I suggest leaving games that have been removed from the giveaway list in the list but just grey them out and put a reason after it why its remove from the list.

Just today I've seen 2 false giveaways made by people who picked the soundtracks for a game and then commented "This is for the game".

For dead bits as an example, it could look something like this.

Dead Bits (Removed due to being given out for free, do not make giveaways for it)

The name of the game could also be crossed out, though that might make it harder for some people to understand.

10 years ago

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Leave removed games in giveaway list just grey them out

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Yes but instead of greying it out, just make them worth 1 p to enter and giveaway creator gets 0 towards their level

i think people still will abuse system;)

10 years ago

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While true, any little bit helps, even if this stops 10% of people that make these fake giveaways, thats more time support can spend on other, more important stuff. :)

10 years ago

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Whether or not this happens, there really does need to be a list somewhere that shows the removed giveaways and explains why they are removed.

10 years ago

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That too would help, but only for those who actually bother reading stuff before doing anything.

10 years ago

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I want both of these things, I asked for them previously.

10 years ago

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I like my list clean.
And these users who make them, don't read anyway, so I fear this won't help either.

10 years ago

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It could help our blacklist. :P

10 years ago

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There's only 1000 slots in it. :D

10 years ago

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I just went through my massive keylist to create a bunch of giveaways, and it was frustrating cause I kept looking for a game, couldn't find it. Went to the bundle site to see if maybe I got the name wrong, then realized maybe it was a banned game. I like either Yes option.
Either make it so we can give these away and get no credit, or at least have them in the list and maybe put BANNED in red through the picture.

9 years ago

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My opinion - allow GA's of free games but give 0 CV from it. Also, have an option to hide 'free GAs' from GA list maybe.

9 years ago

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You do have that option to hide games already, all you have to do is see it once, hide it and you'll never see it again. So no need to make a duplicate feature.

9 years ago

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There would be a lot of 'I gave away 100 copies of free game xyz why doesn't my CV rise?' threads then. D:

9 years ago

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greying out and adding something like the * for bundled games would be good i think. a simple explaingin of the 2 symbols then above the list and maybe then the "why can't i give away game xy" threads stop

9 years ago

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