When I didn't win anything since... 7 months! How unlucky I must be xD When I will finally win a decent game that I will want to play over and over?
Like Fallout 4 or... Call of Duty or.... anything....

8 years ago

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He's lucky.

8 years ago

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Yes I think he is very lucky xD

8 years ago

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remmember him he have luck to have you and take 1 game from him.

8 years ago

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Two thumbs up!

8 years ago

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Divorce him and take half his games.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Nice ratio btw.

8 years ago

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Be careful, if Hubby wins a Fallout 4 and you divorce, you'll only get a Fallout 2.

8 years ago

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so... better than fallout 4. win-win

8 years ago

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I won't even argue :P I loved the Fallouts for their RPG aspect, in my book Fallout 2 = Fallout NV and Fallout 1 = Fallout 3 in terms enjoyment. Both the second and NV improved upen the previous one. (Though favourite character of the whole Fallout Universe would be the Master, hands down.)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

8 years ago

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nice joke

8 years ago

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Fallout New Vegas is better than Fallout 4 anyway. But if you really want a game to play forever, go for something like Dota 2 where you're not even close to good before 1000 matches or something. Would be a good time sink.

8 years ago

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Oh my... I don't like MOBA games, I wish Webzen make new mu online who would again make me busy for next 3 years, I used to play many different games but I always say - Either good single player game OR good community. Idk if any of You ever played on private server of MU online called MORNIA, but that was the best private server ever, and I really enjoyed it. They are still there but community died... :(

8 years ago

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Never played that, I'm more like a WoW kind of person anyway.

8 years ago

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Tried WoW 4 times, unsuccessful. Not my type. :(

8 years ago

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Why not any Asian MMO then... there should be plenty. For example, I've played Cabal. It's really catchy, doesn't look good but most older games don't anyway. Other than that, it's addicting. And the good thing compared to WoW is that you can play endgame content without necessarily being in a guild.

8 years ago

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I think I've tried Cabal, btw I can recommend You Devilian.

8 years ago

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blade and soul?

8 years ago

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Gw2? maybe? for some time at least

8 years ago

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Terraria, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, New Vegas, Mount and Blade Warband - mostly these are the games people can sink LOTS of time - mostly because mods / sandbox (Terraria and M&B I think close to full sandbox)
Faster Than Light (FTL), The Binding of Isaac, Spelunky also lasts easily for hundreds of hours if you like them

8 years ago

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I find that once you get the hang of a roguelike, and the challenge fades, the game is done.

8 years ago

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Guild Wars 2 or Rimworld :3

8 years ago

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I haven't won anything for 3 days. 3 WHOLE DAYS! It's driving me crazy. WHY AM I NOT WINNING?!?!!? WHY?!?!?!

8 years ago

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Did you forget to flip the awesome switch?

8 years ago

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Oh, shoot! You're right. But it's too far away from the couch, I'll flip it tomorrow.

8 years ago

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Is that a slang term for self pleasure?

8 years ago

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OMG You b$%^$ You won 'THIS WAR OF MINE" two weeks ago... Have this game on my wishlist like FOREVER!

8 years ago

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You gotta have the awesome switch on.

8 years ago

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Share that switch! NOW! XD

8 years ago

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No way, buy your own switch.

8 years ago

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You are probably the unluckiest person ever... yeah, nothing worse has even happened to anyone ever in any way!

8 years ago

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I know Q_Q T_T ;(

cries in the corner

8 years ago

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This man understands my pain and sorrow.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I haven't won anything for 2 years

8 years ago

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what did he win? :p.

8 years ago

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I didn't check yet, but he kept telling me he is so lucky XD

8 years ago

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I only win games i want for collection but have no real urge to play... But hey i never expect to win anything with my bad luck so i should not complain :)

8 years ago

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A moment of silence for both of us.

8 years ago

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Rigged. Jk. I wish I was that lucky. Only won one game on Steamcompanion :P

8 years ago

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Registered: 23 hours ago...

Welcome to Steamgifts, FrostySkipper.
Be prepared to win some ;)
Also gifting some is very much appreciated by the community here ;)

Be sure to check out the FAQ and guidelines for a pleasant stay, and I can very much recommend you this thread: http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/IOD8p/are-you-new-to-steamgifts

May the space cat be always in your favour!

