I was skeptical and doubted it would capture the immersive vibes of a post-apocalyptic world.

Watching the first episode now and I gotta say it's pretty amazing, seriously.

Fallout - Console to Camera

Actual link to the series on PrimeVIdeo

Side note: Fallout 76 codes are also free today via PrimeGaming for some launchers - Xbox and Microsoft.
I'm sure a Deals post is up already for it or soon will be.

1 month ago

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Will you watch it?

View Results
Maybe if it's good

Finished watching it myself last night. I thought it was okay but nothing amazing. I did enjoy a lot of the references though, like seeing the rock-it launcher. I am a bit excited for the next season though after seeing the small tease at the end of the last episode (nobody spoil it for those who haven't watched yet).

1 month ago

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Woah! you already watched all the episodes! I'm just starting!

I like the references as well. What I really like though is how everything seems straight out of the games.

1 month ago

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The first episode is free with ads for anyone without Prime who wants a taste of the show. I haven't watched yet but will check it out soon.

1 month ago

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Happy watching! Good tip, too!

1 month ago

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The amount of the items and themes from the games is insane. I found myself pointing out things that were not in the games.

1 month ago

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They did well!

1 month ago

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And Fallout 4 will finally receive its Next-Gen Update, which was initially planned to be released for the 25th anniversary of the series.

1 month ago

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Good to know. This is relevant: Fallout 4 is getting free updates

1 month ago

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So this is part of the ads even if you pay era on Amazon Video?

Time to set sail.

1 month ago

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So this is part of the ads even if you pay era on Amazon Video?

Huh? I've been subbed to AmazonPrime for a year or so, I think, and have had zero ads.

1 month ago

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I saw a couple ads for it but I couldn't identify if it was based on the Bethesda Fallout games, the good Fallout games, or both?

1 month ago

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I played 3, NV, 4, but skipped 76.
On Episode 4 already and I'd say it has essence of the ones I've played, plus the heavyweight budget to make it dazzling.

1 month ago

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Now to decide... finish the boys... or start this tomorrow

1 month ago

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As someone who finished the Boys recently, I'd suggest wrapping it up it first.

1 month ago

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Literally makes vegas not canon only to spite the fans, no thank you, not interested.

1 month ago

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How though?
I'm still on Episode 4 of the show but played NV ages ago. I don't see yet how it made NV not canon.

To be honest, it wouldn't bother me that much anyway.
I feel the show has more of 4's story in it than 3 or NV.

EDIT: Just watched a little bit of Episode 5 and there's a reference to the Battle of Anchorage. Is that conversation and what's said in it what you mean?

1 month ago*

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It's one small detail shown in the finale one of the later episodes, although it's a detail with big consequences. It could just be a mistake by the producers, I don't think they deliberately wanted to outrage the fans.

1 month ago*

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I see. Well, that still doesn't change at all how much I'm enjoying the show.

Thanks for the spoiler-free answer :)

1 month ago

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I mean, the specific date they picked has no specific effect on the story of the show, but makes the events of fnv completely nonsensical. Either the date is wrong, or the game isn't canon. Either they picked a date at random and just by coincidence wrote a date that conflicts with the game, or they made it to spite the fans.

Also they brotherhood doesnt act like the brotherhood, but since they have been shoehorned into everything fallout related, the only consistent thing about them is the armor.

1 month ago

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makes the events of fnv completely nonsensical

what do you mean?

1 month ago

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Fnv is about the NCR war with the legion and multiple characters make entire lectures about the current state of the nrc and not one person mentions that the literal capital of ncr "fell" (whatever that means) 4 years prior. People FROM said capital talk about it multiple times as if its still fine. NCR is in the middle of an expensive expansion war despite their capital "falling".

Also, They show robert house in the show and it's completely contradicting his backstory he tells you in game. Either he just flat out makes up the entire thing in vegas or one of the works can't be canon.

1 month ago

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well, then the bombing took place sometime after the game

and how showing House pre-war changes his backstory?

