Have you encountered a game that made you feel mind-raped?
I'd recommend watching the movie "Tetsuo: The Ironman"
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Just realized I had a coupon for Velocibox. Needless to say, I used it for that game.
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Try playing Octodad. At least you'll be able to see the squid.
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I don't really think using the term "rape" as an adjective or verb describing anything other than actual rape is appropriate to do. I'd excuse it by assuming you might have meant one of its more archaic meanings, but given the poll options, I think I understand exactly what it was to which you referred, and I don't appreciate it.
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It's fine. I'm just pointing out that it may be offensive or objectionable to some, since "rape" can be a sensitive topic for many, especially victims of rape. The archaic use of the term "rape," meaning to pillage or seize something by force, could be appropriate it very specific contexts (such as in the Rape of Helen, though it has since then lost its meaning. Typically, "seizure" or "abduction" or other similar terms are used in its place, since it does not connote the same sort of violent and egregious sexual crime that "rape" does (even though "rape" originates from Latin rapere, which literally meant "(to) seize").
I would recommend "fuck" as a better term, since it is more appropriate slang, as in "fucked with your head." It's a stronger term than, say, "mess (with)," but doesn't carry the same serious connotations as does "rape."
Just some advice for the future, so that you don't get blacklisted by someone who was offended, or hated on by someone on the Internet or in real life for your casual use of the term.
EDIT: Added image.
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No real risk of being hated by someone in real life cause I don't speak in english in my daily life. So rape is a word I don't really use, at all.
And I don't care that much about the blacklist thing (Even tho I don't use it myself because I don't like the concept). I'd be surprissed if someone takes something from this forum seriously. People here joke about everything 24/7.
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My usual postings may come as quite the shocker to you, then.
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I just think that is kinda sad that people gets all serious over the internet. Why turn this in a depressive media like TV.
Anyway, I'm planing on closing this thread as soon as the GA's end and then create a new one with a poll in order to get opinions about this one.
The weekend seems like a good time to test the watters.
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I had sex once. It raped my mind cause it was so good.
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You are not so bright, like a low watt bulb. Contextually there is a huge difference. That is all I will say, if you cannot understand that, there is nothing more to be said.
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The serious is a beautifully amazing tool for global communications. I think not using the Internet for serious discussion could be one of the greatest sins of the modern age. You can talk to people from all different cultures, backgrounds, education levels, and views. Why shouldn't the Internet be used for more than shitposting, memes, Tweets about your day that nobody (not even you) care about, and sharing photographs of kittens?
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I think it's much more than that. It's a community and any community can be both careful, caring, and carefree. Seriousness and satire need not be mutually exclusive.
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You are a neat weapon. But you backfire and aim at all the wrong subjects. I think with the right coordinates, you could finally find a hit marker. Try Fraudulent Traders and how to alleviate their impact on the community.
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I might, if I ever give enough of a shit to do so.
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Yet you give a shit ton about shitless given subjects (Blacklisting, Thanks Comments, etc.). I would delete your comment or edit it to actually make it look like you really give a shit about this community and are not here to just toss soap bars onto shower floors.
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I'm just kidding around. I care about certain subjects because I think they're important, and I only comment on them when I know enough to constructively contribute in some capacity. I care about fraudulent trading, since it negative impacts the community, even though it doesn't really affect me. I don't know enough about it to really comment on it, however, so I can't really spark any sort of debate when I myself am ignorant. It's not completely absurd to assume that one might care more about issues which affect one's self as compared to those who don't, though. Anyway, many people already address the issue of fraudulent trading; few address giveaway comments or blacklisting.
I give blacklisting and giveaway comments higher priority because:
Is that bad? I don't think so. Perhaps if I knew more about fraudulent trading and thought of ways to combat it, then I'd chime in. Given that I don't, and even if I did I doubt SteamGifts as a community could do much about it (since it's an issue with involved Valve and Steam Trading in general), I don't lend my support. Perhaps one day, when I can contribute something meaningful. Until then, I'll stick with the issues about which I can.
