I want world peace
but many parts of the world seem to not fucking share a damn interest similar to mine. Greed and pride are vices, you cannot ever be proud of having them.
(honestly I'm being biased and pissed off by bully like China.)
Edit: also, what Anita did is still debatable to me but what those obscene bullies did on the internet to her was not and will never be justified.
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Avatar (2009) by James Cameron is the worst movie that i have watched and i gave it 1 star on IMDB only because Michelle Rodriguez starred in it.
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Religion has and always will limit the progress of a nation.
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-Death penalty should be available everywhere for the most severe cases
-I think the Russia/Ukraine business is a slip up away into turning in world war 3
-rapists should be castrated as penalty for raping
-all drugs less addictive than alcohol should be legal and cigarettes should not
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The 3rd one would be only good if it would be executed correctly as many countries define rape in various different ways.
If it's clearly a rape, then yes. If the rapist has not been in full control, then no.
But at all times (not in false alarm situations of course) the rapist should be locked away for reasonably long time.
Oh and the 3rd is not so unpopular nor the 4th.
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I loved both of the Mortal Kombat movies.
I rarely dislike movies.
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I hate white knights.
You know those little morons that will jump to defend someone no matter how stupid the cause?
Ive seen them defend rebbecca watson acting like being asked out is akin to rape just because it was in an elevator, and they come up with the dumbest narrative to defend her actions. Ive seen them defend anita sarkessian troll baiting and then silencing criticism by saying those trolls are the only replies. Ive seen them defend just horrible people all because they believe that critical thinking is the worst thing on earth and blindly defending horrible women might get them laid someday.
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Here's the debate starter:
If you have homophobia, you aren't a person that dislikes gay person, you are a dick.
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18 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by Zepy
2 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by DanteOP
768 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by grimfandango8888
37 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by GarlicToast
49 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Chris76de
11 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by PoeticKatana
154 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by LeLecherousLeech
12 Comments - Last post 4 seconds ago by Lugum
555 Comments - Last post 9 seconds ago by DrTenma
176 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Slide95
35 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by Zepy
41 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by ELGADO26
28,504 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by stlpaul
2,212 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by Mayanaise
Let's have one of these, shall we?
It's always good to vent, so have at it, tell me your unpopular opinions, no judgement, just stating some opinions that you have. I'll start
Reddit is the cancer of the internet. Filled with retards that throw those "LOL SO RANDUMB MAYMAYS" around and love to circle**** about the most stupidest stuff.
Social Justice warriors seriously need to be punched right in the face. Not saying there are no social issues in our world, but crying over not being able to be transgender or whatever in a game is just plain retarded. It's a game. It's not real. It's meant to be fun. So please take your walking simulator like Gone Homo and try putting your energy for social justice in the real world, where it's needed, not into video games
99% of people wearing fedoras make me want to sit in a dark room and never come out again, so I don't have to see it
"Feminists" like Anita also need a good hard punch. Crying and bitching constantly over oppression and demand ridiculous stuff is not feminism. It's just plain retarded.
Kotaku is pure garbage, like most gaming journalism. Kotaku being the epitome of it.
Yup, I guess that's it.
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