1 month ago

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Oh sorry didn't know you were a troll. Its shameful i wasted so much time feeding a troll, i apologize.

For other people that might be interested: The writing on the board explicitly says "FALL OF SHADY SANDS 2277" which is 4 years before new vegas starts. Shady sands also gets nuked some nondescript amount of time after 2277, but it explicitly says it has "fallen" in 2277. Disingenous people say that the city could possibly be bombed after new vegas and conveniently ignore the blatant writing that it fell during a specific year. The nuking itself has nothing to do with peoples' complaints, its the "fall" that breaks the canon.

If you don't understand how the portrayal of house completely contradicts his story he tells you in the game then you really didn't see either of them. In one house is part of the cabal that causes the war and in the other he almost dies during the bombs falling because he wasn't ready.

1 month ago*

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Very nice, I applaud your knowledge and attention to detail. Had I been this immersed in the lore of the series, knowing the contradictions would boil my butter too. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

1 month ago

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so, my intuition was correct, the fall of shady sands is unrelated to the nuke, the nuke took place after 2277

1 month ago

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Just started watching....
I am a BIG Fan of Fallout 3 and NV!

1 month ago

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Same! If I had to choose, it's definitely NV.

1 month ago

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Trailers honestly made me skeptical but I'll give it a try. Can't be worse than Twisted Metal or the trailer for Borderlands.

1 month ago

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I was skeptical at first but I'm glad I gave it a shot. Happy watching!

1 month ago

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I've never played any Fallout game, is this show beginner friendly or is it a fans-only kinda story?

1 month ago

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So far i have watched 2 Epsiodes and apart from very very few references you wonΒ΄t get if you did not played the games (Back to the first Fallout game) you wil not miss much.
Given if you played the games, also back to the first game, you know the backstory and world and might understand everything in an instant.

So give it a try especially if you are into SciFi/Post Apocalyptic things with a bit of humour served.

1 month ago

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Quite beginner friendly. One of the main characters is a vault dweller (she lived in a bunker while the world was burning from the fallout). Now she's up and exploring and you sort of see the world for the first time through her eyes.

1 month ago

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Definitely will watch it. Played FO 3-1-2-NV in this order, and if I can like and accept the old games, the more shooter 3rd and NV (which is 3 buffed into a proper, deep RPG) for what they are, I guess I'll be fine with a show as well.
Haven't got around playing the 4th or 76, but I already had to accept that the series isn't going the direction I'd have preferred it... so I don't think the series will be as much of a shock for me, as people on r/fnv make it out to be.

1 month ago

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The order I played the games in was 3, NV, 4, then NV again. I see your point about the games evolving and each becoming their own beast. I do need to play the first three though. I bet that would emphasize the change even more.

I'm on the fifth episode out of eight, and it's been a wild ride so far. The world of Fallout is brought to life and impeccably portrayed. It's such a rush seeing all the lore in such vivid detail! As far as I can tell, the series has its own story and each of the games was a standalone in terms of story as well, so there's that. The story in the show does remind me of 4's a lot though.

1 month ago

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i am watching now episode 7. i really like this series you should watch.

1 month ago

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I'm on Episode 5 and I'm loving it!
It's fair to say this is one of the best and true-to-source shows ever made, at least from watching a little over half of the first season.

1 month ago

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My answer is no since I don't have Amazon Prime nor want it so unless it comes out on a place I use, I will skip it.

Saw a commercial for the first time on TV yesterday or the day before, it looks like it could have potential but I never played Fallout so can't really judge based on that.

1 month ago

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I never played Fallout


1 month ago

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I agree, its pretty good, I already binged watched it. It captured my attention. :)

1 month ago

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I felt the trailer was good enough to think It wouldnt suck, and It has Walton Goggins. The young cast is good too. Just watched EP. 1 last night.

1 month ago

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I just finished watching the whole series.
Now that's a finale for the ages. Just wow

If anyone's interested, this explains the issue(s) some hardcore Fallout fans have with the series finale.

1 month ago*

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I'm so happy that it's this good. It means that there will surely be more seasons with a lot of amazing lore.