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FUCK! Why can you not just type a single sentence as a response? Why must you try so hard at being smart? I am not even going to waste my time reading your shit wall, as it is complete circle jerking nonsense. Down scope your dick and read my words. Time to STOP doing what you are doing for all the wrong reasons. And point that needle dick shit at something that matters!
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I just try to give the best response I can, even at the risk of being verbose. I'm not trying to be anything, to be honest. I do occasionally try to speak on issues which really matter, if I know enough about it and can contribute something meaningful, but it doesn't really accomplish much either. At this time, I speak on what I wish to speak about, argue about what I want to argue, and discuss what I want to discuss; however, I don't usually do any of these without some greater purpose in mind, such as informing the person or reforming a community.
People usually don't care for what I have to say, anyway, so why should it matter what I talk about?
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They don't really matter though. As proved by such response as to why they don't.
I gave you something that does matter to this community.
If you are as smart as you pretend to be, you would pick it up and fight a better fight.
Or you can keep trolloloping along, limbs taken off, fighting with no reason yet to have been seen.
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Well, I wouldn't feel comfortable actually initiating a discussion about something I know little to nothing about. If you can provide me with resources or information that can educate me on this issue, I may consider it for the future.
Anyway, I honestly never expected my blacklisting thread to blow up so much. I barely have time to respond there, and I'm already extremely busy as it is. Perhaps when I have the time to endeavor another thread, I may create one about fraudulent trading or something of similar import (if I know enough about it to do so).
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I realize you must be trying to lash out or over analyzing something, as I asked you not to use the word autism in a shitpost/Lulz post you made, so you picked the word rape to ask that it not be used as it may be offensive. Which is agreeable, yet, it isn't being used to mean a sexual rape. Although there are better words to use in its place, much like there are better fights to pick.
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Actually, your correction of my behavior put me in a thoughtful and introspective mood. The fact that this thread cropped up was simply a convenient coincidence and I decided to follow your lead.
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That is good, we are all free thinkers and feed off each other.
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as a native English speaker, I understood your meaning and was in no way offended. Mind rape is a fairly common term here in America. It's implications are understood to be far from vaginal or anal rape.
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I'm also a native English speaker and I wasn't especially offended by the term's use either. I just found it to be inappropriate and improper, and worthwhile to mention.
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Language is amorphous. While it isn't the height of propriety to use the word rape in anything but a gravely serious tone, neither is the word 'kill'. Provided the word isn't being saturated by a somehow positive variant, and so long as it isn't diminishing the seriousness of actual rape, there shouldn't be an issue. Being considerate to the otherwise invisible hardships of others is a great thing and all, but when things get to a point of being dictatorial on a 'just in case' level it creeps towards a point of absurdity. Another vile thing is cancer, however the word is used to describe similarly insidious and slow-poisoning elements. Just as rape is often used to describe things other than sexual assault, where sudden, unexpected (hyperbolic) trauma or violation of sorts is felt.
I would hope that anybody who is triggered by the mere mention of the word rape is getting help, and has a strong support network, and quickly find a solid grip on a way to cope with the horrendous trauma... but expecting people to excise words that aren't hate speech from their vocabulary is a bit much, I think (no matter how well intentioned). I mean, of course, unless they use it as a frequent go-to word, or something.
All that aside, mindfuck really does roll off the tongue way better and is a safer option... I'm just going "hmmmm" over the general subject you highlighted.
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Similar comparisons have already been made and refuted. Unlike murder, rape has not always been seen or treated as a crime. Unlike murder, rape has not always been recognized as a traumatic event. Unlike murder, the victims of rape still live to tell their tales. Although murder is arguably a more heinous crime than rape, murder is more universally recognized as immoral and treated as such. Anyway, the use of the word "murder" typically won't trigger traumatic memories, unlike "rape." Moreover, at least "kill" doesn't have to imply murder; it can imply the slaughter of livestock, the death of an enemy in self-defense, or even the destruction of a combatant in a video game. Meanwhile, "rape" is a very particular event with no non-offensive connotations. "Rape" cannot be used neutrally; it necessarily implies some sort of crime or wrongful act, no matter how it is used.
