material though. I'm looking forward to Dead Island 2, if it ever gets finished.

7 years ago

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I thought Dead Island 2 was out already. Is it stuck in some development hell?
I've got far lower tolerance for repetitive games than most, I think, so something like Dead Island is really not for me. Although one of my two other co-op partners was getting really annoyed with it towards the halfway point as well, and we only really kept playing because the 3rd person insisted.

7 years ago

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Technically, Dead Island 2 would be the fourth installment - the second Dead Island to be released was Riptide, which was followed by Escape Dead Island. Dead Island 2 has apparently been in development since 2012, was originally supposed to be released back in 2015, and Deep Silver is on their third dev. The Steam page for it was removed sometime last year. Wikipedia says the release date is December of this year, but from what I've read there is no official release date. There's a chance that it may not be released at all... I just hope that doesn't end up being the case.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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xD Beware! There are more on their way!

7 years ago

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Honestly when I saw the title I assumed that there was another terrorist attack in Germany.

7 years ago

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Luckily not. We've already had one terror attack this week :(

7 years ago

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I'm from Bumpany.

7 years ago

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Well, Danke? :D

7 years ago

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I agree: At least Dead Island works in Germany - for activation and playing. They just don't offer it to us in their store. As for Saints Row, I'm not sure. I think, Saints Row IV does not even activate here, but for Saints Row III, I'm not sure.

7 years ago

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Going by steamDB, there's a boatload of different packs that contain Dead Island, with some being far more restrictive than others. I'm not sure exactly which one this is, it's an old Humble bundle key and I think there was talk about it being region locked back when the bundle happened. But that might actually have varied from region to region as well.

7 years ago

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Yeah, I know, it's complicated with activation in Germany. But in general there are two types: Games that just can't be bought on steam (or the bigger bundle pages) when you are in Germany or have an account registered in Germany. You can activate these in Germany and play them, too. These used to be most of the games, but during the last year, there have been more and more added to the other list - games that can't be activated and played in Germany, no matter where you bought them. So normally, the older keys have less problems ...

7 years ago

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Which ones were added to the other list?

(Ich dachte, das würde ein Ende haben und nur solche mit strafrechtlich relevanten Inhalten wie Wolfenstein würde das betreffen)

7 years ago

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Das verstehe, wer wolle ... Ich weiß nur, dass es die beiden verschiedenen Listen gibt.

Vom Prinzip her sollte es die verbotenen Inhalte sein, die gar nicht aktiviert oder gespielt werden können. Die anderen sollten die sein, die in Deutschland nicht beworben werden dürfen. Aber ich glaube, es sind auch Spiele auf der strikteren Liste gelandet, die eigentlich nur nicht beworben werden dürfen ... hab ich jedenfalls gehört.

7 years ago

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Du Hast

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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I am from Germany but can't enter as I surprisingly have both on my account :-( So good luck to everyone. I mean, bump.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaways, Fnord! :)

7 years ago

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TY and have a nice life:)

7 years ago

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