The finale was awesome, although I found it weird that there was the big reveal and then there was 20 minutes of people just blankly staring at each other, dying and saying things like "We did it" and "I had to make a choice."

1 month ago

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um can anyone please tell me if the Show spoils any of the games' storylines (especially NV),? !

1 month ago

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No. There are many references, but there is no way that you'd learn any of the story through them.

However, they spoil some some details that you're supposed to uncover on your own in the games.

Here is a made-up example: if there was a side-quest in NV about helping a ghoul find the playground where they used to play pre-war (for nostalgia) and it turned out that the playground had been used as a drug stash before the war, so now there are big amounts of drugs there ... this is the kind of detail that the show could spoil for you.

Here is an actual example (light spoiler): They mention several experiments that take place in the other vaults

1 month ago

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hmm I have a terrible memory so I don't know if I would remember them later when I play NV but uh like are they anything big or some such that would alter my experience of the game, as in would u for eg be ok with watching the show and then playing the games, having done both .? thankssssss soo much for the reply btw ..I'm kinda obsessed about stuff like that, and for reference, I only played a bit of Fallout 3 sooo yah :/

1 month ago

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No, I wouldn't say it's anything big.

The information which they spoil is pretty inconsequential, but it feels nice if you discover it yourself (if you're into exploration in Fallout games). Although I guess it will also be fun the other way, i.e. you play the game and suddenly realize "Ah, this is what they were talking about in the TV show".

To clarify, the spoilered-out text in my previous comments describes what this information is about, but it doesn't actually spoil the information itself.

1 month ago

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I am very keen on going into stuff w/o any prior knowledge or impression but for some reason i am very compelled to watch the show as I'm trusting NV specifically to like blow me(my mind that is..) out so much that the watching the show wouldn't ruin the experience any(I'm not even sure if I'm making sense here lol). anyhoo Thankssss alot for putting my mind at ease, I'm now gonna go and watch the show as i cant wait any longer :P πŸ€—πŸ˜Š

1 month ago

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I watched the first episode. I will likely watch the rest of the series, as it's interesting enough. I'm not sure how I feel about the characters yet, but I think they did well adapting it. When a stimpak was used, it made me laugh!

1 month ago

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In fairness, Stimpaks in (some of) the games heal crippled limbs when applied directly on the affected arm or leg using the Pipboy, so the show didn't stray too far. 😊

1 month ago

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Yeah, I just wasn't expecting them to go with it. I loved it!

1 month ago

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I just finished the series. Honestly, I loved it.

My only complaint is that I wish there was more lol. Especially that last episode, felt a little rushed with all the moving pieces fitting together. Would have loved to see that stretched into two episodes and really get to feel the impact of that final battle.

Definitely looking forward to season 2. New Vegas here we come!

1 month ago

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I'm on ep 4 so far and I'm liking it. I recognize all this stuff from the games like items, music, even silly situations and the choices characters get faced with seem familiar and I get a kick out of it.

Before I finish the rest, I wanted to ask if anyone is watching at 4K res? The main show page says UHD but all I seem to get is FHD watching on my 4K monitor.

1 month ago

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Never played a fallout game, probably never will, but the trailer or promotional video looks cool. Might actually watch it.

1 month ago

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Just finished watching it and overall I really like it. They did a good job with the look and incorporating a bunch of things from the game without it feeling too fanservicey. Story and characters were interesting as well. Overall one of the best game adaptations out there to be honest.

My only complaint would be that the last few episodes, especially the final one, the direction and the editing just felt worse in those. Bunch of weird quick cuts, strange cheap looking close-ups and some scenes that just looked badly put together. Checked the credits and they used a bunch of directors for this so I assume that's why they feel different, but regardless it took tiny bit of the enjoyment for me.

1 month ago

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I'm a few episodes in and really enjoying it so far. It's done really well, not taking itself so serious while paying constant tribute to source material and lore.

1 month ago

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Have to watch the last three episodes myself but I wanted to say that the show has officially been green lighted for a second season.

1 month ago

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