
Please enter this giveaway only if youโ€™re able to redeem the key and mark it as received not later than 7 hours after the giveaway ends. Iโ€™m sorry, but if the winner fails to do so, Iโ€™ll add him to my blacklist. I have to take these measures because some winners made me waiting for their feedback for many days while being constantly online on SG, thus showing that they donโ€™t care about the games they won; and I want to give a better chance of winning to those who really want to play the game.
Thanks for understanding and good luck!

Thanks for the GA!
I don't want to be seen as an ungrateful d*ck and I'm just curious of your POV: What if someone falls asleep in their time zone for the night? I mean it's definitely not more than 12 hours, but 7 hours seems kinda short.

3 years ago

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You're welcome.
The duration of the giveaway is only 1 hour and those who really want this game will check if they won right after the giveaway ended.
If the winner explains the reason that hindered him to redeem the key and mark it as received for more than 7 hours, I'll not blacklist him.

3 years ago

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Sounds fair - thanks for the explanation. Actually the threat of getting blacklisted sounds like a good idea to mobilize ppl to check in here more often.
Have a nice day, bro. :)

3 years ago

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No problem.
The threat of getting blacklisted does mobilize ppl to check SG more often and to redeem keys faster...
Thank you! Have a nice day too!

3 years ago*

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Obrigado s2

3 years ago

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