I would argue, however, that the casual slang use of the word "kill" is just as erroneous since it is an inaccurate description of the event, misrepresents the act of killing, and an improper use of the term. If anything, mentioning the casual use of the term "kill" only discredits both slang applications, and does not justify the casual use of the term "rape."
I believe the casual use of the term "rape" does diminish the seriousness of actual rape by virtue of its misuse and casual application. If I said I "raped" some dude when I meant that I outplayed or outperformed him in Call of Duty, am I accurately representing rape and the seriousness of that crime? Or am I diminishing it to the status of dominance and victory over an opponent in a video game? This isn't a matter of "just in case" scenarios; this is a matter of proper diction, appropriate and suitable application of terminology, and the propriety of chosen words in the given contexts. The primary concern, in my opinion, is the misuse of the term, how it impacts the term's usage, and how it affects the seriously egregious connotations it conveys. Whether it offends someone, albeit important and worthwhile to consider, is secondary.
The use of cancer in its common usage—such as describing certain people, ideas, behaviors, or conduct as "cancerous"—is an appropriate and accurate term to use to describe deleterious and malignant phenomena which seems to spread like a disease, both in its noun and adjective forms. Unlike rape, which is a violent crime against another human being, cancer is a malignant disease. These are key differences which shows that the comparison does not hold.
This isn't so much about political correctness (of which I am a major critic) or self-censorship (of which I am a staunch opponent) so much as it is a matter of propriety, proper diction, and respect for both others and the language one is speaking.
I agree that mindfuck might be the best option.
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While yes, rape (and rape accusations, survivor handling, legal policy, etc) are more of a cultural issue than other such tragic events and words, and deserve far more due caution, that's why I also mentioned how they are used, and how frequently. As I said, provided it isn't being used in a positive manner nor diminishing the seriousness of actual rape, and so long as it isn't being used as a casual interchangeable word in every other line (which qualifies as diminishing it's seriousness), I don't think it really needs such a hard line drawn underneath it. I mean, if people were using 'rape' like the slang 'sick' then I'd be in agreement, but singular mentions aren't really comparable. While your breakdown of the differences between "kill" as a neutral negative versus the exclusive traumatic "rape" do actually provide a solid counter, my objection then changes to to one of approach.
I mean, here you managed to totally nail it on the head, but just as language is amorphous, culture is also a slippery eel to grasp. To alter the language used by other people and preserve a grave taboo around the word (because the actual criminal act itself is not in question here) is something I'm not sure I agree with. As a civilised society we should both strive to elevate ourselves above such things, but also accept non-destructive freedom of expression. Therein is the problem. While "kill" isn't the same as "murder", it is still means the end of a life, and is used with almost utter apathy, as just a word with a meaning disconnected from actual mortal consequence. Is it really a healthy thing to be trying to enforce exclusive and solitary meaning on a word? Even when the criminal event is still a hot issue, I can't safely say one way or another. Then again, my view is tainted by having seen a lot of extremism from both feminism and chronically apathetic / anti-rights people.
Oh, wait, crap, sorry. Tangent. I was supposed to be underlining how my objection changes to "how it is approached", right? The truth is that I actually agree with your overarching sentiments, but I'm not comfortable in exactly where the line is to be drawn. The issue of approach is that while I agree we should try to promote healthy cultural trends through awareness and such, it's waaaaay too easy to poison people against such notions by being too direct or heavy-handed. There is nothing wrong with being direct and honest about an issue at hand, especially given how polite and open to discussion you are (sadly something that an alarming number of activists of all sides seem to lack), but sometimes that approach causes people to leap to the defensive and stop listening to the actual message you have to say, which really runs against the idea of changing someone's mind or curbing a certain rough edge of their behavior / attitudes, y'know? Maybe I'm shying away from this approach because I've seen so many simple online encounters devolve into extremes of hateful idiocy, as people always read their personally felt flavour of fascism into such disagreements.
