Please Help me i dont know how to make a giveaway. Well I do! But does it take my money if i make one or does it take my game away if i make one? And how to i recieve/ win giveaway!?
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Well you seem to have worked out how to make giveaways. What that means is that you are now expected to buy three copies of CS:GO and distribute them to the winners yourself. The site doesn't buy the games for you or automatically pass them onto the winners.
You win giveaways by entering giveaways until you win one. And then the person who made the giveaway should arrange for you to get your game.
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Ah.. So that's how you win here, never figured that part out. O.o
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We are all learning every day on this grand journey called life...
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You will need to add the winner on Steam so that you can send them the gift they have won. Once the winner receives their gift they will then mark the gift as received. You will earn the contributor value for every giveaway you create increasing your level allowing you to enter level specific giveaways.
Good luck and welcome to : )
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When you make a giveaway, you are required to give the winners a copy of the game they entered for. The site does not supply any games for the winners.
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I understand that non-native english speakers can have problems sometimes with understanding things like FAQ, guidebooks and so on. But english native speakers?
You won't get 3 copies of CS:GO, you will have to buy them and gave away. And you can't give something you have in your steam library (site won't remove game from your profile to give it away later).
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I know, right. How does one even begin to think they can WIN games by creating appropriate GIVE-AWAYs. It defies logic. A simple Google translation of these 2 words alone would've cleared the issue, but it seems some people won't even bother.
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I don't understand it at all. If you know that little of English that you can't comprehend the FAQ then why would you even be using the site? It simply makes no sense. In this case as you stated it's someone from an English speaking country so they are very likely to have no problem with the FAQ and so are most likely just lazy.
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EDIT: Before you do anything please look at the answers to my comment!
Also, if you can't buy three copies of CS:GO atm, you could still delete your giveaways.
(Some senpai help me. If he hasn't created a giveaway before and he now deletes his three first, what happens to his giveaway slots?)
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He would have no slots left. That's the whole point of the slot loss when giveaways are deleted/not received, prevent people who don't know how this works or are just doing fake GAs to troll people from keeping creating giveaways.
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when you are out of slots you can just aks support for more
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Just noticed your country. You giving us Kiwis a bad name.
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well I see he/she has played watchdogs so must be at least 18 ;)
I don't see age is the problem, a 5 year old can be a lot brighter than a 50 year old, it's more so that they have been taught how to read but not to question what they read saying that reading the terms of service when signing up is pretty clear about where the giveaways are coming from
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GTA is the only R18 game on that list isn't it? & yeah I played it when I was 16 but technically my parents owned it not me, the point was if someone is mature enough for a R18 game they should be able to read & understand what this site is all about
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how I know his parents don't own it? maybe because it's on their steam account not their parents?
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If his parents brought the game then gave it to them, that means they now own the game and should be 18 to do so, no?
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what you say makes no sense -.- ya drunk or something? First you say "yeah I played GTA myself, but my parents bought it so they owned it" then you say "yeah, he play Watch Dogs, but even if his parents bought it they don't own it" - how does it make any sense?
Also sorry but cannot understand second part of your sentence: "they now only the game..." - they now only what? Protip - to write a sentence you need a verb :D:
Also also - in 99% of the countries it doesn't matter if a game is on his or his parents account. First of all - in a lot of countries age restriction is just an indication, not a law-abiding thing. And even if it is prohibited to sell R-rated games to minors - then it's not prohibited (in most of the cases) for legal guardians to buy them and then for a minor to play them. Or even "own" them or whatever word you will not properly understand next :D:
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Think you are completely missing the point I was trying to make, of if someone if mature enough for R18 content they should be able to understand this site.
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Didn't you watch porn before you were 18 years old? Or did you wait till you were 18? XD
All this age restrictions.. I think they don't work in the way they should
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Didn't have internet before I was 18 so no never even stumbled across it really
the age restrictions thing is silly in my opinion too just because someone is x number of years old doesn't mean they are that much more mature than another, a 5 year old can be much more mature than a 60 year old
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By the time I was buying games for systems with age restrictions, I was already old enough.
Nothing to do with waiting, they just didn't have them when I was young. :P
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That means you can find him irl and give him a stern talking to, right?
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You do realise NZ isn't some tiny town, right? I might have to drive a few hours just to find him.
And since I can't drive, I'm out of luck.
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Yup! It's a ginormous place. But I believe in you! You'll walk 100 days to track him down, and then we shall tell tales of your adventures and you'll be crowned cg's right-hand man.
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think you can walk from one end of nz to the other within 60 days or so not impossible at all
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Giveaway, from give + away , that is to gift to someone. You made 3 giveaways for CS:GO which means you want to gift 3 copies of CS:GO to the lucky winners. If you intended to GET 3 copies for CS;GO you should have entered someone else's giveaway and hope you win. I would also suggest deleting/cancelling your CS:GO giveaways if you don't intend to give the 3 copies away or you will disappoint some hopeful people. Plus, it's kinda against the site rules.
No, steamgifts will not take away a game form your library. When a giveaway ends the giveaway creator can send a key (via the site, you see this when you create a giveaway) or via e-mail to the winner (the creator can also add the winner on steam and send the game as a steam gift from their inventory), whose e-mail will be revealed to the creator after the giveaway ends. The winner gets the key or gift and activates the game, then marks it as received, the creator gets positive giveaway feedback and everyone is happy.
I think that it should be pretty self-explanatory that when you make a giveaway you intend to give a game away but it seems some people don't get it.
I also tried to find a secret giveaway here in case this was an alt account or something.. I didn't find anything. ;_; Maybe I didn't look hard enough.
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you deserve a potato
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Well, the first thing he did on the site was make 3 giveaways of CS:GO, which he doesn't own and probably wants for himself, so I think it's safe to assume he thought doing that would just GIVE him the game, and only after he tried 3 times and it refused to work, he came here to ask
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+1 seems crazy to me not to have read the Terms of service & FAQ before joining up & making giveaways on a site. Doesn't the site make you read the Terms of Service when making an account?
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Does anyone read FAQs anymore? One read and you would know everything OP without making a fool of yourself with those 3 cs giveaways.
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He lives in New Zealand - native english speaking country, he bloody should.
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I don't read the faqs too, and this site is so obvious for giving away games, not asking for games.
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How will it take your game away if you don't even have it yourself?
Buy a 4-pack of CS-GO.
Activate one for yourself. Keep the other 3 as a gift in your inventory for the winners of your 3 giveaways.
Or get 3 codes to mail or message the winners.
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FAQs . Read them. Memorise them. They are you best friend on any site and prevents you from looking like a fool. Cheers and welcome to the community.
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how is it that so many people think this is how the site works, it defies all logic
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Give + away = giveaway so you are giving something away.
It doesnt take your money just you need to give the game that you want in your giveaway
If you want to win one then enter other people giveaway and if you win you will get the game. It looks like you are very young so tell your winners sorry or you can ask your parents to help you buy 3 cs go. Giving the games will help you increase in levels and enter giveaways at a higher level so you have more chance to win.
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by the way man checked out your youtube channel did you steal that intro from another channel because it's exactly the same as another one I have seen???
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giveaway for me, giveaway for you, i have a game, you dont do..
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