8 years ago

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Never thought FNaF and furries could be one thing....

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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scam him for his fallout 4 :3

8 years ago

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He doesn't have fallout 4. But I do prefer Fallout 3 over Vegas...

8 years ago

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He is the chosen one.

8 years ago

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Right, but I'm happy for him. I'm happy for everyone. They say : The only time You should look in somebody's plate is just to look if they have enough, not if they have more than You. lol

8 years ago

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Indeed : )

8 years ago

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Where's the giveaway? :P

8 years ago

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A couple of weeks ago I won my first giveaway (Mad Max, I really wanted it) and it got revoked a day after as the guy cancelled his credit card payment on purpose, beat my luck.

8 years ago

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Have you contacted support? he Has done this before, i think its time for a well deserved brake from this site

8 years ago

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Well, other guys who got scammed by him and I already opened a ticket, but only one of us got a reply from the support and he barely got a week ban.

8 years ago

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I guess theres no point even bothering with rules.
And you know sooner or later there will be one user who doesnt know how to deal with this situation And gets himself blacklisted for not changing the status to not received.
I actually had to tell 2 of them how to proceed

8 years ago

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I changed the received status, I talked to the other guys who got scammed by him and I sent many prints and links with proofs of his scam to the support but no answer yet. Support also didn't care much to the other scammed guy that they replied.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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That would be too easy.

8 years ago

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If you have an urgent issue with one of your wins that requires two-way communication between you and support, it's best to create a ticket under the Other category to have us look into it, because User reports are read-only and we cannot ask you follow-up questions. Otherwise simply follow the regular procedure of leaving a comment on the giveaway page explaining the issue and marking the giveaway Not Received afterwards.

8 years ago

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That's great, one less scum around SG.

Thanks, SleepyCat. I didn't know that user report tickets were read-only, but I did the rest. I am glad he got what he deserves.

8 years ago

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How come it's read only?

8 years ago

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There's several thousands user reports, so replies are disabled to prevent bumping and to allow us to just close the reports once the necessary action's been taken or if we feel that no action is necessary. But sometimes more information is required, for instance with scamming reports when victims just report someone with a single word SCAMMER! and think that is enough, so the read-only status does not help there.

8 years ago

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Ah, very well reasoning. Thanks for explaining.

8 years ago

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If you still have your proof, report him also at SteamRep so his scamming status could be known for the general public. These kinds of stunts are also pulled in trades, not just gifting.

8 years ago

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Once you have finished bashing Support, please be sure to check out Sleepy's repy.

8 years ago

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I was done with what you call bashing before you even replied.
Which was more me accepting things as they are, after reading he had already tried reporting the user.
And dont worry, ive read sleepy's reply, i didnt came here just to bash

I surely wasnt criticizing the individuals that make for support, but whatever

8 years ago

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Don't feel too bad - you have won 8 times - from 3962 entries - according to http://www.steamgifts.com/users/search?q=r3dka
That works out to you win 1 in 495 entries

Mine is 3 wins from 1877 entries - or 1 in 625 (so I feel your pain).

What does that "Awesome Switch" look like?

8 years ago

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I'm on 1428 entries, and I haven't won dick

8 years ago

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Wow. With luck like that, I'm surprised you bother getting out of bed in the morning. :D

8 years ago

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some days, it'd been better if I didn't

8 years ago

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1428 entries in three weeks? That's impressive. Keep it up, however, and you're sure to win something.

(It probably won't be dick, though, as dick is still in Early Access and therefore not available for giveaways.)

8 years ago

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and I'm not even entering giveaways for bullshit games that I'll never play, either.

8 years ago

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That's a good thing. There's nothing more disappointing than finally getting a win and it's for a game you don't really want. P

(I'm like you in that I don't enter for anything unless I really want it.)

8 years ago

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The other side is even worse. "Here, I'm gifting you this game, have fun!" "Yeah, 'kay, thanks I guess, not that I actually want it. throws game into dark corner"

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago*

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I didn't know that there is any options to see how many enteries you did. Thanks budd.