I... ugh. I mean, not like my own approach and replies look exactly constructive on the surface right now either, heh. I just suck at articulation, I guess. I think perhaps there's a matter of scale/exposure here too. Where I live the word "rape" never gets used flippantly like that, and can't even remember a time that a young asshole resorted to it due to shitty communication or rely on hyperbolic slang to fit the mold. I don't even hear it used often or flippantly even online, especially not in comparison to mentions of cancer or casual threats of violence, which is weird given I love multiplayer and shooters, which you'd expect would be the biggest breeding ground for deliberately offensive / controversial taunts, right? The only time I really hear 'rape' being used is in this very phrase "mind-rape". I suppose if I heard it being used more often (or as in the article, "I totally raped that exam"), then I'd likely feel my skin prickling at it too.
But yeah, the problem for me is always the approach. How do you even broach such a subject without the tutting, nannying "you shouldn't do that, because it's offensive" thing coming through stronger than the "dude, come on, don't be a dick". When it gets recieved badly, some people use such simple well-meaning gestures to feed their confirmation bias, or take it personally.
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At least "rape" was used intentionally to convey a serious message. It wasn't used casually, unlike in the OP.
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Agh, ok. This got a bit more messed up that what I intended in the first place and I don't wanna end with a banhammer hitting my head.
I'm sad that the shock value and tentacle hentai reference will go away but I can live with it.
So here is the deal: the new tittle will be "Games that screw with your mind like if someone has injected a squid inside your brain", but only if I get at least five +1 replies to this comment. I won't change it for only one guy.
PS: The polls can't be edited so...
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Don't change anything. Don't do it just because someone has an issue with it, you have no obligation to appease anyone on this website.
-1 if it counts for anything.
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At least you admit it!
By the way, thanks for you know what. I appreciate it.
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please don't make any kind of contact with me unless i address you directly. thank you.
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From shit walls to shit posts, you are a multi-tool. You are becoming more and more like I initially called you on being. Reel it in capitain, we need a new target for this weapon of mass fucks given.
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I considered not using an image, but decided that I might as well. I searched for an appropriate image (that wasn't a cancerous meme) and opted for a reference to Hogan's Heroes, in particular a few lines from one of the episodes.
People have been telling me to lighten up. I might as well fake it until I make it, right?
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I might as well fake it until I make it, right?
No, just stop. You are faking it and not making it. So you are failing.
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Then I suppose I should return back to being a hypercritical, overly serious nitpicker and resident complainer?
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Rape you mind is fine in my messed up brain, but it can be taken as being offensive. Although you did not mean it as such, it can be. I am in a group (as you are) that continually depresses me with their mind fucks of words. It is best to take into consideration everyone's posterity or rather vision of how a word can be applied to those that may read it to mean something that it isn't. I would not change it though, as it isn't poking fun at being raped (sexually).
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I vote to keep it because it was originally what you meant; the reference you made eluded me; and like you said, you wanted to test the waters. I'm only criticizing your use of the term because I criticize everything. I'm a curmudgeonly naysayer who takes everything too seriously, a nitpicking and quibbling pedant who enjoys pointing out flaws, and a whiny whippersnapper with little else to do (aside from doing what should be done).
Keep the term, expurgate the word, do what you will. Whichever you think is best is probably what you should do. I did miss the reference, after all.
Oh and a tidbit of advice with which many of my interlocutors would indubitably concur: ignore me. Unless you're interesting in a long discussion, or the trifling talks of a discursive dipshit with a lengthy lexicon and vast vocabulary of terms seldom taught, it's probably best to write me off as just another bump for your thread.
Thanks for the giveaways!
