Hi gals and guys! I am searching for somebody to play games with, multiplayer or singleplayer while calling on skype/something like that.
I like to play all kinds of games on steam, am based in the Netherlands so i speak dutch and english.

Oh i am 28 y/o.
Europe because of the timezones. Anything not to different from somewhere else is good to.

4 years ago

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Maybe tell a bit more about yourself, what kind of games you like to play, etc.
Now it's very vague and giving more info might make people more interested ^^

And btw, welcome from the Netherlands!

4 years ago

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yeah I'd go with this recommendation too and good luck in finding lots of new friends here =)

4 years ago

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Ja ik wil openbaar liever niet teveel info delen vandaar.

I like to play all types of games, like scum and i am trying out rust now.
I like a wide variety of games, currently not really invested in something so id like to start with something again. I am missing the companionship i think?

I have over 500 games on steam, wow + destiny on battlenet, sims and battlefield on origin and gta online.

10+ years i used to play in groups and i really liked that, it feels like things have changed and i dont really know how to find a fried online anymore? It used to be so simple.

4 years ago

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Haha kan ik begrijpen.

But this info is great, will help you for sure!
I saw we have no multiplayer game in common, am also not a good multiplayer person, I rather play solo so I can't disappoint anyone either or whatever :P
The friends thing is hard, true, I remember having a group of friends I played LoL with, was nice, until they stopped talking to me, guess we weren't really friend after all... Making friends can be hard, you can always add me and we can chat a bit if you want but for gaming I am not that useful, sorry! (I wrote something about myself on my profile if you are interested)

4 years ago

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Ja ik ben een vrouw, misschien dat dat het is hoor.
I have no trouble with people/friends in real life but no one shares my gaming hobby, it used to be so easy online?
Might be me whos changed, thats also a possibility.
I will look at your profile.

4 years ago

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Veel makkelijker als je zelf dan ook meer spellen hebt, of je moet maar net iemand hebben die dezelfde game interesses hebt (je hebt ook veel HOGS, casual spellen enzo), en ja nog beter gewoon iemand in je buurt dat je dan niet van het online gedeelte afhankelijk bent.

Ik heb zat spellen, zat consoles en ja zou ook best wel eens een avondje willen spelen met iemand, maarja, zit ook niet in je buurt.

Als je echt specifiek iemand zoekt voor Rust ofzo kan je beter een let's play discussie openen.

4 years ago*

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Ooeeeeee you like animals. I have dogs, pet rats and two horses. Hah!
En je bent ook een vrouw, yay.

I send u a friend request.

4 years ago

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Damn, dat is een flinke collectie... Maar geen katten?

Zoek je korte gaming sessies of juist hele avonden spelen?

4 years ago

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few more informations ragarding which games you play. would be nice

btw greetings from germany

4 years ago

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Recommendations... uhhh i am actually not invested in anything right now.
Id like to start something with somebody. I have a lot of games, but dont like to play alone.

I dont like that oldscool 2d retro gaming, i have difficulty liking those turnbased games and i dont like anime (exept for ninokuni). I do like horror, survival, puzzles, fps, stories, hidden gems, humor, mmorpg, rpg uhhh...

4 years ago

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You have nice name sesi <3 :P

4 years ago

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My library is mostly messed up by the free trash games, but I also have some decent ones - so if you see anything you like, feel free to hit me up. I don't play much MP because I'm in a similar situation, except I'm too awkward to actually go look for people. >_> Idk...

4 years ago

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I see we have several games I love in common, sadly I couldn't see your playtime, but I sent you an invite anyway... (Steam tag: Qa'Dar)

Ik kan wel niet beloven dat ik met mijn vier deugnieten veel (rustig en ongestoord) online kan zijn hoor 😄, groetjes uit België.

4 years ago

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Je mag mij altijd toevoegen. ik stuur je dan een chat berichtje met onze discord invite link. We zijn vooral Belgen maar we hebben ook een paar Nederlanders en enkele Engels pratende mensen in onze community. het is een mature community met spelers van alle leeftijden. Wij spelen ook vanalles en normaal is er altijd wel iemand aanwezig om een spelletje te spelen.

Edit: Dit geld trouwens ook voor andere NL/BE peeps die een community zoeken. Voeg me toe en laat me een chatberichtje met de vraag om discord te joinen. Alleen volwassen mensen AUB(niet perse leeftijd maar wel mentaal)

4 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

4 years ago

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I can be your boyfriend my brother

4 years ago

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I still have a few co op games sitting on my library cuz i have no one willing to join me. You can add me on steam, i also use discord (no cam).
And no wolfenstein youngblood please. I think im good on that one

4 years ago

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Check my games and maybe we can play together sometime :D

I am not really in Europe but i am close enough (Istanbul).

4 years ago

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I don't really play multiplayer games if I'm honest. I used to do MMOs, but they're addictive and to be quite honest, I don't want to sink time into those again.

I used to enjoy playing games with a group of friends from our forum over Skype. Haven't done that in about 8-10 years though. Maybe we just all got too busy with life. =( We would all get together on a weekday evening, choose a board game or similar that could be played in an hour or two and do that. Sometimes it was on steam (like Civ), other times, we'd pick something like Conquer Club (Risk) or one of those free board game sites to play something like Stone Age.

It could be an idea for a small Steam group though.

4 years ago

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Classic WoW is out, so that's something to play and dedicate to, currently doing solo, but I'm open for someone to join, even if you haven't started yet, can help you out start up and go to the level I am at now, so we can then go from there :P

4 years ago

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Sorry to bump old thread!

Added you on steam, hope we play something!

4 years ago

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Hey, got a lot of games in common with you, if you're still looking for a buddy to play with I'm up for it.
This is valid to anyone else reading this as long as you're looking for a gaming pal :)
I've got games on Steam as well as on Epic, Origin, Uplay, GOG, Battle.net. Once you've added me I can give my discord if you wish.

4 years ago

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