8 years ago

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take into account that you enter max lvl 1
that has an average 700-1000 per game;
so as far for me you are pretty normal :S

8 years ago

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True... Idk when lvl 2 is. I gave away 2 games lately, but lvl stays same.

8 years ago

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You level up based on a games value. If the game has been bundled, or been 95% off or more anywhere in the world as compared to the US store price, it will only give 15% of its value.
here is a list of CV needed for each level
You've gifted things of a total value of $17 (accounting for bundled games). At $25 you'll gain your next level.

8 years ago

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So I need 7 more dollars, one day I will get there too :) I'm not a rich person. I have games but mainly they are from bundles.

8 years ago

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It's not too hard. A $10 bundle game gives you $1,5, so just keep giving away bundle leftovers and you'll be level 2 in no-time.
The $1 tier in this bundle for an example should be enough.

8 years ago

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I will do but I don't buy a lot of bundles xD Haha but as I said one day I will get there eventually.

8 years ago

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Well, if both are gamers, I consider that you are a lucky couple!

8 years ago

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Rub his head for good luck,if he is Irish then may you get double the luck.

8 years ago

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Which head?

8 years ago

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Whatever one you want,though i firgured one would ask,always one perv in the crowd.

8 years ago

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You could say he added you to his wifelist. ;)

8 years ago

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I know when I win I win normally 2-4 games within 2 days, but go on a spawn of about 3 weeks tell I win the next set

8 years ago

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I'm not going to make you jealous by listing all the awesome games I won in the last seven months. I have no idea how that happened...

8 years ago

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Your renewed yearly subscription of Steamgifts Platinum must be helping. Tons of GAs people who aren't subscribed can't even see. Can only afford SG++ at the moment but I already like my chances.

8 years ago

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It's such good value as well - I really don't know why more people don't sign up, who wouldn't want multiple automatic entries in every giveaway?

8 years ago

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Maybe because you have to be a certain level before they offer it to you? At that point, most people won't care but we like winning so we end up subscribing. haha.

8 years ago

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What level You need to be to do it?

8 years ago

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They are joking on/teasing you, there is no such thing as SG Platiumun or multiple entries.

8 years ago

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I thought so, but it's always nice to dream XD

8 years ago

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This is when you enable Steam Family Sharing on his account.
Then disable his PC. :X

View attached image.
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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How lucky can one guy be
i kissed her and she kissed me
like the fella once said
Aint that a kick in the head

8 years ago*

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Threaten him to buy you the game you want. Tell him you're jealous and want compensation or GTFO and sleep on the mats.

8 years ago

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LOLOL good scene lmao

8 years ago

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Registered 3 years ago - sg lvl 1
Complaining about not winning games

Yet my gf with lvl 1 won 17 bundle poops or something like that, then she just got bored of this site and logging like once a month

View attached image.
8 years ago

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i wasn't active 2 years lmao :P

8 years ago

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So for a whole year you are still lvl 1 :3

8 years ago

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And is it something wrong with it? :)

8 years ago

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What do YOU think?

8 years ago

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I think that I gave something, and not everyone has to be lvl 5, some people don't give anything.

8 years ago

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But you giveaway basically nothing and asking why you recieve nothing, what's your husbands sg level?

8 years ago

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Wow who are You to judge me? :)
I didn't ask for anything.
That's the end of conversation with You.
Have more respect to people.

8 years ago

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She may be level one, but her real cv ratio is a lot better than yours. ;)
She would have to win almost twice what she has just to match your real cv ratio.

8 years ago

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She doesnt giveaway anything - she doesnt win anything 0/0 way higher than 0.5 right. Mathematically.

8 years ago

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i remember one day i won 4 games in less than 1 min that was crazy lol, i was doing some trades on sg and everytime i click on a trade topic i see that screaming cat lol

8 years ago

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Tell him to stop requesting re-rolls on your account when you're not looking...

But hey, at least you can use Steam Family Sharing to play them. :D

8 years ago

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HAHAHA! Omg I would kill if he would do it

8 years ago

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That is quite the luck! :)

8 years ago

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My best record is 5 wins in a row, and im still single btw if you consider

8 years ago

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Do I? XD Well good luck in finding someone special :)

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by R3dka.