Hi ! Are you interested in my Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage for your Urja ? Thanks :)
Sure i can do that :) Just add me as friend in Steam and do the trade?
And thanks to you too!
maybe will be interesting:
I found these that i am interested in these: Deadbreed - Undead Beta Pack and Outland - Special Edition.
I think i do not want to trade for that. Legendary is old/cheap and does not have trading cards vs. King Arthur
For both games i can do that since Vertical does not have cards either and King Arthur is valued pretty high (i can throw in some lesser game too if you want).
How about Legendary + Vertical for King Arthur + Drive to Hell? The steam page for King Arthur doesn't list it as having trading cards and I can't find anything on steam market. Are you sure it has cards? Oh yea can I also trade a card or two for one of your profile backgrounds?
Yeah! :D
I also just added some games to my list.
I found these that i like:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat
bit Dungeon II
ThreadSpace: Hyperbol
The Chaos Engine
Mechanic Escape
BiT Evolution
Arena: Cyber Evolution - Founder's Pack
EVE Online: Rifter Ship Skin
EVE Online: Trial Key
One Month of Twitch Turbo
Dragon Age™: Origins
Dead Space 2
Maybe this too: Command & Conquer™ Generals + Zero Hour, and Medal of Honor Allied Assault™ War Chest
and maybe Dead Space 1 too
Yeah i did :)
I added you on Steam. Send me an message when you have time to trade ;)
Great Avatar btw :D
Hey man, I want your Insanity's Blade. I will trade you my The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II.
Adding to steam.
Hi. I'm interested in:
500 Years Act 1
Blade Symphony
New kind of adventure
Square Heroes
Venusian Vengeance
Yeah i did :)
I added you on Steam. Send me an message when you have time to trade ;)
Greetings, honored keeper. Would you like to trade King' Arthur Gold for A City Sleeps? And by the way, is it a gift link from Humble Bundle?
Sure thing, i will add you to Steam and message me when you have time to trade ;)
adventures of bertram and insanity's blade for any games here?
Litle divil
Quest run
Hyper Fighters
Knights and Merchants (3x)
iBomber Defense Pacific
Enclave (2x)
East India Company Gold Edition (3x)
Sorry, had almost all of those and those that i did not were not that interesting to me :\
Insanity Blade is gone, sorry :\
I had so many trades so editing the list was always 10-30minutes late.
From here you get always in time version:
Hey, anything from here: for Siralim ?
These would be an interest of mine:
Mercenary Kings
Race The Sun
The Stanley Parable
Anything here for
Garshasp: The Monster Slayer
Ted by Dawn
Any of these:
Stronhold 3 gold
zeno clash
system shock 2
or dino-d day
for fortress craft evolved?
Sorry but i already have pending sale for Warlock, if it does not work out i will reply to you again.
Hi! Something here for Paper Monsters Recut, Space Robot Samurai Zombie Slayer and/or Unheard Screams - King Leopold II's Rule Over The Congo? Thanks!
Anything here
for Divekick?
[H] 10¢, per bundle key [W] Any game keys that drop cards that I dont have. List of my games: (FOR MORE DETAILS ON HOW I TRANSFER WALLET, PM ME)
I'MLEVEL +60 +900 games, etc
Hello we were supposed to trade Tower of Guns for King Arthur's Gold. You accidentally traded it to someone else so you were going to look for another copy. Did you find one yet? If you don't want to trade anymore then just tell me so I don't have to keep messaging you and being ignored. This is like the 3rd time I've tried to contact you.
No nothing yet, sorry :\ Looks like i am not getting it unless i just get lucky an get an offer myself.
I checked an i did not see any missed comments or messages. And i have not booted for a while.
I messaged you on steam on two different days. Anyways, are you able to get the game on here? There's a bunch of people that have it. If you can't it's ok. Even though I did have to buy Tower of Guns from someone :/
But it's not a big deal. If you want to cancel our trade that's fine. Or if you wanna wait a little longer to see if you can get it that's fine with me too.
If you can get the trade make it. I have been trying to get it and even buying it but not even stores like Kinguin or g2a have it right now. I am still trying to get it by trade.
Hello! Something for Reach for the Sun?
Universe Sandbox would be one i am looking for, have almost everything else.
If that does not work out for you i could look for some game for trading also.
Sorry, already got reach for the sun.
But I interesting in double dragon triloginy - and would be good if you pick something else for it if you interesting:)
Added you to discuss a trade for your Ancient Space. I have Ancient Planet which is on your wishlist. Also have other games in my thread.
My group has invite only giveaway of Grid Autosport (and more) at our Facebook Page. Free to enter of course without any registering and entries for our free GA's are usually ~50 or so
We also have our own Steam GA group with max 50 members without rules like ratio with forum, events, competitions and more but for more info check out about section of the FB page :P
OK, add me when you have it. BTW which game do you want for it? Then I will reserve it for you.
BTW: I also want Arsenal of Democracy: A Hearts of Iron Game if there are more games you are interested in.
Sorry, i could not get second copy of SoulCraft but i can trade Arsenal of....
I did not find any game i was interested in but would you want to trade it for Jet Gunner and Caster?
/EDiT: You didn't accept my request since 2 days. Will find another trader. Sorry but I don't like waiting that long...
Sorry, i started new medication and have been asleep for almost three days now :(
It still has effect but at least i can get to computer for few hours. And i understand your position, i would also cancel the trade if i would have to wait for that long.
Do not have it anymore, i should get one more in 24h though but there is two people wanting it now.
Anything here for Arsenal of Democracy: A Hearts of Iron Game?
I'm interested in Brilliant Bob, Parcel, SHOFER Race Driver and Soulcraft.
Here's what I currently have:
I mainly only want games from my Wishlist and secondary is Paypal and then others. Please check my Wishlist(s) first and you can also check with My Compare2Steam URL, My Nerd Chan's Steam Compare URL other similar programs against the games you have if you want to see you have anything to offer, since that would help me alot since i would not have to go trough many unnecessary session to check if there is anything from my wishlist there myself :] You can still send offers of your gamelists though. Check the info about cards in Want section!
Formatting: Newest on top - Tiers: High Tier: Non-Bundle games, Mid Tier: Rare or BTA Bundled games and Low Tier: The rest - There are also several tags which help to identify if gift, deluxe edition, etc.
From here you get always in time TradeList and also do offers trough there (recommended) - I still do edit this to match it but there is slight delay.
Unlinked Items (cannot filter or match)
Google Play
I mainly want games from my Wishlist, then Paypal and the rest. My Wishlist's are here: Steam's Wishlist and's Wishlist (easier formatting) I also want cheap games with cards for farming (multiple copies per game also) for low tier trading. I also take Paypal, Keys, Gems, Cards (I need total worth of the cards [preferred to be after fees] and i also do not accept cards below value of 0,07€ before fees). You can use item value sorter to check your cards prices before and after fees.
You can easily check your games against what i own via My Compare2Steam URL (or other similar program) by inputting your games there so you can see what games i have and do not have (so its much easier to make an offer) :]
..:: NZTi! Dark Stars ::..
NZTi! Dark Stars Giveaway Group with eased ratio system plus other nice things. Check the SG Recruitment Thread for more info!
NZTi! Theme Stars Giveaway Group is theme based group where we do GA's of unbundled games based on themes of games tags (RNG via member voting) monthly!. Check the SG Recruitment Thread for more info!
And check out NZTi! Dark Stars Facebook Page for raffles (Win a game of your choosing up to 60€!), invite only GA's (~10-50 entries per GA) and much more!