Hi there.
For you lurkers, YES there is a little giveaway here, somewhere.
And for those who've come for the internationally tainted curse words, here we go.

I love christmas and the loving spirit that it distributes. So, no offense at all, here.

Today, my main HDD died and with it around 400GB of pure good memory (pun intended) and joy.
You can imagine how that bothers me :P And yes, I did curse a lot today.
Sooo, to celebrate this .. awesome christmas I'd like all of you to share your most favorite curse words (that are NOT harmful to races, sexes, minorites - you get the idea!).
I'm in no way inclined to make it worse for anyone in the world (so no racism, sexism or other bullshit, PALEAAASE! yes, I've written it down TWICE :D).
Also I'm not exactly sure how censroship works for the admins, so... yeah.
But if experience has taught us one thing... then it is that a giveaway wrapped inside a NSFW post(even if hella-offensive) will stand.

Let me give you a headstart (foremost to establish a format :P):

GERMAN / BAVARIAN (yaaay...)

Gottverdammte Scheiße ("goddamn shit!")
Verfickte Kacke ("fucking shit!")
Kruzitürken no amal (probably "Fuck, you gotta be shitting me")
Sacklzement (probably "Fuuuuuck!")
Zipfiklatscher ("wanker", "jerk", "idiot")
Schleich di! ("fuck off, already!")
Himmeherrgodnoamoi-Kruzefixhalleluja-Sakrament! ("Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.....")

Let's please keep this polite and funny/"funny", I'd love to see some seemingly strange languages appear in here. All in the spirit of Christmas, which is love, friendliness and friendship :)

10 years ago*

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In the netherlands I hear a lot of the standard english curses (shit and fuck, being the most common). But the most common dutch ones are "verdomme" (damn) and "kut" (shit).

9 years ago

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