Do you know if South Africa is getting Rands? Cause the US$ is getting a bit out of hand price wise. :p
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I was going to get the Dead or Alive 5 from Steam. US$36 for the pre order. The NZ PS3 price is NZ$110 / US$82 for the game.
I don't want regional pricing. D:
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You in this area of the world as well? If you happen to be an Aussie, I wouldn't mind confirmation on the email.
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At least in your country.. I actually pre-ordered Dead or Alive 5 for Php 899.00 which is roughly USD 20.00, and MKX Premium Php 1800.00 which is around USD 40.00..I believe MKX Premium USD 90.00 in US so I bought it less than half of its price.. I really love our regional pricing. BTW I'm from Philippines :D
EDIT: The only downside is the region-lock thing..
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regional price is the first step to region lock.... but give some nice prices sometimes..... almost never....but its kinda thing that almost worth....
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$ is around 3,99zł
€ is around 4,26zł
Its not the same. Get a game for 20€/$
80zł or 85,20
Maybe not much, but still 5zł. Also-game for 60€ costs in LEGAL shop aoround 120zł. So why i need to buy via steam when i could buy 2 times cheaper in normal shop?
Still-im buying on Steam when theere is huge sales and discounts:)
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Price for Poland in Euro is some bad joke.
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There was in the original topic, but I can't find it.
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I'm really hoping that Australia doesn't get this...
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You really think Aus won't when NZ is? Check your email, its likely already happening on the same day. We get lumped together.
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I have no email from them as of yet. If this does come here, will it stop me trading with the rest of the world?
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I'm going back to consoles. If they can't tempt me with US standard prices, why deal with all the problems I have with PCs?
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I'll still play my library, I'm referring to future purchases. If I'm paying the same amount, might as well get it for the preferred system.
Also, while the console collections are smaller, I still have hundreds of games for Sony systems.
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Yeah, thanks for that. No wonder I couldn't find it, was searching for Wallet.
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so after get your own region price. does it cost more or less compare to the past now delta ?
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It happens in a few more days, but given regional pricing for anything physical, expecting increases across the board.
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I am also in NZ, and this is such bad news for us...
do you remember that bit in iron man 2 where tony says "see? i try to play ball with these assclowns...'? Thats kinda me talking about steam these days...
I used to like steam and buying games through the platform.... I try to be a 'good boy' and buy my games legitimately, but these days EVERY step of the way steam seems more and more determined to make steam and owning games on it, a really hostile experience. We already have one of the most overly expensive stores on steam, and now prices are going to go up even higher thanks to regional currency... meh.. ive got some tf2 keys and some steam wallet left on my account.. when ive burned through that, I guess i'm done :)
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Yeah, Steam is getting worse and worse. Back to free ;) games and consoles I guess.
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Steam is a public Global marketplace.
It has to deal with many different Governments and the way they handle currency for their own citizens.
I can see this as not being a thing Steam wants to do, but something they have to do in order to remain in business.
So much hassle though over fake paper money, so many hurt feelings and wallets over just video games.
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Actually, not true for here. The Aus / NZ 'game tax' has been checked out before. While part of that was because the game was going all the way over here (physical copies), most of the extra was going straight to the game publishers. They just charge us extra because they could.
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At least average Australian has only to work like 5 hours to be able to buy one new AAA game on Steam.
In post-soviet Euro Central Europe we're talking about 2-3 days of normal 8 hour work to be able to buy same game on Steam :( .
(Yeah, I know, averages and statistics. But still, it's some consolation for you guys :P; but then, you're from NZ, not sure how much average NZ earns... ).
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I'm below the average income so would be a couple of days work not counting living expenses, counting that (roof, food, water) in more like a week if not more
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haha yeah don't think that will ever happen :( Anyway average income wouldn't be able to afford to buy a new game everyday & that's not even including food or roof or anything else....oh wow average income has increased a lot, it's now $45,480 - $43,800($120*365) = $1,680 left over, just might be enough for rent for three weeks. 70% of NZ earn less than the average income anyway it gets pushed up a lot from the wealthy ones :)
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I live on a bit less than $13000 a year, I hate being unemployed. :(
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According to this website somewhere like Kharkiv has 79% cheaper cost of living than Auckland so works out not to different really =P
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that's not much different than me & I work fulltime
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Live my parents = cheaper rent =P How do you survive? to write it as a annual amount you most have been unemployed for a while
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Combination of flatting in a shit area and going really cheap on most necessaries.
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NZ dollars, doesn't going that far. NZ$240 a week. $100 on rent (split between two people), $30 on phone and internet bill (flatmate has the power), $20 on my PC (paying that until November), got about $90 left after for food ($10 - $50 a week depending on what needs replacing) and other stuff. Was recently paying off other debts as well, but those are done.
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I know it is NZ dollars, here that would go far* and I would be very happy with a full time work that gave me that much.
Well now I have another answer to give to people who think everything costs too much especially rent, that price for a place for two people is what I would expect from being in a good even very good location and I already find that ridiculously high price how do people justify it there? PC probably is cheaper in NZ than here though(Brazil if you are curious).
*For me at least, know people who could get ten times that and would still waste it all.
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Still nothing for Africa :< the US dollar is getting more expensive but now I don't know if they change currency it would be better or not
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Aussie here, really bad news. Knowing this was coming but it still sucks.
Majority of AAA games will increase.
For example now AC:Unity is $74.99 AUD equivalent on Steam and COD:Advanced Warfare is $59.99 AUD.
Both retail at stores for around $80-$100.
The worst thing with this is that the AUD has fallen a lot in the last year, meaning we have already had a decent increase in price over the last 12 months as is.
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My currency will never be available with Volvo.
i'm guessing converting by other means is better.
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Just ask a friendly Canadian to buy your games if prices get too much out of hand. The conversion on steam is +10% on US prices where the current conversion rate is $1 CAD = 0.76 US) making us the cheapest RoW region :D.
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Have any Aussies received this email yet?
Oh, and will this affect me gifting to other regions and receiving gifts from other regions?
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Couldn't find the original topic.
Just got the email from Valve to let me know NZ$ is on the way, from the 24 onward. ****.
Australia likely got them as well at this point.
Edit - Original thread, thanks Dosh.
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