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Your essays rape my attention span and send it quivering and whimpering into the corner over there, begging me to leave it alone, to not force it to do something it doesn't want to "Please Mr Man, PLEASE just let me go back to playing vidya gaems, I promise I'll be good from now on"...
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Are you trying to be a dick? Or are you normally this trollish?
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Well to be fair Nokkenbuer - http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/s8iOq/im-in-a-dick-mood
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This happened because I forgot to include a GA for the heretics.
There, I Fixed It.
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Played the Payday 2 Beta back in 2013. First time i played the game.
We played Jewelry Store Heist. My headphone volume was turned up pretty high. Cops start coming, I'm like "Holy shit this game!"
Then bain says "Good Luck" and the sweet sound of Razormind kicks in like I've never heard any other game do before, ever!
Mind = Blown
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You go girl. Tell'em how you feel. Let it out and list'em up.
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You go
girlboy. Tell'em how you feel. Let it out and list'em up.
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Well, I found it inappropriate, as can be seen by my post above, but I didn't blacklist the OP. I confronted him about it, he discussed why he used the term and apologized. Perhaps if you weren't so thin-skinned, you wouldn't have any need to abuse the blacklist system. Perhaps if you had a spine, you could confront the OP about it like I did.
The OP wanted to test the waters and see what would be considered appropriate given that his thread contained giveaways. He also meant to use "rape" as a reference to the "tentacle rape" hentai trope, which is well-known enough that it could be used in referential humor.
Isn't it ironic that I'm more tempted to blacklist you than the OP, when I am on your side?
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Way to call someone spineless when they don't want to get into prolonged discussions involving their personal post-traumatic triggers. And good for you that your skin wasn't worn thin during your life, you're a lucky one.
(Btw I still don't see it as an abuse of the Blacklist system as it's completely within the rules, but w/e we've been over this in your thread.)
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Actually no, I'm calling you spineless because you aren't confronting the issue like a responsible adult. If the mere word triggers you, I doubt you'd be able to overcome your traumatic shock to post what you did above (which led to a prolonged conversation anyway). Even so, one method of conquering the trauma you faced is by facing it and discussing it. If you were to make your case, either your personal plight or a more general rhetoric, it's likely that you would have received an explanation, some support from others, and perhaps even an apology.
I have experienced many hardships in my life. I have experienced the vicarious turmoil of such sexual abuse when my ex-fiancée told me she was raped (which turned out to be a lie, but that's beside the point). It made me question my entire life, my role in hers, and whether I failed myself—whether I failed her. I have experienced the pain of having an engagement broken; having the love of my life walk out on me; of coping with the separation of my parents; of undergoing physical, mental, and emotional abuse by a negligent father; of having friends betray me, trusted people turn on me, and family members reject me. Don't act as if you're the sole, lonely victim in a sea of surly souls. Other people have gone through tough times, too, some worse than yours.
You may still be disturbed by events in your life and past, but you must eventually move on. At some point, you will need to stop appealing to your victimhood and show the world that nothing can keep you down. Perhaps today is not that day, but it nevertheless doesn't reflect well on you that you'd blacklist a stranger for a mere word.
Rules only set boundaries; they do not determine what is moral or right, or even what's healthy for a community. You may not see it as abuse, just as others may not see certain other activities as abusive, but it's abuse nonetheless.
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You have more tolerance than even I, apparently. Either that or a profound propensity for habitual kindness.
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I do not have anyone on either list.
They remind me of Nazi checkpoints and I never carry the correct documents anyways.
And if I did, I would rip them up.
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I heard Yume Nikki does something similar, but I havn't gotten around to playing it yet.
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You clearly don't understand the argument, then. And by the way, this has nothing to do with "SJWs" or social justice.
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232 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by AAAAHHHH
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So today I gave Velocibox a try. And it felt like a brick to the face.
After the whole "White & Gold" vs "Blue & Black" I though this day wasn't capable to smash my perception of reality any harder, but you know how life works.
Also here are the giveaways that justify this thread existence(and karma reasons):
-Level 2
-Level 1
-Level 1
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