I'm not grasping the situation completely yet, but as far as I gathered...

  1. CDPR announced they are removing male/female slider buttons from the game for inclusion (apparently replaced with a slider or two for body/voice)
  2. Forums went ablaze, people are disappointed more than pissed. As I can see, mostly on principle, and evoking "Bioware drowning in the same hole". Idea is that CDPR went "woke".
  3. CDPR allegedly started deleting threads. Never a good sign, but no proof of this afaik.
  4. People started refunding preorders. Some "proofs" were posted, not sure how massive this movement is.
  5. Youtubers already jumping on the bandwagon of "Et tu, CDPR?"

If anyone is interested in the topic, plans to follow, you can update us, I don't think I'll care too much as it is. Still hoping the game ends up good, but honestly have more important things going on right now.

edit: some sources for what's actually going on

5 years ago*

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I still waiting for premiere ;)

5 years ago

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Boo-fucking-hoo! Let them cry over nothing. They'll all be gone once they find the next big thing to cry about.
Seriously, what's the problem, because I sure-as-shit ain't seeing one.

5 years ago

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don't care. if it's a good game, I will buy it. not worried about gender. snowflakes getting butt hurt about games...

5 years ago

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whining idiots getting offended by anything, then calling CDPR SJWs.

the irony... 🤦‍♀️

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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lol - took me a while to figure out what's going on... And they call those of us on the left snowflakes for being too delicate - all I hear these days are right wing butt-nuggets whining at everything. Even in this thread there seems to be a lot of confusion... More than a few saying "more choices are good, screw the SJWs" lol.

5 years ago

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they are angry they have to move the slider all to the left or right to be a 100%, certified, lgbt-proof, anti-sjw, non-snowflake, male or female character! 😭

why do they make gaming so hard? 😡

5 years ago

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Release date. That's what I care about. The release date.

5 years ago

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I couldn't care less if V is male, female, or potato as long as the gameplay, plot, and lore are what we expect from it or even better.

5 years ago

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So, they renamed button group from "gender: male/female" to "body type: male/female"? What's next, "Exit game" to "Quit game"? Isn't it like middle ground, since it removes gender/sex scheme from equation, so both sides of the argument can interpret this in a way they prefer?

5 years ago

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We could go all in and start renaming the sliders super cryptic to really confuse people on what they should interpret it as. Instead of masculine and feminine, we could have a slider that goes from "chungie" to "smoochler". Muscle density being from gronch to swooce. Spine/torso posturing from bolid to swagetti

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Nobody is interested about this ! Btw no multiplayer = no buy from me ! Have fun !

5 years ago

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Nobody is interested in what? Because that obviously isn't the case.

5 years ago

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O look ! Someone is . Good for them !
I'm not interested about some voices or male/female protagonists ..
I like pizza , is delicious !

5 years ago

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Pizza is delicious, and so is this game.

5 years ago

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Agree ! Only for the first part .. Maybe if they add multiplayer seems delicious .. but is not the case ..

5 years ago

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Where's the Alien slider?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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haha good 1 xD

5 years ago

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I am sure these youtube grifters were complaining about "SJWs" who took issues with certain gangs in the game before, now suddenly the game itself and the developers are "SJW" because they made a decision the sensitive right wingers didn't like.

5 years ago

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i can tell who's sensitive here and i returned the favor, you're welcome my friend!

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5 years ago

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I'm not understanding what the issue is. So what? They don't specifically say what your gender is, you just design your character the way you want. What's the big deal?

5 years ago

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This sounds like someone wanted clicks from perceived drama.

5 years ago

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Am I not allowed to be proud of my penis

5 years ago

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Only if you're hung like a bull field mouse. ;)

5 years ago

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What does going "woke" mean?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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"Steve, we don't like The Witcher anymore"

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5 years ago

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Snowflakes on the left. Snowflakes on the right.
And it's not even winter!

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5 years ago

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In the land of outrage, it's always snowing.

5 years ago

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Snowflakes on the left. Snowflakes on the right.

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ...here I am, stuck in the middle with you~~~

5 years ago

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Ok, and how will we decide the important parts? Tits and dicks?

Or now every character will have a dick size slider ranging from +25 to -25, minus meaning holesize?
The titslider pretty much already needed for the female gender out of the two existing gender, so making it available for every character means pretty much nothing.

Putting all cloth and choosing whatever voice i want should be base for a CP game, considering how simple would and should be to change the voice and nobody interested in your cloth choice until it is outrageous enough or conforming enough to be a social modifier.

5 years ago

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Why not have both? =D

5 years ago

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I used "and" for a reason:P

5 years ago

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Yay! Now that's a character that can "do anything"! XD

5 years ago

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Ok, and how will we decide the important parts? Tits and dicks?

There's an app for that.

5 years ago

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I have seen it (or something close to it) in saints row already. Scarry stuff.

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5 years ago

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But, but, this is why sliders (And selections) might make it better. You can make anything from normal to ridiculous to hilarious to outright nightmare fuel characters as you wish.

5 years ago

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I totally agree :) It's rpg after all - more customization options is always better!
Just pointing out that it's nothing new :) And yeah - If I remember correctly there even was slider for that:

dick size slider
change the voice

5 years ago

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Well, to be fair, even the good old SR2 had choices already. Let alone more popular stuff like Oblivion (MANY sliders, but pain to use and generally face only. The number of look front=good, look from side=next SCP monster characters I made.)

Hell, modding Fallout N.V. for more hairstyles and bodies (or full on replacements) is a thing for a reason. People like having choices generally. I really have no idea why anyone wants to stick to two main choices. Sliders will also make effeminate boys and butch girls easier to do imo.

Oh and voice selections... I need a GLADOS voice as a joke now, heh. Volvo, giff as Steam exclusive free DLC.

I would say, they should do how people see you like CERTAIN adult games (Most are text based though) you can find on the net. Allow people to select how they wish to be referred as for the in game text. And have those choices be referred to for the ingame voice as well, if they wanna do rerecords for voices. And it would be completely separate from the 'model'/form of the actual character. So you can technically have a female looking character who prefers to be referred to as him as a choice.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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no 3rd person cutscenes, great
this looks like a budget cut

5 years ago

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So... if I'm understanding this correctly they did some changes to the UI of the character creation part of the game in order to simplify the implementation of a concept they already anounced some time ago and the internet went up in flames?
I'm confused.

5 years ago

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it's as you understood it lol. but you know, the internet is the internet :p

5 years ago

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So it's just another case of people forgetting that games have to be programed and designed in a viable way and that an interface that looks like a poorly made MS Access form is a terrible way of starting a AAA game.

5 years ago

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These guys don't have the right to call anyone else snowflakes, not after all this pissing and moaning and pearl-clutching over nothing. The overreactions would almost be funny, if they weren't so sad.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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why would you want to make your foot a dick long?

5 years ago

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People do realise they can still be either male or female, right? You wanna play a male you slide the slider towards masculine; you wanna play a woman, you move the slider the other way. All this does is give you more options. Saints Row 2 had a gender slider just like this and I don't remember seeing anyone ever complain about it or about gender identity. More so, I think that if anyone needs a video game to reassure them of their gender, then their problem lies not with the game itself, but their own fragile sexual identity. Besides, it's a role playing game-- more options for character creation should always be a welcomed feature. If it just so happens to also be more inclusive, then all the better.

5 years ago

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Dear god. Who cares? Literal first world problems.

5 years ago

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