Seeing as Command & Conquer Kane's Wrath and Tiberium Wars were added to the bundle list today, to be fair, Skyrim, Metro Last Light, Borderlands 2 and countless other games must also be added to the list.

Skyrim was sold in a pack of 10 Steam games for approximately $27, which divided equally, comes out to be $2.70, a savings of 95.5% off from the list price of $60. For proof that it was exploited, refer to this graph. There is a large spike on December 19, 2012, precisely when it was sold in this bundle.

Metro Last Light was sold for 1 penny at Best Buy, which is quite obviously an exploit and must be added to the bundle list. I would estimate that a good fraction of the Metro giveaways were from this exploit. Please add it to the bundle list. Based on new information, Metro Last Light is not a good example. Instead, I offer you Spore Creepy & Cute Parts Pack, which has the exact same discount in the Russian Steam store as Kane's Wrath.

Similarly, Borderlands 2 was sold for $2 or so during the holidays on Gamersgate, a discount of 96.7%. Do you see the huge spike in December and January of last year? Yeah, those are from this price mistake.

What about Civilization V? It has a similar discount as the two Command and Conquer games in terms of Russian pricing. It's not a coincidence that the giveaway spikes for this game occur exactly when the game was on sale.

All three of these games fulfill the main criteria to be on the list:
1) 95% off sale or higher
2) Exploitable/Exploited
Please add these games to the bundle list.

11 years ago*

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11 years ago

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I support this.

Let the rules be the rules, not arbitrary notions that depend on who went to the toilet in the morning and how he feels afterwards.

11 years ago

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Heh, that C&C and Civ5 prices, it simply asks to leave CV, just change SG to use Russian Steam Store prices :P .

11 years ago

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+100 :-/ Russian dollars, australian dollars, japanese dollars...

11 years ago

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Meh. While there's no doubt that the cv system has its issues, I don't think removing it altogether is the best solution, especially since the likely backlash will be an even greater trend towards group/private giveaways in lieu of public giveaways with $30.01 or higher cv amounts. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is up for debate.


11 years ago

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Add GTA V to the bundle list, might as well be prepared.

11 years ago

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Also, GAT V. It was 100% off!

11 years ago

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AFAIK, you couldn't gift it. So, unfortunately, miss. :)

11 years ago

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"Indeed it has been said that democ­racy is the worst form of Gov­ern­ment except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time…" (c)

11 years ago

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Hello :D I don't sign this :D Yay! \o/

11 years ago

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Skyrim: 29, 20
Borderlands 2: 22, 21, 18, 15, 17
Civilization V: 27, 30, 21, 25, 50, 39, 35
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box: 500, 300, 142
Fortix: 2005
Faerie Solitaire: 25012

Conclusion: One guy abused a one time for some minutes existing steam store glitch and brought maybe 30 copies to SG... uhhm... yeah.
2nd Conclusion: Take Serious Sam 3 BFE of the Bundle list! (Spikes: 27, 16, 30, 66, 20)

11 years ago

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SS3 BFE is on the list because it was in a bundle, specifically the Indie Royale one.

11 years ago

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No, skyrim as bundle, no...
Better suggest will be - What if mark game as exploited/bundled when its graph have those large spikes bigger than, for example, 50 giveaways per day. Those Skyrim and others wont be bundled and Kane Wrath and real bundles will.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Wasn't Sims Medieval also ultra cheap in Australia last time it was on sale?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Butthurt is strong in this one

11 years ago

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i feel pretty stupid asking this, but what bundle he is talking about ? :p

11 years ago

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New SG "rule": each game can get * if it's too cheap (not only typical bundles).

11 years ago

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And this is exactly the reason I don't like games on sale being on the bundle list. And people wanted the impossible-to-exploit Fortix on it because otherwise it would be "too confusing." Jesus...

11 years ago

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I got a petition too.

Add Skyrim and Metro: Last Light to my Steam library.

And give Khalaq some wins while you are at it.

11 years ago

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I have an addition to your pettion - all Paradox games ever should also be added to bundle list right away! not only they were heavily discounted, but they were also part of an actual bundle as Paradox Big Kahuna Bundle - why is any game by Paradox still off bundle list?

11 years ago

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I want hundreds of exploiters with Big Kahuha Bundle! And moar :-)

11 years ago

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And again: Please remove the CV system! :(

11 years ago

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Ok, first things first... I'd be happy without the CV system, but if the list is staying, we need clarification of the criteria. If it's more than 95% off (for given time period, say 6 hours) and this deal is available in more than one global region, then it should be bundled if you ask me.

11 years ago

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let`s add all games to the list, make all giveaways cv minimum 100 and allow only giveaways for fortix!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Fine by me. Are we supposed to care about CV?

11 years ago

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Haha, grunching, but I can guarantee that absolutely zero of the Metro LL's given away were from the BB exploit. They had any unclaimed codes de-activated within hours. I was lucky enough to snag a copy for myself, but any other codes that were "hoarded" by others were useless by the next day.

11 years ago

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While I am against CV and agree with what jatan said (for the most part), I think every system come up will have flaws to let someone exploit it, thus it's just a matter of perspective to see who abused the system and who not. I don't think we will come to an easy solution anytime soon..

11 years ago

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I read the entire thread and every post (iswers) but still can't figure out o_O
Why is Tiberium Wars on the bundle list?

11 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by jatan11t.