Bruh has someone some tips 4 newbies? like which kind of giveaway is better, quantity etc

or just lucky and whatever LOL!

1 year ago

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It depends on what you want to achive.

1 year ago

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Here's a hint: delete your account and don't ever come back

1 year ago

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That's what she said.

1 year ago

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View attached image.
1 year ago

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Ooookay, so here is the list of tips that might be useful (I might be wrong; the tips may not suit you; tips may not align with your strategy and goal):

  1. Do not chase the level up thing. Avoid doing giveaways just for leveling up. Slowly work towards level 5 and then do not ever think about your level - just share what you can. Most of giveaways are cuped by lvl 5 anyway and best giveaways are created for levels 0 and 1 (see point 2).
  2. Join groups. There are plenty of groups and people there doesn't tend to make giveaways for high leveled people only. Can recommend to check Playing Appreciated and Unlucky 7. And then dig into other groups that you might like and will be able to follow the rules: Discussionsβ–ΊGroup Recruitment Just make sure you clearly understand rules of each group before applying and do not try to join all the groups at once :)
  3. Try to avoid giving away game shaped objects instead of games (samples1, samples2). A certain amount of such "games", of course, can be given away. We are all not without a sin :) But if you get carried away with this too much, it can have a bad effect on the overall experience of using the service :)
  4. Play your wins. At least try them. One of the best SG experiences is knowing that someone not only won the game from you, but also played it. That, kinda, builds your SG reputation to some extent. Also you can join PAGYWOSG and while playing your wins also get a chance to win more. For example in Aprils event there were 35 giveaways for anyone who beat at least one game, including such titles like Days Gone (0 level, only 111 entries) and on average giveaways there have around 45 entries.
  5. Remember about discussions: there are always some puzzles and "trains" This is both entertaining and you can win something with less competition than in open giveaways. Also being active on forums part of SG might be kinda interesting thing for someone :)
  6. Having some standards for your giveaways is also might be a reasonable thing that will benefit you in a long run. I try to (while not always handle to) follow the Quality Games Giveaways (QGG) Companion Group rule: Each giveaway should have 1,000+ reviews on Steam and 60%+ Steam rating OR 100+ reviews on Steam and 80%+ Steam rating.
  7. Avoid winning bad games, unless you just want to fill up you library with whatever you can. Many look at the ratio of won/given away. And making that stat worse by winning games you won't enjoy is just stupid (that is totally my personal opinion and I don't actually think people doing something wrong while wining all the Professor Watts Memory Match games - I just don't understand why they need it...).
1 year ago

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Where were you when I joined some months back!! Amazing Starter tipsπŸ˜„

As an addition, I would also have loved knowing about this whole whitelist/blacklist system as a beginner. In my excitement of discovering groups, I applied to a group which was exclusive to winners. I misread, applied and forgot. 3 Months later, I got blacklisted haha.
And so I learnt its just better in general, to take it slow and easy :)

1 year ago*

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Whitelist/blacklist system is another thing one should ignore. Noticing it is more of a demotivating practice than anything else. Just pretend it doesn't exist (unless you are getting a huge amount of BLs - then you are doing something really wrong).

1 year ago

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I kinda agree. People are strange really.
I remember posting Eid wishes on someone's Eid festival post. Only to see in the stats page, that I got blacklisted by someone πŸ™ˆ

1 year ago

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First dozens of blacklists I was very frustrated, I didn't understand why... I was digging, looking for people who blacklisted me and trying to figure out what I did wrong. After I found one person and asked him "Why have you blackisted me?" and got a reply "Idk, lol. Removed" - I stoped bothering abot that thing :)

1 year ago

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Happy cake day!!!❀️

1 year ago

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Happy cake day!

1 year ago

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(unless you are getting a huge amount of BLs - then you are doing something really wrong)

I would not give a +1 to this because, i assume, my BL counter is higher as from, nearly, all users that don't activate their wins or use autojoiners.
And i seen my hunting of the cheaters as something very right (maybe a bit extreme for the one or other^^) ;o)

My first Blacklists were totally confusion for me and kicked me out of the track because i don't got the reason why.
When i heard later from someone that i gave game XYZ, that i bought with a bundle from fanatical, or a other time because i wrote in the discussions a other opinion as someone (not with insults or something else that weren't ok), and got blacklisted for this, i were shocked and switched than to "ok, interesting to hear why i get blacklisted but it will not influence me anymore (because it give a lot of stupid "reasons" too)".

1 year ago*

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There is always room for exceptions. Especially if you're pretty unique :)

1 year ago

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ty so much Andy, helped a lot :)

1 year ago

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Best tip ever: Just enter for games you want to play and pray ;)

And to increase the chance:

  • increase your level which will allow you to enter more giveaways and decrease the number of participants
  • look at the groups, some are public and don't require specific conditions to enter. Others are private and require specific conditions (level, regular donation for example) to enter
1 year ago

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ty tucs :)

1 year ago

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stand close to the toilet, its shorter then you think.

1 year ago

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yea I hate how the toilets are short these days

1 year ago

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true, when i was a kid, toilets were so big!

1 year ago

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What do you call me Bruh 4, dude?

1 year ago

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bruh 3

1 year ago

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If you don't want to be blacklisted, never comment on anything ever. it might be already too late for you now, but don't worry, you're not really missing much anyway.

1 year ago

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oh no haha

1 year ago

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